/** * Bundler script * version number: 79.01 * STANDALONE PRODUCT BUNDLES */ if (typeof window.bundlerLoaded2 === 'undefined' || document.getElementById("bndlr-loaded") === null) { // Check for element with ID bndlr-loaded. // This is here to know when some shitty instant click apps load site through ajax requests (function() { try { // Mark bundler as loaded window.bundlerLoaded2 = true; var elem = document.createElement('div'); elem.id = 'bndlr-loaded'; elem.style.cssText = 'display:none;'; if (document.body !== null) { document.body.appendChild(elem); } } catch(e) { console.error(e); } try { var loadScript = function(url, callback){ var script = document.createElement("script") script.type = "text/javascript"; script.async = true; if (script.readyState){ //IE script.onreadystatechange = function(){ if (script.readyState == "loaded" || script.readyState == "complete"){ script.onreadystatechange = null; callback(); } }; } else { //Others script.onload = function(){ callback(); }; } script.src = url; /* var x = document.getElementsByTagName('script')[0]; x.parentNode.insertBefore(script, x); */ document.getElementsByTagName("head")[0].appendChild(script); }; var idleCallback = function(callback) { if (typeof window.requestIdleCallback === 'function') { window.requestIdleCallback(callback); } else { callback(); } } var debouncers = []; var debounce = function(key, callback, delay) { if (typeof debouncers[key] !== 'undefined') { clearTimeout(debouncers[key]); } debouncers[key] = setTimeout(callback, delay); } // This variable will contain internal functions which can be shared between different modules // E.g.: a function which removes items from the cart which are already in a full bundle, so the funnel module can use only the other products var _internalFunctionCollection = {}; // Main Bundler script var bundler = function($) { var bundlerConsole = { _canUseConsole: function() { return true; }, log: function() { if (this._canUseConsole()) { window.console.log.apply(null, arguments); } }, warn: function() { if (this._canUseConsole()) { window.console.warn.apply(null, arguments); } }, info: function() { if (this._canUseConsole()) { window.console.info.apply(null, arguments); } }, error: function() { if (this._canUseConsole()) { window.console.error.apply(null, arguments); } } }; // Object for accessing products from local storage var local = { maxAge: 60*1000*5, // Save product data for 5 minutes key : 'bndlr_data_', cache: {}, save: function(key, data) { try { var ld = {}; try { var localData = localStorage.getItem(this.getKey()); localData = JSON.parse(localData); } catch(e) { console.log('no data yet'); } if (typeof localData === 'object' && localData !== null) { ld = localData; } ld[key] = { data: data, time: (new Date().getTime()) } ld = JSON.stringify(ld); localStorage.setItem(this.getKey(), ld); this.cache[key] = ld[key]; } catch(e) { console.log('Error when saving data', e); } }, get: function(key, age) { if (typeof age === 'undefined') { age = this.maxAge; } try { if (typeof this.cache[key] !== 'undefined') { var ld = this.cache[key]; } else { var ld = localStorage.getItem(this.getKey()); ld = JSON.parse(ld); } if (typeof ld[key] === 'undefined' || ld[key].time === 'undefined') { return false; } if (ld[key].time < (new Date().getTime() - this.maxAge)) { // data is too old return false; } return JSON.parse(JSON.stringify(ld[key].data)); } catch(e) { return false; } return false; }, getKey: function() { var localKey = this.key; var currency = ''; if (typeof Shopify !== 'undefined' && Shopify.hasOwnProperty('currency') && Shopify.currency.hasOwnProperty('active')) { currency = Shopify.currency.active; } localKey += currency; var country = ''; if (typeof Shopify !== 'undefined' && Shopify.hasOwnProperty('country') && typeof Shopify.country === 'string') { country = Shopify.country; } localKey += country; var locale = ''; if (typeof Shopify !== 'undefined' && Shopify.hasOwnProperty('locale') && typeof Shopify.locale === 'string') { locale = Shopify.locale; } localKey += locale; return localKey; } }; var customer = { cache: {}, promises: {}, getCustomerTags: function(init) { if (typeof init === 'undefined') { init = false; } var customerTags = null; if (typeof BndlrScriptAppended !== 'undefined' && BndlrScriptAppended === true) { // Script is appended, so tags should be available if (typeof BndlrCustomerTags !== 'undefined' && BndlrCustomerTags.length > 0) { customerTags = BndlrCustomerTags; } else { // Customer tags don't exist (customer is most likely not logged in). customerTags = []; } } if (customerTags === null) { // Retrieve them from storage tagsFromStorage = local.get('customer_tags', 60*1000*30); // 30 min if (tagsFromStorage !== false) { customerTags = tagsFromStorage; } } local.save('customer_tags', customerTags); if (customerTags === null && init === true) { // This request should be made only on script load var tagsFromEndpoint = customer.getCustomerTagsFromEndpoint().done(function(data) { if (typeof data.tags !== 'undefined' && data.tags !== null) { customerTags = data.tags; } else { customerTags = []; } local.save('customer_tags', customerTags); }); } return customerTags; }, getCustomerTagsFromEndpoint: function() { // Returns customer tags (Array), or Null if the tags couldn't be retrieved. var endpoint = 'a/bundles/customer.json'; var url = nav.getRootUrl(true) + endpoint; // Check if there is a response in the cache if (typeof customer.cache[url] !== 'undefined' && typeof customer.cache[url] !== 'undefined') { // Return the response var deferred = $.Deferred().resolve(JSON.parse(JSON.stringify(cart.cache[url]))); return deferred.promise(); } if (typeof customer.promises[url] !== 'undefined' && typeof customer.promises[url].readyState !== 'undefined' && customer.promises[url].readyState < 4) { // This logic here will return the pending promise if we request the same url multiple times before the first promise returns a response. // TODO we could add the timestamp to promises and use them as caching mecahnism, as if you add the .done() callback to an executed promise (readyState === 4), the callback gets executed immediately. // The only problem could be if the returned object gets modified in one of the callbacks return customer.promises[url]; } else { var promise = $.ajax({ url: url, dataType: 'json' }).done(function(cartData) { customer.cache[url] = JSON.parse(JSON.stringify(cartData)); }); // Add promise to the promises object customer.promises[url] = promise; return promise; } }, }; var cart = { cartCache: {}, promises: {}, updateNote: function(note) { var promise = $.ajax({ url: nav.getRootUrl(true) + 'cart/update.js', dataType: 'json', data: { note: note } }); return promise; }, get: function(whichEndpoint, checkCache) { // We are displaying the bundle via preview, so the cart.js does not need to be called if (displayBundleViaPreview) { return; } if (typeof checkCache === 'undefined') { checkCache = true; } if (typeof whichEndpoint === 'undefined') { whichEndpoint = 'default'; } var endpoint = 'cart.js'; if (whichEndpoint == 'proxy') { var endpoint = 'a/bundles/cart/cart.json'; } // Shopify.routes.root // Don't pass the currency parameter if the Shopify's cart cart change request returns null as the value for "sections" in the request. This is most likely a bug in Shopify. var url = nav.getRootUrl(true) + endpoint + '?currency='+bndlr.getDefaultCurrency()+'&bundler-cart-call'; // Changed the order of parameters on 2023-06-14 globalmountainbikenetwork if (checkCache) { // Check if there is a response in the cache which isn't older than 1.5 seconds var timestamp = Date.now(); timestamp = Math.round(timestamp / 1500); if (typeof cart.cartCache[url] !== 'undefined' && typeof cart.cartCache[url][timestamp] !== 'undefined') { // Return the response var deferred = $.Deferred().resolve(JSON.parse(JSON.stringify(cart.cartCache[url][timestamp]))); return deferred.promise(); } } if (checkCache && typeof cart.promises[url] !== 'undefined' && typeof cart.promises[url].readyState !== 'undefined' && cart.promises[url].readyState < 4) { // This logic here will return the pending promise if we request the same url multiple times before the first promise returns a response. // TODO we could add the timestamp to promises and use them as caching mecahnism, as if you add the .done() callback to an executed promise (readyState === 4), the callback gets executed immediately. // The only problem could be if the returned object gets modified in one of the callbacks return cart.promises[url]; } else { var promise = $.ajax({ url: url, dataType: 'json' }).done(function(cartData) { // Save response to cache for 1.5 seconds var timestamp = Date.now(); timestamp = Math.round(timestamp / 1500); if (typeof cart.cartCache[url] === 'undefined') { cart.cartCache[url] = {}; } cart.cartCache[url][timestamp] = JSON.parse(JSON.stringify(cartData)); }).done(function(cartData) { cart.modifyCartData(cartData); }); // Add promise to the promises object cart.promises[url] = promise; return promise; } }, modifyCartData: function(cartData) { if (typeof clientSpecifics['modify_cart_data'] !== 'undefined') { clientSpecifics['modify_cart_data'].trigger(cartData); } }, removeUnusedProductProperties: function(product) { var unusedProperties = [ 'description', 'published_at', 'created_at', 'compare_at_price', 'compare_at_price_max', 'compare_at_price_min', 'compare_at_price_varies', 'price', 'price_max', 'price_min', 'price_varies', 'tags', 'type', 'url', 'vendor', //'selling_plan_groups' // We need this to pass to Seal so the Seal can get Shopify Markets prices ]; var unusedVariantProperties = [ 'barcode', 'requires_shipping', 'sku', 'taxable', 'weight', //'selling_plan_allocations' // We need this to pass to Seal so the Seal can get Shopify Markets prices ]; for(var i = 0; i< unusedProperties.length; i++) { if (typeof product[unusedProperties[i]] !== 'undefined') { delete product[unusedProperties[i]]; } } for(var i = 0; i < product.variants.length; i++) { for(var j = 0; j < unusedVariantProperties.length; j++) { if (typeof product.variants[i][unusedVariantProperties[j]] !== 'undefined') { delete product.variants[i][unusedVariantProperties[j]]; } } } return product; }, modifyProductStructure: function(product) { if (typeof clientSpecifics['modify_product_structure'] !== 'undefined') { product = clientSpecifics['modify_product_structure'].trigger(product); } return product; }, getProductData: function(rootUrl, productHandle) { var localProduct = local.get(productHandle); if (displayBundleViaPreview) { var bundlePreviewProducts = window.preview_bundle.products; for(var key in bundlePreviewProducts) { if (bundlePreviewProducts.hasOwnProperty(key)) { var previewProduct = bundlePreviewProducts[key]; if (previewProduct.handle === productHandle) { localProduct = previewProduct; } } } } if (localProduct === false) { // Product is not in local storage or it's time has expired //var productUrl = rootUrl+'products/'+productHandle+'.js'; var country = ''; if (typeof window.Shopify !== 'undefined' && typeof window.Shopify.country === 'string') { country = window.Shopify.country; } var productUrl = rootUrl+'products/'+productHandle+'.js?currency='+bndlr.getDefaultCurrency()+'&country='+country; //console.log('productUrl', productUrl); var ajax = $.ajax({ url: productUrl, dataType: 'json' }) ajax.done(function(data) { //console.log('data', JSON.parse(JSON.stringify(data))); data = cart.removeUnusedProductProperties(data); data = cart.modifyProductStructure(data); local.save(productHandle, data); }); /* ajax.fail(function() { console.log('error'); }); ajax.done(function() { console.log('done'); });*/ return ajax; } else { // Product was retrieved from local storage var deferred = $.Deferred().resolve(localProduct); return deferred.promise(); } }, getProductDataJSON: function(rootUrl, productHandle) { var productUrl = rootUrl+'products/'+productHandle; return $.ajax({ url: productUrl, contentType: 'application/json', dataType: 'json' }); }, getProductDataViaProxy: function(rootUrl, productId, handle, errorCallback) { // Handle is here just to be used in the error message var locale = ''; if (typeof window.Shopify !== 'undefined' && typeof window.Shopify.locale === 'string') { locale = window.Shopify.locale; } var productUrl = rootUrl+'a/bundles/products/product.js?id='+productId+'&cur='+bndlr.getDefaultCurrency()+'&locale='+locale; return $.ajax({ url : productUrl, contentType : 'application/json', dataType : 'json' }).done(function(data) { if (typeof data === 'undefined' || data.length === 0) { // Couldn't retrieve product data // Return error var errorMessage = 'Bundler: Can\'t get product data: ' + nav.getRootUrl(true) + 'products/' + handle +'.
To show the bundle widget, just make sure that the product is active in your online shop.'; console.warn(errorMessage); if (typeof errorCallback === 'function') { errorCallback(); } } else { data = cart.removeUnusedProductProperties(data); data = cart.modifyProductStructure(data); local.save(data.handle, data); } }); }, addToCart: function(rootUrl, id, quantity, properties) { var url = rootUrl+'cart/add.js?bundler-cart-call'; return $.ajax({ url: url, data: { id: id, quantity: quantity, properties: properties }, type: 'POST', dataType: 'json' }); }, addMultipleItemsToCart: function(rootUrl, items) { // This is a non-standard way of adding the items to the cart var url = rootUrl+'cart/add.js?bundler-cart-call'; // Merge items with the same variant ids and properties to one element. // If you don't merge them, an issue can occur where the cart doesn't get properly updated. It only hapens if you add the same producs to the cart in the same request. var totalQuantityCount = {}; for(var i = 0; i 0) { $('#CartCount [data-cart-count]').html(itemCount); } else if ($('#CartCount').length > 0) { $('#CartCount').html($('#CartCount').html().replace(/(\d+)/, data.item_count)); //$('#CartCount').html(itemCount); } if ($('#CartCount.hide').length>0) { $('#CartCount.hide').removeClass('hide'); } if ($('#site-cart-handle .count-holder .count').length > 0) { $('#site-cart-handle .count-holder .count').html($('#site-cart-handle .count-holder .count').html().replace(/(\d+)/, data.item_count)); } if ($('#minicart .count.cart-target').length > 0) { $('#minicart .count.cart-target').html($('#minicart .count.cart-target').html().replace(/(\d+)/, data.item_count)); } if ($('#sidebar #meta .count').length > 0) { $('#sidebar #meta .count').html($('#sidebar #meta .count').html().replace(/(\d+)/, data.item_count)); } if ($('.site-header__cart .site-header__cart-indicator').length > 0) { $('.site-header__cart .site-header__cart-indicator').html($('.site-header__cart .site-header__cart-indicator').html().replace(/(\d+)/, data.item_count)); if (data.item_count>0) { $('.site-header__cart .site-header__cart-indicator').removeClass('hide'); } } if ($('.cart-count').length > 0) { $('.cart-count').html($('.cart-count').html().replace(/(\d+)/, data.item_count)); } if ($('.cartCount[data-cart-count]').length > 0) { $('.cartCount[data-cart-count]').html($('.cartCount[data-cart-count]').html().replace(/(\d+)/, data.item_count)); } if ($('[data-js-cart-count-desktop]').length > 0) { $('[data-js-cart-count-desktop]').html(data.item_count); $('[data-js-cart-count-desktop]').attr('data-js-cart-count-desktop', data.item_count); } if ($('[data-cart-count]').length > 0) { $('[data-cart-count]').attr('data-cart-count', data.item_count); } if ($('[data-header-cart-count]').length > 0) { $('[data-header-cart-count]').attr('data-header-cart-count', data.item_count).addClass('visible'); } if ($('.site-header__cart-toggle .site-header__cart-indicator').length > 0) { $('.site-header__cart-toggle .site-header__cart-indicator').html(data.item_count); } if ($('.cart-item-count-header').length > 0) { var $itemCountHeader = $('.cart-item-count-header').first(); if ($itemCountHeader.hasClass('cart-item-count-header--total') === true) { // Set rpice, as this theme shows price there if ($itemCountHeader.find('.money').length) { $itemCountHeader = $itemCountHeader.find('.money').first(); $itemCountHeader.html(bndlr.formatPrice(data.items_subtotal_price)); } } else { // Set item count as this theme uses item count there $itemCountHeader.html($itemCountHeader.html().replace(/(\d+)/, data.item_count)); } } if (typeof refreshCart == 'function') { refreshCart(data); } if (typeof slate !== 'undefined' && typeof slate.cart !== 'undefined' && typeof slate.cart.updateCart == 'function') { slate.cart.updateCart(); } if (typeof ajaxCart !== 'undefined' && typeof ajaxCart.load === 'function') { ajaxCart.load(); } if ($('.mega-nav-count.nav-main-cart-amount.count-items').length > 0) { $('.mega-nav-count.nav-main-cart-amount.count-items').html($('.mega-nav-count.nav-main-cart-amount.count-items').html().replace(/(\d+)/, data.item_count)); $('.mega-nav-count.nav-main-cart-amount.count-items.hidden').removeClass('hidden'); } if ($('#cart-icon-bubble').length > 0) { var cntSelector = '#cart-icon-bubble .cart-count-bubble span[aria-hidden="true"]'; if ($(cntSelector).length > 0) { $(cntSelector).html($(cntSelector).html().replace(/(\d+)/, data.item_count)); } else { $('#cart-icon-bubble').append('
'); } } if (typeof Shopify !== 'undefined' && typeof Shopify.updateQuickCart !== 'undefined') { Shopify.updateQuickCart(data); } if (typeof bcActionList !== 'undefined' && typeof bcActionList.atcBuildMiniCartSlideTemplate === 'function') { bcActionList.atcBuildMiniCartSlideTemplate(data); if (typeof openMiniCart === 'function') { openMiniCart(); } } if ($('.custom-cart-eye-txt').length > 0) { $('.custom-cart-eye-txt').html($('.custom-cart-eye-txt').html().replace(/(\d+)/, data.item_count)); } if ($('.cart_count').length > 0) { $('.cart_count').each(function(k, e) { $(e).html($(e).html().replace(/(\d+)/, data.item_count)); }); } if ($('.cart-count-bubble [data-cart-count]').length > 0) { $('.cart-count-bubble [data-cart-count]').html($('.cart-count-bubble [data-cart-count]').html().replace(/(\d+)/, data.item_count)); } if ($('.cart-count-bubble span.visually-hidden').length > 0) { $('.cart-count-bubble span.visually-hidden').html($('.cart-count-bubble span.visually-hidden').html().replace(/(\d+)/, data.item_count)); } if ($('.header-cart-count .cart_count_val').length > 0) { $('.header-cart-count .cart_count_val').html(data.item_count); $('.header-cart-count').removeClass('empty_cart_count'); } if (typeof Shopify !== 'undefined' && typeof Shopify.updateCartInfo !== 'undefined' && $('.top-cart-holder .cart-target form .cart-info .cart-content').length > 0) { Shopify.updateCartInfo(data, '.top-cart-holder .cart-target form .cart-info .cart-content'); } if ($('#CartCount').length > 0) { if (data.item_count>0) { $('#CartCount').removeClass('hidden'); } } var event = new CustomEvent("wetheme-toggle-right-drawer", { detail: { type: 'cart', forceOpen: undefined, params: { cart: data }, }, }); document.documentElement.dispatchEvent(event); if (typeof window.vndHlp !== 'undefined' && typeof window.vndHlp.refreshCart === 'function') { window.vndHlp.refreshCart(data); } try { if (typeof window.renderCart === 'function') { window.renderCart(data); if (data.items.length > 0) { var $cart = $('.mini-cart.is-empty'); $cart.removeClass('is-empty'); } } } catch(e) { } try { /* if (typeof window.SATCB !== 'undefined' && typeof window.SATCB.Helpers !== 'undefined' && typeof window.SATCB.Helpers.postATCCallback === 'function') { window.SATCB.Helpers.postATCCallback(); } */ if (typeof window.SATCB !== 'undefined' && typeof window.SATCB.Helpers !== 'undefined' && typeof window.SATCB.Helpers.openCartSlider === 'function') { window.SATCB.Helpers.openCartSlider(); } } catch(e) { } try { //document.dispatchEvent(new CustomEvent('theme:cart:reload')); document.dispatchEvent(new CustomEvent('theme:cart:change', { detail: { cart: data, cartCount: data.item_count }, bubbles: true })) } catch(e) { } if (typeof window.cartStore !== 'undefined' && typeof window.cartStore.setState === 'function') { // vittoriacoffee window.cartStore.setState({justAdded: {}, popupActive: true, item_count: data.item_count, items: data.items, cart: data}); } if (typeof window.Shopify !== 'undefined' && typeof window.Shopify.onCartUpdate === 'function') { if (Shopify.onCartUpdate.toString().indexOf('There are now') === -1) { window.Shopify.onCartUpdate(data, true); } } if (typeof theme !== 'undefined' && typeof theme.Cart !== 'undefined' && typeof theme.Cart.setCurrentData === 'function') { theme.Cart.setCurrentData(data); } if (typeof window.halo !== 'undefined' && typeof window.halo.updateSidebarCart === 'function') { window.halo.updateSidebarCart(data); var $sideBarCartIcon = $('[data-cart-sidebar]'); if ($sideBarCartIcon.length > 0) { $sideBarCartIcon[0].click(); } } if (typeof window.Shopify !== 'undefined' && typeof window.Shopify.theme !== 'undefined' && typeof window.Shopify.theme.ajaxCart !== 'undefined' && typeof window.Shopify.theme.ajaxCart.updateView === 'function') { Shopify.theme.ajaxCart.updateView({cart_url: '/cart'}, data); } if (typeof window.theme !== 'undefined' && typeof window.theme.cart !== 'undefined' && typeof window.theme.cart.updateAllHtml === 'function') { try { window.theme.cart.updateAllHtml(); window.theme.cart.updateTotals(data.items.length); document.querySelector('.header--cart-toggle').click(); } catch(e) {} } if (typeof monster_setCartItems === 'function') { try { monster_setCartItems(data.items); } catch(e) { console.error(e); } } try { if (typeof window.refreshCartContents !== 'undefined') { window.refreshCartContents(data); } } catch(e) { } /* if ($('.header-actions [data-header-cart-total]').length > 0) { $('.header-actions [data-header-cart-total]').html(bndlr.formatPrice(data.items_subtotal_price)); }*/ if ($('.header-actions [data-header-cart-count]').length > 0) { $('.header-actions [data-header-cart-count]').html(data.item_count); } /* try { window.dispatchEvent( new CustomEvent('boost-sd-set-cart-data', { detail: { cartData: data, }, }) ); } catch(e) { }*/ /* try { document.body.dispatchEvent( new CustomEvent('shapes:modalcart:afteradditem', { bubbles: true, detail: { response: data }, }) ); } catch(e) { }*/ try { if (typeof renderProduct === 'function') { renderProduct(data.items); } } catch(e) { } var $cartIcon = $('.header__icon-list [aria-controls="cart-drawer"][href*="/cart"]'); if ($cartIcon.length > 0) { $cartIcon[0].click(); } var $cartIcon = $('a#headerCartStatus'); if ($cartIcon.length > 0) { $cartIcon[0].click(); } window.dispatchEvent(new Event('update_cart')); if (typeof clientSpecifics['update_cart'] !== 'undefined') { clientSpecifics['update_cart'].trigger(data); } } catch(e) { bundlerConsole.log(e); } try { if (typeof window.theme !== 'undefined' && typeof window.theme.cart !== 'undefined' && typeof window.theme.cart.store !== 'undefined' && typeof window.theme.cart.store.getState === 'function') { var cartState = window.theme.cart.store.getState(); if (typeof cartState.updateNote === 'function') { // Update note to the same value as this triggers a cart drawer update XD cartState.updateNote(cart.note); } } } catch(e) { console.log(e); } try { var miniCartOuterbox = document.querySelector('.minicart__outerbox'); if (miniCartOuterbox !== null && typeof window.cartContentUpdate === 'function') { sectionsToRender = miniCartOuterbox.dataset.section; var promise = fetch(nav.getRootUrl(true) + 'cart?sections='+sectionsToRender, { method: 'GET', cache: 'no-cache', credentials: 'same-origin', headers: { 'Content-Type': 'application/json' } }).then(function(sectionsData) { try { return sectionsData.clone().json().then(function(p) { // Also retrieve the cart because this method also needs the full cart data data.sections = p; window.cartContentUpdate(data, miniCartOuterbox, sectionsToRender); }); } catch(e) { console.error(e); } }); } } catch(e) { console.error(e); } /* try { document.body.dispatchEvent( new CustomEvent('shapes:modalcart:afteradditem', { bubbles: true, detail: { response: data } }) ); } catch(e) { console.error(e); }*/ }); if (typeof window.SLIDECART_UPDATE !== 'undefined') { try { // #slidecarthq window.SLIDECART_UPDATE(); } catch(e) { bundlerConsole.log(e); } } if (typeof window.SLIDECART_OPEN !== 'undefined') { setTimeout(function() { try { // meina-naturkosmetik-de // #slidecarthq window.SLIDECART_OPEN(); } catch(e) { bundlerConsole.log(e); } }, 500); } if (typeof Shopify !== 'undefined' && typeof Shopify.theme !== 'undefined' && typeof Shopify.theme.jsAjaxCart !== 'undefined' && typeof Shopify.theme.jsAjaxCart.updateView === 'function') { Shopify.theme.jsAjaxCart.updateView(); } if (typeof CartJS !== 'undefined' && typeof CartJS.getCart === 'function') { try { // Avone theme CartJS.getCart(); } catch(e) { bundlerConsole.log(e); } } if ($('.sp-cart .sp-dropdown-toggle').length && typeof Shopify !== 'undefined' && typeof Shopify.getCart === 'function') { Shopify.getCart(); } if ($('form.cart-drawer').length > 0) { // Trigger update of cart drawer in Narrative theme // Simulate edit on the template or actual input of one of the products in the cart $('.cart-drawer input').first().trigger('blur'); setTimeout(function(){ $('.cart-drawer input').first().trigger('input'); }, 350); } try { var cartDrawer = document.querySelector('m-cart-drawer'); if (cartDrawer !== null && typeof cartDrawer.onCartDrawerUpdate === 'function') { cartDrawer.onCartDrawerUpdate(); if (typeof cartDrawer.open === 'function') { cartDrawer.open() } } } catch(e) { bundlerConsole.log(e); } try { var cartDrawer = document.querySelector('#CartDrawer'); if (cartDrawer !== null && typeof cartDrawer.update === 'function') { cartDrawer.update(); } } catch(e) { bundlerConsole.log(e); } try { // Trigger cart update document.dispatchEvent(new CustomEvent('theme:update:cart')); setTimeout(function() { document.dispatchEvent(new CustomEvent('theme:open:cart-drawer')); }, 500); } catch(e) { bundlerConsole.log(e); } try { if (typeof window.updateCartDrawer === 'function') { window.updateCartDrawer(); } } catch(e) { bundlerConsole.log(e); } try { document.dispatchEvent(new CustomEvent('cart:refresh')); } catch(e) {} try { document.documentElement.dispatchEvent(new CustomEvent('cart:refresh', { bubbles: true })); } catch(e) {} if (typeof window.HsCartDrawer !== 'undefined' && typeof window.HsCartDrawer.updateSlideCart === 'function') { // You could also use the window.HS_SLIDE_CART_UPDATE() method debounce('hscartdrawer', function() { try { // tesbros HsCartDrawer.updateSlideCart(); } catch(e) { bundlerConsole.log(e); } }, 100); } if (typeof window.HS_SLIDE_CART_UPDATE === 'function') { // You could also use the window.HS_SLIDE_CART_UPDATE() method debounce('hscartdrawer2', function() { try { window.HS_SLIDE_CART_UPDATE(); } catch(e) { bundlerConsole.log(e); } }, 100); } if (typeof window.HS_SLIDE_CART_OPEN !== 'undefined' && typeof window.HS_SLIDE_CART_OPEN === 'function') { debounce('hscartdraweropen', function() { try { // adultluxe window.HS_SLIDE_CART_OPEN() } catch(e) { bundlerConsole.log(e); } }, 100); } if (typeof theme !== 'undefined' && typeof theme.Cart !== 'undefined' && typeof theme.Cart.updateCart === 'function') { theme.Cart.updateCart(); } if (typeof window.cart !== 'undefined' && typeof window.cart.getCart === 'function') { window.cart.getCart(); } if (typeof window.updateMiniCartContents === 'function') { try { window.updateMiniCartContents(); } catch(e) {} } if (typeof window.loadEgCartDrawer === 'function') { try { window.loadEgCartDrawer(); } catch(e) {} } try { document.dispatchEvent(new CustomEvent('cart:build')); } catch(e) {} try { document.dispatchEvent( new CustomEvent('obsidian:upsell:refresh') ); document.dispatchEvent( new CustomEvent('obsidian:upsell:open') ); } catch(e) {} var siteCart = document.getElementById('site-cart'); if (siteCart !== null) { try { siteCart.show(); } catch(e) {} } if (typeof window.theme !== 'undefined' && typeof window.theme.updateCartSummaries === 'function') { try { window.theme.updateCartSummaries(); } catch(e) {} } if (typeof window.CD_REFRESHCART !== 'undefined') { try { // #506.io window.CD_REFRESHCART(); } catch(e) { bundlerConsole.log(e); } } if (typeof window.CD_OPENCART !== 'undefined') { setTimeout(function() { try { // pengems // #506.io window.CD_OPENCART(); } catch(e) { bundlerConsole.log(e); } }, 500); } if (typeof window.buildCart === 'function') { try { window.buildCart(); } catch(e) { bundlerConsole.log(e); } } if (typeof window.PXUTheme !== 'undefined' && typeof window.PXUTheme.jsAjaxCart !== 'undefined' && typeof window.PXUTheme.jsAjaxCart.updateView === 'function') { try { window.PXUTheme.jsAjaxCart.updateView(); } catch(e) {} } if (typeof window.theme !== 'undefined' && typeof window.theme.addedToCartHandler === 'function') { try { window.theme.addedToCartHandler({}); } catch(e) {} } // Rebuy.Cart.fetchCart() if (typeof window.Rebuy !== 'undefined' && typeof window.Rebuy.Cart !== 'undefined' && typeof window.Rebuy.Cart.fetchCart === 'function') { try { // Triggering Rebuy's fetch cart window.Rebuy.Cart.fetchCart(); } catch(e) {} } /* Alpine.store('xMiniCart').reLoad(); Alpine.store('xMiniCart').openCart(); */ if (typeof window.Alpine !== 'undefined' && typeof Alpine.store !== 'undefined') { try { Alpine.store('xMiniCart').reLoad(); Alpine.store('xMiniCart').openCart(); setTimeout(function() { // Refresh cart DiscountEstimator.calculateDiscounts(); }, 1000); } catch(e) {} } if (typeof window.cart_calling !== 'undefined' && typeof window.cart_calling.updateCart === 'function') { try { window.cart_calling.updateCart(); } catch(e) {} } /* if (typeof window.app === 'function') { try { console.log('creating app'); var tmpApp = window.app(); if (typeof tmpApp.updateCart === 'function') { console.log('updating cart'); tmpApp.updateCart(); } } catch(e) {} }*/ try { var event = new Event('tcustomizer-event-cart-change'); document.dispatchEvent(event); } catch(e) {} try { document.body.dispatchEvent(new CustomEvent("label:modalcart:afteradditem")); } catch(e) {} try { // Dispatch cart drawer refresh event document.dispatchEvent(new CustomEvent('dispatch:cart-drawer:refresh', { bubbles: true })); setTimeout(function() { document.dispatchEvent(new CustomEvent('dispatch:cart-drawer:open')); }, 500); } catch(e) {} try { if (typeof window.upcartRefreshCart !== 'undefined') { window.upcartRefreshCart(); } } catch(e) { } try { if (typeof window.SHTHelper !== 'undefined' && typeof window.SHTHelper.forceUpdateCartStatus === 'function') { window.SHTHelper.forceUpdateCartStatus(); } } catch(e) { } try { // Update cart in Dawn theme (clever-eingespart) var cartEl1 = document.querySelector('cart-notification') || document.querySelector('cart-drawer') || document.querySelector('sht-cart-drwr-frm'); if (cartEl1 !== null && typeof cartEl1.renderContents === 'function') { var sections = cartEl1.getSectionsToRender().map((section) => section.id); var promise = fetch(nav.getRootUrl(true) + 'cart?sections='+sections.toString(), { method: 'GET', cache: 'no-cache', credentials: 'same-origin', headers: { 'Content-Type': 'application/json' } }).then(function(data) { var cartDrawer = document.querySelector('cart-drawer.drawer.is-empty'); if (cartDrawer !== null) { cartDrawer.classList.remove('is-empty'); } try { return data.clone().json().then(function(p) { try { var newData = { sections: p }; cartEl1.renderContents(newData); // Trigger the event to trigger the recalculation fo total cart values var cartDrawerMutationEvent = new CustomEvent('bndlr:cart_drawer_mutation', { detail: { message: 'Cart drawer mutation occurred' } }); // Step 2: Dispatch the event on the window object window.dispatchEvent(cartDrawerMutationEvent); } catch(e) { console.error(e); } }); } catch(e) { console.error(e); } }); } } catch(e) { console.error(e); } try { // Update cart in Dawn theme (clever-eingespart) var cartEl = document.querySelector('mini-cart') || document.querySelector('cart-drawer') || document.querySelector('product-form'); if (cartEl !== null && typeof cartEl.renderContents === 'function') { var sections = cartEl.getSectionsToRender().map((section) => section.id); var promise = fetch(nav.getRootUrl(true) + 'cart?sections='+sections.toString(), { method: 'GET', cache: 'no-cache', credentials: 'same-origin', headers: { 'Content-Type': 'application/json' } }).then(function(data) { try { return data.clone().json().then(function(p) { try { var newData = { sections: p }; cartEl.renderContents(newData); } catch(e) { console.error(e); } }); } catch(e) { console.error(e); } }); } } catch(e) { console.error(e); } bndlr.hideDynamicCheckoutButtons(); } }; var nav = { getRootUrl: function(withLocale) { if (typeof withLocale === 'undefined') { withLocale = false; } var locale = ''; if (withLocale) { locale = this.getUrlLocale(); } if (this.isShopPage() === false) { // Return Shopify URL on third party pages return 'https://tiendasishop-co.myshopify.com/'; } else { var url = window.location.origin?window.location.origin+'/':window.location.protocol+'//'+window.location.host+'/'; if (locale.length > 0) { // Locale is set in the current URL, add it to the root URL url += locale+'/'; } return url; } }, isShopPage: function() { if (typeof Shopify !== 'undefined' && Shopify.shop === 'tiendasishop-co.myshopify.com') { return true; } return false; }, getInvoiceEndpoint: function(withExtraInfo, additionalGetParams) { if (typeof withExtraInfo === 'undefined') { withExtraInfo = false; } if (typeof additionalGetParams === 'undefined') { additionalGetParams = ''; } var ssad = false; // Seal Subscriptions apply discount if (typeof window.SealSubs !== 'undefined' && typeof window.SealSubs.discounts_apply_on_initial_order === 'boolean') { ssad = SealSubs.discounts_apply_on_initial_order; } // Extra info contains details about discounts, separated discount code, etc. var extraParam = ''; if (withExtraInfo) { extraParam = '&extra=true'; } // Check if at least one bundle has tags limitation cofigured // Try to get the customer ID so that we can apply the taxable property var customerId = ''; if (typeof window.meta !== 'undefined' && typeof window.meta.page !== 'undefined' && typeof window.meta.page.customerId !== 'undefined') { customerId = window.meta.page.customerId; } if (typeof window.ShopifyAnalytics !== 'undefined'&& typeof window.ShopifyAnalytics.meta !== 'undefined'&& typeof window.ShopifyAnalytics.meta.page !== 'undefined' && typeof window.ShopifyAnalytics.meta.page.customerId !== 'undefined') { customerId = window.ShopifyAnalytics.meta.page.customerId ; } if (customerId !== '') { extraParam += '&customer_id='+encodeURIComponent(customerId); } return this.getAppUrl() + 'cdo.php?v31&shop=tiendasishop-co.myshopify.com&ssad='+ssad.toString()+extraParam+additionalGetParams; }, getAppUrl: function() { return 'https://bundler.nice-team.net/app/api/'; }, isCartPage: function() { if (/\/cart\/?/.test(window.location.href)) { return true; } return false; }, isProductPage: function() { if (/\/products\/([^\?\/\n]+)/.test(window.location.href)) { return true; } return false; }, getProductHandle: function() { var href = window.location.href; href = href.replace('/products/products/', '/products/'); if (/\/products\/([^\?#\/\n]+)/i.test(href)) { var found = href.match(/\/products\/([^\?#\/\n]+)/i); if (typeof found[1] !== 'undefined') { return found[1]; } } return false; }, getVariantId: function() { var qp = this.getQueryParams(window.location.search); if (typeof qp['variant'] !== 'undefined') { return qp['variant']; } return ''; }, getQueryParams: function(qs) { qs = qs.split('+').join(' '); var params = {}, tokens, re = /[?&]?([^=]+)=([^&]*)/g; while (tokens = re.exec(qs)) { params[decodeURIComponent(tokens[1])] = decodeURIComponent(tokens[2]); } return params; }, getQuickCheckoutUrl: function(name, id) { return 'https://tiendasishop-co.myshopify.com/a/bundles/checkout/'+utils.encodeName(name)+'-'+utils.encodeId(id); }, getLandingPageUrl: function(name, id) { var url = 'a/bundles/'+utils.encodeName(name)+'-'+utils.encodeId(id); var rootUrl = this.getRootUrl(true); return rootUrl+url; }, getLocale: function() { // Don't use Weglot here (probably, as it usually doesn't use the /locale/ in URL) if (typeof Shopify !== 'undefined' && typeof Shopify.locale === 'string') { return Shopify.locale } return ''; }, getUrlLocale: function() { var baseUrl = this.getRootUrl(); var locale = this.getLocale(); if (typeof window.Shopify !== 'undefined' && typeof Shopify.routes !== 'undefined' && typeof Shopify.routes.root === 'string') { // Get locale which is in URL, but is also saved in routes locale = Shopify.routes.root.replace(/\//g, ''); } if (locale !== '') { // Check if the baseurl + locale is present in the url if (window.location.href.indexOf(baseUrl+locale+'/') === 0) { return locale; } } return ''; } }; // Collection of dumb functions var utils = { getRandomString: function(length) { if (typeof length === 'undefined') { length = 14; } var result = ''; var characters = 'abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz0123456789'; var charactersLength = characters.length; var a = []; for ( var i = 0; i < (length); i++) { a.push(characters.charAt(Math.floor(Math.random() * charactersLength))); } return a.join(''); }, encodeId: function(num) { var chrs = '0123456789abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz'; var result = ''; var l = chrs.length; while (num) { result = chrs.charAt(num%l) + result; num = parseInt(num/l); } return result; }, reverseEncodeId: function(num) { var chrs = 'abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz0123456789'; var result = ''; var l = chrs.length; while (num) { result = chrs.charAt(num%l) + result; num = parseInt(num/l); } return result; }, deCompress: function(code) { var chrs = '0123456789abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz'; var result = 0; var cl = code.length; for (var i = 0; i < cl; i++) { result = (result * chrs.length + chrs.indexOf(code.charAt(i))); } return result; }, encodeName: function(name) { name = name.toLowerCase(); name = name.replace(/\s/g, '-'); name = name.replace(/[/$\\?%#]/g, ''); return name; }, formatMoney: function(cents, format, fallbackCurrency, directionFor50) { // The directionFor50 is used to let the function know how to round numbers if the decimals equal 50. // We are using this direction for discounted value if the user chooses the amount_no_decimals format, because we calculate the discounted value in here by // subtracting original - discount. // E.g. // original = 100 // discount = 0.5 // discounted value = 99.5 // Rounded discounted value would be 100 and the rounded discount would be 1. if (typeof directionFor50 === 'undefined') { var directionFor50 = 'up'; } try { if (typeof cents == 'string') { cents = cents.replace('.',''); } var value = ''; var placeholderRegex = /\{\{\s*(\w+)\s*\}\}/; var formatString = format; function defaultOption(opt, def) { return (typeof opt == 'undefined' ? def : opt); } function formatWithDelimiters(number, precision, thousands, decimal, directionFor50) { precision = defaultOption(precision, 2); thousands = defaultOption(thousands, ','); decimal = defaultOption(decimal, '.'); directionFor50 = defaultOption(directionFor50, 'up'); if (isNaN(number) || number == null) { return 0; } var originalNumber = number; number = (number/100.0).toFixed(precision); if (directionFor50 === 'down') { if (((originalNumber/100) - number) === -0.5) { // We have rounded in the wrong direction // Subtract 1 to fix this number -= 1; number = number.toString(); } } var parts = number.split('.'), dollars = parts[0].replace(/(\d)(?=(\d\d\d)+(?!\d))/g, '$1' + thousands), cents = parts[1] ? (decimal + parts[1]) : ''; return dollars + cents; } switch(formatString.match(placeholderRegex)[1]) { case 'amount': value = formatWithDelimiters(cents, 2); break; case 'amount_no_decimals': value = formatWithDelimiters(cents, 0, ',', '.', directionFor50); break; case 'amount_with_comma_separator': value = formatWithDelimiters(cents, 2, '.', ','); break; case 'amount_no_decimals_with_comma_separator': value = formatWithDelimiters(cents, 0, '.', ',', directionFor50); break; case 'amount_no_decimals_with_space_separator': value = formatWithDelimiters(cents, 0, ' ', ',', directionFor50); break; case 'amount_with_apostrophe_separator': value = formatWithDelimiters(cents, 2, "'", '.'); break; } return formatString.replace(placeholderRegex, value); } catch(e) { bundlerConsole.log(e.message); price = cents/100; return price.toLocaleString(undefined, { style: 'currency', currency: fallbackCurrency }); } }, convertMoney: function(value, rate, currency, useRounding) { // Converts money and rounds up based on the defined policy if (value <= 0) { return 0; } if (typeof useRounding === 'undefined') { useRounding = true; } value *= rate; var roundUp = [ 'USD', 'CAD', 'AUD', 'NZD', 'SGD', 'HKD', 'GBP' ]; var roundTo100 = [ 'JPY', 'KRW' ]; var roundTo95 = [ 'EUR' ]; if (useRounding) { if (roundUp.indexOf(currency) !== -1) { // Round up value = Math.ceil(value); } else if(roundTo100.indexOf(currency) !== -1) { // Round to nearest 100 value = Math.ceil(value/100)*100 } else if(roundTo95.indexOf(currency) !== -1) { // Round up to 0.95 value = Math.ceil(value) - 0.05; } else { // Basic rounding logic for other currencies value = Math.round(value); } } else { // We will round this in the reverse so that we match the rounding logic on server, where we change the price of the items and not the discounts :D XD // This was created for postix-sticker-club var lessThanDecimals = value - Math.floor(value*100)/100; if (lessThanDecimals > 0.005) { // Round down value = Math.floor(value*100)/100; } else { //value = Math.ceil(value*100)/100; value = Math.round(value*100)/100; // To revole the issue at stylish-hound-com where value of 110.00000000000001 was ceiled to 110.01 } } return value; }, // Loops through object and returns a comma separated list of desired values (1st level only). getListOfValues: function(object, key) { var list = ''; for(var k in object) { if (object.hasOwnProperty(k)) { if (typeof object[k][key] !== 'undefined') { list += object[k][key]+','; } } } // Remove last comma list = list.replace(/,+$/, ''); return list; }, getCurrencySymbol: function(currency) { var symbol = ''; try { symbol = (0).toLocaleString( undefined, { style: 'currency', currency: currency, minimumFractionDigits: 0, maximumFractionDigits: 0 } ).replace(/\d/g, '').trim(); } catch(e) { } if (symbol !== '') { return symbol; } return currency; }, getPredefinedCurrencySymbol: function(currency) { var currencySymbols = { 'USD': '$', // Dollar 'AUD': '$', // Dollar 'NZD': '$', // Dollar 'EUR': '€', // Euro 'CRC': '₡', // Costa Rican Colón 'GBP': '£', // British Pound Sterling 'ILS': '₪', // Israeli New Sheqel 'INR': '₹', // Indian Rupee 'JPY': '¥', // Japanese Yen 'KRW': '₩', // South Korean Won 'NGN': '₦', // Nigerian Naira 'PHP': '₱', // Philippine Peso 'PLN': 'zł', // Polish Zloty 'PYG': '₲', // Paraguayan Guarani 'THB': '฿', // Thai Baht 'UAH': '₴', // Ukrainian Hryvnia 'VND': '₫', // Vietnamese Dong 'BRL': 'R$', 'SEK': 'kr' }; var symbol = ''; if (typeof currencySymbols[currency] === 'string') { symbol = currencySymbols[currency]; } return symbol; } }; // This library contains basic get and set methods, so you can easily add products and get products from specific collection/library function ProductsLib() { this._library = {}; }; ProductsLib.prototype.get = function(key) { if (typeof key === 'undefined') { return JSON.parse(JSON.stringify(this._library)); // Changed on 2023-11-14 otherwise the prepaid subscirption prices were updated and shown in the Mix & Match widget. } else if(typeof this._library[key] !== 'undefined') { return JSON.parse(JSON.stringify(this._library[key])); // Changed on 2023-11-14 otherwise the prepaid subscirption prices were updated and shown in the Mix & Match widget. } else { return {}; } }; ProductsLib.prototype.isEmpty = function(key) { if (typeof key === 'undefined') { return true; } else if(typeof this._library[key] !== 'undefined') { return (Object.keys(this._library[key]).length == 0); } else { return true; } }; ProductsLib.prototype.set = function(key, products) { this._library[key] = JSON.parse(JSON.stringify(products)); }; // This library contains original product information, discounted products and required products // All changes to the products are directly reflected in these collections and methods should get products directly from the library. // Products library contains data about products by id or by variant id (it depends). // Reqired products contains data about required products for bundles // Discounted products contains data about actually discounted products in the bundles var Library = { Products : new ProductsLib(), RequiredProducts : new ProductsLib(), DiscountedProducts : new ProductsLib(), MixAndMatchBundles : new ProductsLib(), SectionedBundlesProducts : new ProductsLib(), SectionedBundlesProductsSelected : new ProductsLib() }; function ProductsTools() {}; // Fills the discountedProducts library and requiredProducts library with actual product data ProductsTools.prototype.setLibraries = function(Library, bundleId) { // Set values for discounted products var discountedProducts = Library.DiscountedProducts.get(); if (discountedProducts.hasOwnProperty(bundleId)) { var products = {}; for (var productId in discountedProducts[bundleId]) { if (discountedProducts[bundleId].hasOwnProperty(productId)) { products[productId] = Library.Products.get(productId); } } Library.DiscountedProducts.set(bundleId, products); } // Set values for required products var requiredProducts = Library.RequiredProducts.get(); if (requiredProducts.hasOwnProperty(bundleId)) { var products = {}; for (var productId in requiredProducts[bundleId]) { if (requiredProducts[bundleId].hasOwnProperty(productId)) { products[productId] = Library.Products.get(productId); } } Library.RequiredProducts.set(bundleId, products); } // Set values for sectioned bundles var sectionedBundlesProducts = Library.SectionedBundlesProducts.get(); if (sectionedBundlesProducts.hasOwnProperty(bundleId)) { var sections = []; for (var sectionId in sectionedBundlesProducts[bundleId]) { if (sectionedBundlesProducts[bundleId].hasOwnProperty(sectionId)) { var section = sectionedBundlesProducts[bundleId][sectionId]; var sectionProducts = {}; for (var productId in section) { if (section.hasOwnProperty(productId)) { sectionProducts[productId] = Library.Products.get(productId); } } sections.push(sectionProducts); } } Library.SectionedBundlesProducts.set(bundleId, sections); } }; // Sets the linePrice and compareAtLinePrice to Required Products library ProductsTools.prototype.setRequiredVariantLinePrices = function(Library, bundle) { var requiredProducts = Library.RequiredProducts.get(bundle.id); for(var key in requiredProducts) { if (requiredProducts.hasOwnProperty(key)) { var productId = requiredProducts[key].product_id; if (typeof bundle.required_products[productId] !== 'undefined') { var quantity = bundle.required_products[productId].quantity; /* if (fromPOS) { quantity = requiredProducts[key].quantity; } */ for (var i = 0; i < requiredProducts[key].variants.length; i++) { var price = Tools.Price.getPrice(requiredProducts[key].variants[i].price)*quantity; var compareAtLinePrice = Tools.Price.priceOrZero(requiredProducts[key].variants[i].compare_at_price)*quantity; // Assign total original price with quantity requiredProducts[key].variants[i].linePrice = price; requiredProducts[key].variants[i].compareAtLinePrice = compareAtLinePrice; // Quantity which was used when calculating the discounted price requiredProducts[key].variants[i].discountedPriceQuantity = quantity; } } } } Library.RequiredProducts.set(bundle.id, requiredProducts); } function PriceTools() {}; PriceTools.prototype.getPrice = function(price) { if (typeof price.indexOf === 'function' && price.indexOf('.') !== -1) { // Price has decimals in it // Multiply to get without decimals price = price * 100; } return price; }; // This method will price or 0 if the price was undefined, null or '' PriceTools.prototype.priceOrZero = function(price) { if (typeof price === 'undefined' || price === '' || price === null) { return 0; } return this.getPrice(price); }; var Tools = { Products: new ProductsTools(), Price : new PriceTools() }; /* function ProductRetrievalStatus() { this._products = {}; }; ProductRetrievalStatus.prototype.get = function(key) { if(typeof this._products[key] !== 'undefined') { return this._products[key]; } else { return false; } }; ProductRetrievalStatus.prototype.addCallback = function(key, callback) { if (typeof this._products[key] === 'undefined') { this._products[key] = { retrieved: false, callbacks: [] }; } this._products[key].callbacks.push(callback); }; ProductRetrievalStatus.prototype.productWasRetrieved = function(key, id) { if (typeof this._products[key] === 'undefined') { this._products[key] = { retrieved: true, product_id: id, callbacks: [] }; } this._products[key]['product_id'] = id; for(var i = 0; i currentDateTime) { enabledBundle = false; } } if (typeof dbBundles[z].date_to !== 'undefined' && dbBundles[z].date_to !== null && dbBundles[z].date_to.trim() !== '') { // We have an actual date set up here var toDate = new Date(dbBundles[z].date_to); if (toDate.getTime() < currentDateTime) { enabledBundle = false; } } } if (enabledBundle === true) { bundles.push(dbBundles[z]); } } // Checks if the bundle is being displayed via preview, so that we know which bundleHTML should we use var displayBundleViaPreview = false; // If we are displaying the bundle via preview, use the preview bundle formatted in JSON if (displayBundleViaPreview) { var previewBundle = window.preview_bundle.bundle; bundles = [previewBundle]; } // Change discount based on current currency exchange rate // It would be good to also get the defined rounding policy if (typeof Shopify !== 'undefined' && Shopify.hasOwnProperty('currency') && Shopify.currency.hasOwnProperty('rate')) { var rate = Shopify.currency.rate; var currency = Shopify.currency.active; if (rate !== "1.0") { for(var i = 0; i < bundles.length; i++) { // There is actually no need for this if if (bundles[i].discount_type === 'products_discounts' || bundles[i].discount_type === 'fixed_amount') { bundles[i].fixed_amount_value = utils.convertMoney(bundles[i].fixed_amount_value, rate, currency); for(var pkey in bundles[i].products) { var product = bundles[i].products[pkey]; product.discount_amount = utils.convertMoney(product.discount_amount, rate, currency); for(var vkey in product.variants) { var variant = product.variants[vkey]; variant.discount_amount = utils.convertMoney(variant.discount_amount, rate, currency); } } } else if (bundles[i].discount_type === 'fixed_price') { bundles[i].fixed_price_value = utils.convertMoney(bundles[i].fixed_price_value, rate, currency, false); // Don't round fixed price bundles // There was an issue where the converted value (in CAD) was 0.99 cents higher than the actual final price in the checkout (bands-of-honor) } if (bundles[i].minimum_requirements === 'volume_discounts' && typeof bundles[i].volume_discounts !== 'undefined' && bundles[i].volume_discounts.length > 0) { for (var z = 0; z < bundles[i].volume_discounts.length; z++) { if (bundles[i].volume_discounts[z].discount_type === 'fixed_amount') { bundles[i].volume_discounts[z].discount_value = utils.convertMoney(bundles[i].volume_discounts[z].discount_value, rate, currency); } if (bundles[i].volume_discounts[z].discount_type === 'fixed_price') { bundles[i].volume_discounts[z].discount_value = utils.convertMoney(bundles[i].volume_discounts[z].discount_value, rate, currency, false); // Changed the last parameter so we don't round it for nubianskin.myshopify.com on 2024-05-29. } if (bundles[i].volume_discounts[z].min_cart_value !== null && bundles[i].volume_discounts[z].min_cart_value*1 > 0) { bundles[i].volume_discounts[z].min_cart_value = utils.convertMoney(bundles[i].volume_discounts[z].min_cart_value, rate, currency); } } } if (bundles[i].discount_type === 'products_discounts' && typeof bundles[i].sections !== 'undefined' && bundles[i].sections.length > 0) { for (var z = 0; z < bundles[i].sections.length; z++) { var section = bundles[i].sections[z]; if (typeof section.products !== 'undefined') { for (var pkey in section.products) { var product = section.products[pkey]; bundles[i].sections[z].products[pkey].discount_amount = utils.convertMoney(product.discount_amount, rate, currency); for(var vkey in product.variants) { var variant = product.variants[vkey]; bundles[i].sections[z].products[pkey].variants[vkey].discount_amount = utils.convertMoney(variant.discount_amount, rate, currency); } } } } } } } } // WidgetView contains functions for direct manipulation with the HTML of the bundle widget var widgetView = { options: { selectNonDisabledOption: function($this, optionName) { var $bndlrProduct = $this.closest('.bndlr-product'); // Select first option if the currently selected value is disabled if ($bndlrProduct.find('.bndlr-select-option[name="'+optionName+'"] option[disabled]:selected').length>0) { $bndlrProduct.find('.bndlr-select-option[name="'+optionName+'"]').val( $bndlrProduct.find('.bndlr-select-option[name="'+optionName+'"] option:not([disabled]):first').val() ); } var $selector = $bndlrProduct.find('.bndlr-select-option[name="'+optionName+'"]'); if ($selector.length > 0) { if ($selector.find('option[disabled]').length === $selector.find('option').length) { $selector.closest('.bndlr-product-options-container').addClass('bndlr-dn'); } else { $selector.closest('.bndlr-product-options-container').removeClass('bndlr-dn'); } } }, enableDisableOptions: function($this) { // Get all available option combinations var combinations = {}; var $bndlrProduct = $this.closest('.bndlr-product'); $bndlrProduct.find('.bndlr-select-variant[name="variant_id"] option').each(function(i, el) { var $el = $(el); // var key = ''; var option0 = $el.attr('data-option0'); var option1 = $el.attr('data-option1'); var option2 = $el.attr('data-option2'); // combinations[key] = true; if (typeof combinations[option0] === 'undefined') { combinations[option0] = {}; } if (typeof combinations[option0][option1] === 'undefined') { combinations[option0][option1] = {}; } if (typeof combinations[option0][option1][option2] === 'undefined') { combinations[option0][option1][option2] = true; } }); $bndlrProduct.find('.bndlr-select-option option[disabled]').removeAttr('disabled'); // Go through each option and first disable any options which don't have any other options // Then select the first non disabled option if the currently selected option is disabled var val0 = ''; var val1 = ''; var val2 = ''; // Option 0 $bndlrProduct.find('.bndlr-select-option[name="option0"] option').each(function(i, el) { var $el = $(el); val0 = $el.val(); if (typeof combinations[val0] === 'undefined') { $el.attr('disabled', 'disabled'); } }); widgetView.options.selectNonDisabledOption($this, 'option'+0); val0 = $bndlrProduct.find('.bndlr-select-option[name="option0"] option:selected').val(); // Option 1 $bndlrProduct.find('.bndlr-select-option[name="option1"] option').each(function(i, el) { var $el = $(el); val1 = $el.val(); if (typeof combinations[val0] === 'undefined' || typeof combinations[val0][val1] === 'undefined') { $el.attr('disabled', 'disabled'); } }); widgetView.options.selectNonDisabledOption($this, 'option'+1); val1 = $bndlrProduct.find('.bndlr-select-option[name="option1"] option:selected').val(); // Option 2 $bndlrProduct.find('.bndlr-select-option[name="option2"] option').each(function(i, el) { var $el = $(el); val2 = $el.val(); if (typeof combinations[val0] === 'undefined' || typeof combinations[val0][val1] === 'undefined' || typeof combinations[val0][val1][val2] === 'undefined') { $el.attr('disabled', 'disabled'); } }); widgetView.options.selectNonDisabledOption($this, 'option'+2); } }, addToCartButton: { showCheckmark: function($button) { var htmlContent = $button.html(); $button.html(htmlUtils.svgCheckmark); if ($button.closest('[data-bndlr-keep-success-indicator]').length === 0) { var timeout = 4000; setTimeout(function() { $button.find('.bndlr-checkmark').first().fadeOut(450, function() { $button.html(htmlContent); }); }, timeout); } } }, getBundleTitle: function(title, name, id) { var tagName = 'h2'; var titleHtml = '<'+tagName+' class="bndlr-bundle-title">' + title + ''; return titleHtml; }, getBundleImage: function(imageSrc, title, name, id) { var imageHtml = ''; return imageHtml; }, drawSelectedProducts: function(bundleKey, products) { var bundleId = $('[data-bndlr-key="'+bundleKey+'"]').closest('[data-bundle]').attr('data-bundle'); bundleId = parseInt(bundleId); var bundle = bndlr.getBundleById(bundleId); var discountedProducts = Library.DiscountedProducts.get(bundle.id); var html = ''; var statusBoxProductsHtml = ''; for(var key in products) { if (products.hasOwnProperty(key)) { var productId = products[key].product_id; var variantId = products[key].variant_id; var productData; if (bundle.product_level == 'product') { productData = discountedProducts[productId]; } else { productData = discountedProducts[variantId]; } var selectedProductHtml = bndlr.getSelectedProductHtml(products[key], productData, bundle, key); html += selectedProductHtml; var statusBoxProductHtml = bndlr.getStatusBoxProductHtml(products[key], productData, bundle); statusBoxProductsHtml += statusBoxProductHtml; } } $('[data-bndlr-key="'+bundleKey+'"] .bndlr-mnm-selected-products').html(html); $('#bndlr-mnm-status-box[data-bndlr-bundle-key="'+bundleKey+'"] .bdnlr-mnm-status-box-products-container').html(statusBoxProductsHtml); }, MixNMatch: { hideAddtoBundleButtons: function(bundleKey) { $('[data-bndlr-key="'+bundleKey+'"]').find('.bndlr-add-to-bundle').addClass('bndlr-hidden'); $('[data-bndlr-key="'+bundleKey+'"]').find('.bndlr-add-to-bundle-container .quantity-input').addClass('bndlr-hidden'); }, showAddtoBundleButtons: function(bundleKey) { $('[data-bndlr-key="'+bundleKey+'"]').find('.bndlr-add-to-bundle-container .quantity-input').removeClass('bndlr-hidden'); $('[data-bndlr-key="'+bundleKey+'"]').find('.bndlr-add-to-bundle').removeClass('bndlr-hidden'); }, hideAddtoBundleButton: function(bundleKey, productId) { $('[data-bndlr-key="'+bundleKey+'"] [data-product-id="'+productId+'"] .bndlr-add-to-bundle').addClass('bndlr-hidden'); $('[data-bndlr-key="'+bundleKey+'"] [data-product-id="'+productId+'"] .bndlr-add-to-bundle-container .quantity-input').addClass('bndlr-hidden'); }, showAddtoBundleButton: function(bundleKey, productId) { $('[data-bndlr-key="'+bundleKey+'"] [data-product-id="'+productId+'"] .bndlr-add-to-bundle').removeClass('bndlr-hidden'); $('[data-bndlr-key="'+bundleKey+'"] [data-product-id="'+productId+'"] .bndlr-add-to-bundle-container .quantity-input').removeClass('bndlr-hidden'); }, fadeInSelectedProducts: function(bundleKey) { $('[data-bndlr-key="'+bundleKey+'"]').find('.bndlr-toggle.bndlr-hidden').removeClass('bndlr-hidden'); }, fadeOutSelectedProducts: function(bundleKey) { $('[data-bndlr-key="'+bundleKey+'"]').find('.bndlr-toggle').addClass('bndlr-hidden'); }, fadeInAddToCartButton: function(bundleKey) { $('[data-bndlr-key="'+bundleKey+'"]').find('.bndlr-add-to-cart-container.bndlr-hidden').removeClass('bndlr-hidden'); $('[data-bndlr-key="'+bundleKey+'"]').find('.bndlr-add-bundle-to-cart.bndlr-hidden').removeClass('bndlr-hidden'); $('[data-bndlr-key="'+bundleKey+'"]').find('.bndlr-mnm-total-price.bndlr-hidden').removeClass('bndlr-hidden'); $('[data-bndlr-key="'+bundleKey+'"]').find('.bndlr-bundle-checkout-warning.bndlr-hidden').removeClass('bndlr-hidden'); $('[data-bndlr-key="'+bundleKey+'"]').find('.sealsubs-target-element-bundle').css({'display':'block'}); $('#bndlr-mnm-status-box[data-bndlr-bundle-key="'+bundleKey+'"]').find('.bndlr-status-box-add-to-cart.bndlr-hidden').removeClass('bndlr-hidden'); }, fadeOutAddToCartButton: function(bundleKey) { $('[data-bndlr-key="'+bundleKey+'"]').find('.bndlr-add-to-cart-container').addClass('bndlr-hidden'); $('[data-bndlr-key="'+bundleKey+'"]').find('.bndlr-add-bundle-to-cart').addClass('bndlr-hidden'); $('[data-bndlr-key="'+bundleKey+'"]').find('.bndlr-mnm-total-price').addClass('bndlr-hidden'); $('[data-bndlr-key="'+bundleKey+'"]').find('.bndlr-bundle-checkout-warning').addClass('bndlr-hidden'); $('[data-bndlr-key="'+bundleKey+'"]').find('.sealsubs-target-element-bundle').css({'display':'none'}); $('#bndlr-mnm-status-box[data-bndlr-bundle-key="'+bundleKey+'"]').find('.bndlr-status-box-add-to-cart').addClass('bndlr-hidden'); }, fadeInTieredMnMInstructions: function(bundleKey) { $('[data-bndlr-key="'+bundleKey+'"]').find('.bndlr-tiered-mnm-instructions-text.bndlr-hidden').removeClass('bndlr-hidden'); }, fadeOutTieredMnMInstructions: function(bundleKey) { $('[data-bndlr-key="'+bundleKey+'"]').find('.bndlr-tiered-mnm-instructions-text').addClass('bndlr-hidden'); } }, Sectioned: { drawSelectedProducts: function(bundleKey, sections) { var bundleId = $('[data-bndlr-key="'+bundleKey+'"]').closest('[data-bundle]').attr('data-bundle'); bundleId = parseInt(bundleId); var bundle = bndlr.getBundleById(bundleId); var sectionsDiscountedProducts = Library.SectionedBundlesProducts.get(bundle.id); // Sections is an object, not an array. for (var x in sections) { if (sections.hasOwnProperty(x)) { var html = ''; for(var key in sections[x]) { if (sections[x].hasOwnProperty(key)) { var productId = sections[x][key].product_id; var variantId = sections[x][key].variant_id; var productData; if (bundle.product_level == 'product') { productData = sectionsDiscountedProducts[x][productId]; } else { productData = sectionsDiscountedProducts[x][variantId]; } var selectedProductHtml = bndlr.getSectionedBundleSelectedProductHtml(sections[x][key], productData, bundle, key, x); html += selectedProductHtml; } } $('[data-bndlr-key="'+bundleKey+'"] .bndlr-sectioned-section-status[data-bundler-section-status="'+x+'"] .bndlr-sectioned-section-products').html(html); } } }, } }; var htmlUtils = { moneySpan: function(value, currency, classes, customAttribute, numericValue, screenReaderText) { var valueNoHtml = value.replace(/(<([^>]+)>)/gi, ""); if (typeof customAttribute !== 'string') { customAttribute = ''; } if (typeof screenReaderText === 'undefined') { var screenReaderText= ''; } valueNoHtml = valueNoHtml.replace(/\"/g, """).replace(/\'/g, "'"); var moneyClass = ' money '; var screenReaderSpan = ''; if (screenReaderText !== '') { screenReaderSpan = '' + screenReaderText + ''; } if (typeof numericValue !== 'undefined') { return ''+screenReaderSpan+value+''; } else { return ''+screenReaderSpan+value+''; } }, svgCheckmark: '', svgCheckmarkPreselected: '' }; if (typeof clientSpecifics === 'undefined') { // This will contain a list of all client specific functions var clientSpecifics = {}; } // Observer mutations and trigger local event when a cart change is detected. // A cart change can be: // - something changes in the cart drawer dynamically function cartChangeDetectorFunction() { this.mutationsInProgress = 0; this.dispatchCartDrawerEventTimeout = false; }; cartChangeDetectorFunction.prototype.beforeMutation = function() { this.mutationsInProgress++; } cartChangeDetectorFunction.prototype.afterMutation = function() { var self = this; setTimeout(function() { // Delay the decrease of the counter to allow changes to propagate through mutation observers self.mutationsInProgress--; }, 100); } cartChangeDetectorFunction.prototype.getMutationsInProgress = function() { return this.mutationsInProgress; } cartChangeDetectorFunction.prototype.observeCart = function() { try { // Create observer for cart drawer var self = this; var callback = function(mutationsList, observer) { if (self.getMutationsInProgress() === 0) { if (typeof self.dispatchCartDrawerEventTimeout !== 'undefined') { clearTimeout(self.dispatchCartDrawerEventTimeout); } self.dispatchCartDrawerEventTimeout = setTimeout(function() { var event = new Event('bndlr:cart_drawer_mutation'); // Dispatch the event. window.dispatchEvent(event); }, 90); } }; var observer = new MutationObserver(callback); // list of cart drawer selectors (they are found with jQuery). // we could just watch the cart total values though var cartDrawersList = [ '#ajaxifyMini', '#CartDrawer .drawer__inner', // if you observe the normal drawer, the fera countdown can cause the app to constantly check for discount '#ajaxifyModal #ajaxifyCart', '#qikify-stickycart-app', '.sp-cart .sp-dropdown-menu .sp-dropdown-inner .sp-cart-layout', '#CartDrawer #CartContainer', '#sidebar-cart', '#cartSlideoutWrapper', 'div.right-drawer-vue', '#theme-ajax-cart .ajax-cart--mini-cart', '.off-canvas--container .cart--root', '#cartSidebar', '.top-cart-holder .cart-target', '.go-cart__drawer.js-go-cart-drawer .go-cart-drawer', '.cart-mini .cart-mini-sidebar', '#slidedown-cart', '#slideout-ajax-cart #mini-cart', '#shopify-section-mini-cart #mini-cart', '#cart-popup', '#cart-drawer', '.icart', '.cart-drawer[data-cart-drawer]', '#shopify-section-cartDrawer', '#preact-full-cart', '#mini-cart .mini-cart__footer', '#mini-cart footer', '#offcanvas-cart', '.sidebar-drawer-container[data-sidebar-drawer-container]', 'cart-drawer#CartDrawer', '.hs-site-cart-popup-layout', '#CartPopup', '#Cart-Drawer', '#AjaxCartSubtotal', '#kaktusc-app', 'aside#cart', '#qikify-stickycart-v2-app' //'#CartDrawer .drawer__footer' //'#monster-cart-wrapper' //'#monster-upsell-cart' //'#Cart.cart-container.open' ]; // loop through cart drawers and set the observers for(var i = 0; i 0) { rurl = arguments[1]; this.addEventListener('load', function() { try { if (typeof rurl === 'string' && rurl.length > 0) { handleAddToCart(rurl, this.response); } } catch (t) { console && console.warn && console.warn('[Bundler cart event listener] Error in handleXhrDone: ' + t.message) } }) } return open.apply(this, arguments); } function handleAddToCart(url, data) { var types = [ '/cart/update.js', '/cart/change.js', '/cart/change.json', '/cart/change', '/cart/add.js', '/cart/add.json', '/cart/add', '/cart?view=ajax', '/cart?view=json', 'section_id=cart-drawer', 'section_id=api-cart-items', 'section_id=mini-cart' ]; for(var i = 0; i 0) { var rurl = arguments[0]; promise.then(function(data) { try { if (typeof rurl === 'string' && rurl.length > 0) { handleAddToCart(rurl, data); } } catch (t) { console && console.warn && console.warn('[Bundler cart event listener] Error in fetch: ' + t.message) } }); } } catch(e) { console.error(e); } // Return the promise return promise; } } catch(e) { console.log(e); } } function handleAddToCart(url, data) { var types = [ '/cart/update.js', '/cart/change.js', '/cart/change.json', '/cart/change', '/cart/add.js', '/cart/add.json', '/cart/add', '/cart?view=ajax', '/cart?view=json', 'section_id=cart-drawer', 'section_id=api-cart-items', 'section_id=cart-helper', 'section_id=mini-cart' ]; for(var i = 0; i 0 && url.indexOf('bundler-cart-call') === -1) { var event = new CustomEvent('bndlr:cart_was_modified'); // Dispatch the event. document.dispatchEvent(event); // Stop the loop i = types.length; } } catch(e) {} } // paragraph.match(regex) // new RegExp(hide_on_urls[houi]) } })(window); }; if (typeof cartChangeDetector !== 'undefined') { cartChangeDetector.hookToAddToCartEvent(); } var bndlr = { outputBundles: function() { bundlerConsole.log(JSON.parse(JSON.stringify(bundles))); }, getBundles: function() { return JSON.parse(JSON.stringify(bundles)); }, outputProductUrls: function() { var urls = []; for(var i = 0; i 0) { for (var k in bundles[i].sections) { if (bundles[i].sections.hasOwnProperty(k)) { for (var key in bundles[i].sections[k].products) { if (bundles[i].sections[k].products.hasOwnProperty(key)) { urls.push(nav.getRootUrl(true)+'products/'+encodeURIComponent(bundles[i].sections[k].products[key].handle)); } } } } } } bundlerConsole.log(JSON.parse(JSON.stringify(urls))); }, getProductUrls: function() { var urls = []; for(var i = 0; i 0) { bndlr.checkoutParams = params; } }, // Public method, used for preventing the Bundler from going to the checkout preventBundlerCheckout: function() { bndlr.externalAppPreventCheckout.prevent = true; bundlerConsole.log('Third party requested prevention of Bundler checkout'); }, enableBundlerCheckout: function() { bndlr.externalAppPreventCheckout.prevent = false; bundlerConsole.log('Third party enabled Bundler checkout'); }, // Object, used for storing configuration and logic for checkout prevention by external apps externalAppPreventCheckout: { prevent: false, counter: 0, canCheckout: function() { // If external app required a checkout prevention and the checkout was never prevented before, return false. // Otherwise, allow Bundler checkout logic to proceed /* if (this.prevent && this.counter < 30) { this.counter++; return false; } */ if (typeof clientSpecifics['can_checkout'] !== 'undefined') { var canCheckout = clientSpecifics['can_checkout'].get(); if (canCheckout === false) { return false; } } try { if (typeof window.PARCELY_APP !== 'undefined' && typeof window.PARCELY_APP.readyForCheckout === 'boolean') { if (window.PARCELY_APP.readyForCheckout === false) { return false; } } } catch(e) { console.log(e.message); } if (this.prevent) { return false; } return true; } }, addCheckoutParams: function(url, excludedKeys) { if (typeof excludedKeys === 'undefined') { excludedKeys = []; } var locale = this.getLocale(); if (locale !== '' && typeof this.checkoutParams['locale'] === 'undefined') { this.checkoutParams['locale'] = locale; } /* var country = this.getCountry(); if (country !== '' && typeof this.checkoutParams['checkout[shipping_address][country_code]'] === 'undefined') { this.checkoutParams['checkout[shipping_address][country_code]'] = country; } */ //console.log('checkoutParams', this.checkoutParams); if (Object.keys(this.checkoutParams).length > 0) { // Add checkout params if (url.indexOf('?') === -1) { url += '?'; } else { url += '&'; } for (var key in this.checkoutParams) { if (this.checkoutParams.hasOwnProperty(key) && excludedKeys.indexOf(key) === -1) { var param = this.checkoutParams[key]; if (param !== null && param.indexOf('&') !== -1) { param = encodeURIComponent(param); } url += key + '=' + param + '&'; } } url = url.replace(/\&$/, ''); } return url; }, getCountry: function() { var country = ''; if (typeof Shopify !== 'undefined' && Shopify.hasOwnProperty('country') && typeof Shopify.country === 'string') { country = Shopify.country; } return country; }, getLocale: function() { try { if (typeof Weglot !== 'undefined' && typeof Weglot.getCurrentLang === 'function') { var lang = Weglot.getCurrentLang(); if (typeof lang !== 'undefined' && lang !== null && lang !== '') { return lang; } } } catch(e) {} if (typeof Shopify !== 'undefined' && typeof Shopify.locale === 'string') { return Shopify.locale } return ''; }, hideDynamicCheckoutButtons: function() { if (displayBundleViaPreview === true) { return true; // We justskip this if we are in preview mode. } DiscountEstimator.runIfCanGetDiscount(function() { if ($('#bndlr-dynamic-checkout-cart-css').length === 0) { $('body').append(''); } }, function() { if ($('#bndlr-dynamic-checkout-cart-css').length === 1) { $('#bndlr-dynamic-checkout-cart-css').remove(); } }); }, init: function() { var self = this; // Checkout selectors var checkoutSelector = "input[type='submit'][name='checkout']:not(.productForm-submit), button[type='submit'][name='checkout']:not(.productForm-submit):not([disabled]), button.checkout-button[name='checkout'], form.cart-form a.btn-checkout, a[href='/checkout'], #dropdown-cart button.btn-checkout, .cart-popup-content a.btn-checkout, .cart__popup a.checkout-button, .widget_shopping_cart_content a[href='/checkout'], .jas_cart_page button.checkout-button, .mini-cart-info button.mini-cart-button, a.checkout-link, a.mini-cart-checkout-button, .shopping_cart_footer .actions button"; checkoutSelector += ', #dropdown-cart button.btn[onclick="window.location=\'/checkout\'"], form[action="/cart"] button[name="checkout"], .bundler-checkout-button, input.action_button[type="submit"][value="Checkout"]'; checkoutSelector += ', button.Cart__Checkout[type="submit"][name="checkout"] span'; checkoutSelector += ', .popup-cart a[href^="/checkout"], #slidecarthq .footer button.button'; checkoutSelector += ', button.cart__checkout-cta, button.sidecart__checkout-cta'; checkoutSelector += ', button.bc-atc-slide-checkout-btn'; checkoutSelector += ', #ajax-cart__content .ajax-cart__button.button--add-to-cart'; checkoutSelector += ', .cart_container form.js-cart_content__form button.add_to_cart.action_button'; checkoutSelector += ', .cart_container .js-cart_content__form input.action_button[type="submit"]'; checkoutSelector += ', #checkout_shipping_continue_btn'; checkoutSelector += ', .spurit-occ2-checkout a[name="checkout"][href="/checkout/"]'; checkoutSelector += ', #checkout-button'; checkoutSelector += ', button.btn-checkout'; checkoutSelector += ', button.rebuy-cart__checkout-button'; // Changed from button.rebuy-button on 2022-11-09 checkoutSelector += ', .go-cart__button[href*="/checkout/"], .go-cart__button[href*="/checkout?"]'; checkoutSelector += ', a[href*="/checkout/"]:not([href*="/a/bundles/checkout/"]):not([href*="/subscriptions/"]):not([href*="/tools/recurring/checkout_link"]), a[href*="/checkout?"]:not([href*="partial.ly"]):not([href*="/tools/recurring/checkout_link"])'; checkoutSelector += ', input.cart--button-checkout, a.satcb-cs-checkout-btn'; checkoutSelector += ', button#parcelySubmit[data-cart-submit]'; checkoutSelector += ', #checkout[type="submit"][name="checkout"], #checkout[type="submit"][name="checkout"] .custom-cobutton'; checkoutSelector += ', a[href*="/checkout"]:not([href*="/a/bundles/checkout/"]):not([href*="/subscriptions/"]):not([href*="partial.ly"]):not([href^="https://checkout"]):not([href*="/tools/recurring/checkout_link"])'; checkoutSelector += ', .rebuy-cart__flyout-footer .rebuy-cart__flyout-subtotal + .rebuy-cart__flyout-actions > button.rebuy-button:first-child, .rebuy-cart__flyout-footer .rebuy-cart__flyout-subtotal + .rebuy-cart__flyout-actions > button.rebuy-button:first-child span'; checkoutSelector += ', .rebuy-cart__checkout-button, .rebuy-cart__checkout-button span, rebuy-cart__checkout-button span i'; checkoutSelector += ', .quick-cart__buy-now[data-buy-now-button], .icart-checkout-btn, .icartCheckoutBtn'; checkoutSelector += ', button.cart__checkout, button[type="submit"][form="mini-cart-form"]'; checkoutSelector += ', button[type="submit"][form="mini-cart-form"] span, button[type="submit"][form="mini-cart-form"] span svg'; checkoutSelector += ', .SideCart__footer button[type="submit"]'; checkoutSelector += ', div[onclick="clicktocheckoutnormal()"], div[onclick="clicktocheckout()"]'; checkoutSelector += ', .mini-cart__actions .mini-cart__checkout, .mini-cart__actions .mini-cart__checkout *'; checkoutSelector += ', button.checkout-button[onclick="window.location=\'/checkout\'"]'; checkoutSelector += ', [data-ocu-checkout="true"]'; checkoutSelector += ', input[type="submit"][name="checkout"].cart__submit'; checkoutSelector += ', [data-ocu-checkout="true"], .btncheckout'; checkoutSelector += ', form[action="/cart"][method="post"] button[type="submit"]:not([name*="update"]):not([name*="add"])'; checkoutSelector += ', a.js-checkout, #mu-checkout-button'; checkoutSelector += ', #cart-sidebar-checkout:not([disabled="disabled"]), .checkout-x-buy-now-btn, .checkout-x-buy-now-btn .hs-add--to--cart, .slider-cart-checkout-btn'; checkoutSelector += ', button[onclick="window.location=\'/checkout\'"], .ymq-fake-checkout-btn, button.StickyCheckout__button'; checkoutSelector += ', input[type="submit"][name="checkout"], a.checkout-button'; checkoutSelector += ', .hs-content-checkout-button, .hs-content-checkout-button .hs-add--to--cart, .hs-content-checkout-button .hs-checkout-purchase'; checkoutSelector += ', button.cart__checkout-button, button.cart__checkout-button .loader-button__text, button.cart__checkout-button .loader-button__loader, button.cart__checkout-button .loader-button__loader div, button.cart__checkout-button .loader-button__loader div svg'; checkoutSelector += ', .cd-cart-checkout-button'; checkoutSelector += ', .sezzle-checkout-button, .sezzle-checkout-button .sezzle-button-logo-img'; checkoutSelector += ', .Cart__Footer .Cart__Checkout, .cart--checkout-button button, .cart--checkout-button button span, button.js-process-checkout'; checkoutSelector += ', .j2t-checkout-link, .j2t-checkout-link span, #cart-checkout, #cart-notification-form button[name="checkout"]'; checkoutSelector += ', .zecpe-btn-checkout, .zecpe-btn-checkout span, .mbcOverlayOnCheckout, #checkoutCustom, #wsg-checkout-one'; checkoutSelector += ', .icart-chk-btn, .side-cart__checkout button#sideCartButton'; // glow-skinco checkoutSelector += ', .cart__checkout-button, #actionsArea button[onclick="startCheckoutEvent()"], button.cart--button-checkout, .kaktusc-cart__checkout, .cart__checkout'; checkoutSelector += ', #cartform_bottom #actionsArea button, hh-button[href="/checkout"]'; checkoutSelector += ', .cart-drawer--checkout-button button, .scd__checkout, button.scd__checkout span, #cart-summary button[data-cart-submit], .sf-cart__submit-controls button, .sf-cart__submit-controls button span'; checkoutSelector += ', .upcart-checkout-button, .upcart-checkout-button span, .cart-button-checkout, .cart-button-checkout span'; checkoutSelector += ', a.primary-button[href="/pages/pro-checkout-redirect"], #cart-summary button[name="checkout"], #AjaxCartSubtotal button[name="checkout"], #AjaxCartSubtotal button[name="checkout"] span'; checkoutSelector += ', .cart-ajax__checkout-btn, div.button_checkout, .qsc2-checkout-button, .upcart-checkout-button, form[action="/checkout"] button[type="submit"].btn-order, #cart [onclick="submitAtc(event)"][type="button"]'; checkoutSelector += ', #submitButton[name="checkout"], .Cart__Checkout, .Cart__Checkout span, .cart-checkout-btn, form[action="/checkout"] button[type="submit"]'; checkoutSelector += ', .vanga-cart__proceed button, .vanga-cart__proceed button div, .vanga-cart__proceed button div span'; checkoutSelector += ', button#checkout[name="checkout"], shopping-cart [name="checkout"][type="submit"]'; // solution for joshua-tree-au // .template-cart .alertify .ajs-button.positive //$(document).ready(function() { // Commented that on 2020-12-09 because it created the bundler_bundle_widget_created event listener too late var $document = $(document); var $body = $('body'); $(checkoutSelector).on('click', function (e) { if (bndlr.useBundlerCheckout && bndlr.externalAppPreventCheckout.canCheckout()) { e.preventDefault(); e.stopPropagation(); $(this).addClass('bndlr-checkout-button-clicked'); self.prepareInvoice(); } }); $document.on('click', checkoutSelector, function (e) { if (bndlr.useBundlerCheckout && bndlr.externalAppPreventCheckout.canCheckout()) { e.preventDefault(); e.stopPropagation(); $(this).addClass('bndlr-checkout-button-clicked'); self.prepareInvoice(); } }); $document.on('click', '.bndlr-message-yes', function() { $(this).addClass('bndlr-loading'); self.prepareInvoice(); }); $document.on('bundler_trigger_normal_checkout', function() { bndlr.useBundlerCheckout = false; var cartSelector = 'form[action="/cart"][method="post"], form.cart[action="/cart"][method="post"], form.cart[method="post"], #cart form'; var clickWasHandled = false; var tryToClickOnTheSameButton = true; if (typeof window.PARCELY_APP !== 'undefined') { // The Parcely app uses Vuejs for click handling, which only processes trusted events (e.isTrusted). tryToClickOnTheSameButton = false; } var canUseSealCheckout = false; if (typeof window.SealSubs !== 'undefined' && typeof window.SealSubs.discounts_apply_on_initial_order === 'boolean' && typeof window.SealSubs.checkout === 'function' && SealSubs.discounts_apply_on_initial_order) { canUseSealCheckout = true; } var pageIsUnloading = false; addEventListener('beforeunload', (event) => { pageIsUnloading = true; }); if (tryToClickOnTheSameButton === true) { var $clickedButton = $('.bndlr-checkout-button-clicked'); if ($clickedButton.length >= 1) { // Try to first trigger the click on the same element as the user previously clicked if ($clickedButton.prop('tagName') !== 'A') { // The problem is that the jQuery click event can't trigger the navigation on a elements. clickWasHandled = true; if ($clickedButton.is('[disabled]')) { // remove disabled attribute, otherwise the click won't get recognized (miasma-records) $clickedButton.removeAttr('disabled'); } try { // Changed from $clickedButton.click() to $clickedButton[0].click() on 2024-03-12 $clickedButton[0].click(); } catch(e) { // Something went wrong. It could be that the script listening to the event wanted tohave the originalEvent passed in the click // Mark click as not handled, so that we go into the fallback logic. clickWasHandled = false; console.error(e); } if (!canUseSealCheckout) { setTimeout(function() { if (pageIsUnloading === false) { // Fallback to redirect if nothing happens in 1 second. //console.log('asdadasd', bndlr.addCheckoutParams('/checkout')); window.location.href = bndlr.addCheckoutParams('/checkout'); } else { //console.log('page is already being unloaded 1'); } }, 1000); } } else { } } else if ($(cartSelector).find(checkoutSelector).length) { clickWasHandled = true; $(cartSelector).find(checkoutSelector).first().click(); } } if (clickWasHandled !== true) { if (canUseSealCheckout) { if (window.SealSubs.checkout()) { clickWasHandled = true; } } } if (clickWasHandled !== true) { window.location.href = bndlr.addCheckoutParams('/checkout'); } else { if (!canUseSealCheckout) { // We aren't applying the discounts from sealsubs setTimeout(function() { if (pageIsUnloading === false) { // Fallback to redirect if nothing happens in 1 second window.location.href = bndlr.addCheckoutParams('/checkout'); } else { //console.log('page is already being unloaded 2'); } }, 1000); } } }); $document.on('click', '.bndlr-message-close', function() { bndlr.setCookie('bndlr_hide_discount_message', 'hide', 0.003472222); // Hide popup for 5 minutes self.closeMessage(); }); $document.on('click', '.bndlr-message-no', function() { self.closeMessage(); }); $document.on('click', '.bndlr-add-to-cart', function() { bndlr.addToCart($(this)); }); $document.on('keydown', '.bndlr-add-to-cart', function(e) { if(e.which == 13) { // Enter bndlr.addToCart($(this)); } if(e.which == 32) { // Space e.preventDefault(); bndlr.addToCart($(this)); } }); $document.on('change', '.bndlr-select-variant', function() { // Added an idleCallback because of slow performance in 11ice when the app separates the variant options in separate dropdowns var $this = $(this); idleCallback(function() { bndlr.updatePriceDisplay($this); }); idleCallback(function() { bndlr.changeDisplayedImage($this); }); idleCallback(function() { bndlr.convertCurrency(); }); //bndlr.updatePriceDisplay($(this)); //bndlr.changeDisplayedImage($(this)); //bndlr.convertCurrency(); }); $document.on('show_bundle', 'body', function (e, $el) { self.showBundleOnElementWithHandle($el); }); $document.on('change', '.bndlr-select-option', function() { widgetView.options.enableDisableOptions($(this)); var bundleKey = $(this).closest('[data-bndlr-key]').attr('data-bndlr-key'); var productId = $(this).attr('data-product-id'); var isRequiredProduct = $(this).closest('.bndlr-product[data-required]').attr('data-required'); var values = {}; var valueSelector = ''; // Create variant selector and select the correct variant option $(this).closest('.bndlr-product').find('.bndlr-select-option').each(function(i, el) { var value = $(el).find('option:selected').val(); var key = $(el).attr('name'); values[key] = value; valueSelector += '[data-'+key+'="'+value+'"]'; }); var variant = $(this).closest('.bndlr-product').find(valueSelector); if (variant.length > 0) { variant.parent('select').val(variant.val()).change(); // Trigger a change event on the main variant selector, so that the Seal app can refresh the subscription widget var mainSelectElement = variant.parent('select')[0]; var event = new Event('change'); mainSelectElement.dispatchEvent(event); } }); // Start of MixNMatch listeners $document.on('click', '.bndlr-add-to-bundle', function() { bndlr.MixNMatch.addToBundle($(this)); }); $document.on('keydown', '.bndlr-add-to-bundle', function(e) { if(e.which == 13) { // Enter bndlr.MixNMatch.addToBundle($(this)); } if(e.which == 32) { // Space e.preventDefault(); bndlr.MixNMatch.addToBundle($(this)); } }); $document.on('click', '.bndlr-add-bundle-to-cart', function() { // Bundle add to cart button was clicked in the widget // Add bundle to the cart. The app knows which bundle to add to the cart based on the $(this) parameter. bndlr.MixNMatch.addMixAndMatchBundleToCart($(this)); }); $document.on('keydown', '.bndlr-add-bundle-to-cart', function(e) { if(e.which == 13) { // Enter bndlr.MixNMatch.addMixAndMatchBundleToCart($(this)); } if(e.which == 32) { // Space e.preventDefault(); bndlr.MixNMatch.addMixAndMatchBundleToCart($(this)); } }); $document.on('click', '.bndlr-mix-and-match .bndlr-close', function() { bndlr.MixNMatch.removeFromBundle($(this)); }); $document.on('keydown', '.bndlr-mix-and-match .bndlr-close', function(e) { if(e.which == 13) { // Enter bndlr.MixNMatch.removeFromBundle($(this)); } if(e.which == 32) { // Space e.preventDefault(); bndlr.MixNMatch.removeFromBundle($(this)); } }); if (this.canAttachMixnMatchAddToCartListeners()) { $document.on('click', '.bndlr-status-box-add-to-cart', function() { // Add bundle to cart has been click on the button outside of the bundle (on the floating button) // Get the actual button from the actual bundle and trigger the add to cart action. // This only works for mix&match bundles var bundleKey = $(this).closest('[data-bndlr-bundle-key]').attr('data-bndlr-bundle-key'); bndlr.MixNMatch.addMixAndMatchBundleToCart($('[data-bndlr-key="'+bundleKey+'"] .bndlr-add-bundle-to-cart').first(), $(this)); }); $document.on('keydown', '.bndlr-status-box-add-to-cart', function(e) { if(e.which == 13 || e.which == 32) { // Enter OR Space if(e.which == 32) { // Space e.preventDefault(); } var bundleKey = $(this).closest('[data-bndlr-bundle-key]').attr('data-bndlr-bundle-key'); bndlr.MixNMatch.addMixAndMatchBundleToCart($('[data-bndlr-key="'+bundleKey+'"] .bndlr-add-bundle-to-cart').first(), $(this)); } }); var MixNMatchScrollTimeout = false; $(window).scroll(function() { if (MixNMatchScrollTimeout !== false) { clearTimeout(MixNMatchScrollTimeout); } MixNMatchScrollTimeout = setTimeout(bndlr.MixNMatch.showHideStatusBox, 200); }); } // End of MixNMatch listeners // Start of sectioned bundles listeners $document.on('click', '.bndlr-add-to-sectioned-bundle', function() { bndlr.sectionedAddToBundle($(this)); }); $document.on('keydown', '.bndlr-add-to-sectioned-bundle', function(e) { if(e.which == 13) { // Enter bndlr.sectionedAddToBundle($(this)); } if(e.which == 32) { // Space e.preventDefault(); bndlr.sectionedAddToBundle($(this)); } }); $document.on('click', '.bndlr-sectioned-section-name', function() { bndlr.sectionedSelectSection($(this)); }); $document.on('keydown', '.bndlr-sectioned-section-name', function(e) { if(e.which == 13) { // Enter bndlr.sectionedSelectSection($(this)); } if(e.which == 32) { // Space e.preventDefault(); bndlr.sectionedSelectSection($(this)); } }); $document.on('click', '.bndlr-next-section', function() { bndlr.sectionedSelectNextSection($(this)); }); $document.on('click', '[data-bundler-section-status] .bndlr-close', function() { bndlr.sectionedRemoveFromBundle($(this)); }); $document.on('keydown', '[data-bundler-section-status] .bndlr-close', function(e) { if(e.which == 13) { // Enter bndlr.sectionedRemoveFromBundle($(this)); } if(e.which == 32) { // Space e.preventDefault(); bndlr.sectionedRemoveFromBundle($(this)); } }); $document.on('click', '.bndlr-add-sectioned-bundle-to-cart', function() { // Bundle add to cart button was clicked in the widget // Add bundle to the cart. The app knows which bundle to add to the cart based on the $(this) parameter. bndlr.sectionedAddBundleToCart($(this)); }); $document.on('keydown', '.bndlr-add-sectioned-bundle-to-cart', function(e) { if(e.which == 13) { // Enter bndlr.sectionedAddBundleToCart($(this)); } if(e.which == 32) { // Space e.preventDefault(); bndlr.sectionedAddBundleToCart($(this)); } }); // End of sectioned bundles listeners $document.on('click', 'button.add_to_cart, #cart_form .js-change-quantity, .product-quantity-box .js-change-quantity, .btn--add-to-cart, .cart-functions button.button[name="add"], #product-add-to-cart', function (e) { // Trigger discount estimator when the user clicks the button debounce('check-for-discounts', function() { setTimeout(function() { DiscountEstimator.showPopup(); bndlr.hideDynamicCheckoutButtons(); }, 1000); }, 100); }); document.addEventListener('bndlr:cart_was_modified', function() { debounce('check-for-discounts', function() { DiscountEstimator.showPopup(); bndlr.hideDynamicCheckoutButtons(); }, 100); }); //var cartUpdateTimeout = false; try { // listen for cart refresh function and update the discounts in cart when it gets triggered if (typeof window.jQuery === 'function') { window.jQuery(document).on('cart.requestComplete', function() { debounce('cart-update', DiscountEstimator.showPopup.bind(DiscountEstimator), 10); }); } } catch(e) {} // We have now started observing the ajax events (change, add), as they are more reliable $document.on('change', '.sidebar-cart .cart__qty-input, .mini-cart__quantity .quantity-selector__value, #shopify-section-cart-template .quantity-selector__value, .ajaxcart__quantity .js-qty__num, .cart-product__quantity .inputCounter', function() { debounce('cart-update', DiscountEstimator.showPopup.bind(DiscountEstimator), 700); }); $document.on('click', '.product-form .product-form__cart-submit, .sidebar-cart [data-cart-remove], .mini-cart__quantity .quantity-selector__button, #shopify-section-cart-template .quantity-selector__button, form.product-single__form .payment-buttons .add-to-cart, .ajaxcart__quantity .js-qty__adjust, .cart-product__quantity .inputCounter__btn', function() { debounce('cart-update', DiscountEstimator.showPopup.bind(DiscountEstimator), 700); }); $document.on('mousedown', '.cart-open-btn span', function() { debounce('cart-opened', DiscountEstimator.updateCartDiscounts.bind(DiscountEstimator), 700); }); try { // Set listener for the cart drawer mutation window.addEventListener('bndlr:cart_drawer_mutation', function() { DiscountEstimator.updateCartDiscounts(); }); } catch(e) { bundlerConsole.log(e); } try { // Set listener for the cart add/change actions document.addEventListener('bndlr:cart_was_modified', function() { debounce('cart-update', DiscountEstimator.showPopup.bind(DiscountEstimator), 250); }); } catch(e) { bundlerConsole.log(e); } var bundleWidgetCreatedTimeout = false; $document.on('bundler_bundle_widget_created', function() { if (bundleWidgetCreatedTimeout !== false) { clearTimeout(bundleWidgetCreatedTimeout); } bundleWidgetCreatedTimeout = setTimeout(function() { // trigger change on option element so the options will get disabled and enabled correctly $('.bndlr-product').each(function(i, el) { setTimeout(function() { $(el).find('.bndlr-select-option').first().trigger('change'); }, 10*i); // Delay this refresh so if there is a lot of products, we don't use all CPU. }); bndlr.convertCurrency(); if ( ( $('.bndlr-container:not([data-available="false"]) .bndlr-product-title').first().height() === 0 && $('.bndlr-container:not([data-available="false"]) .bndlr-product-title').first().text() !== '' && $('.bndlr-container:not([data-available="false"]) .bndlr-bundle-image').length === 0 ) || ( $('.bndlr-container:not([data-available="false"]) .bndlr-bundle-image').length > 0 && $('.bndlr-container:not([data-available="false"]) .bndlr-bundle-image').first().height() === 0 ) || ( $('.bndlr-container:not([data-available="false"]) .bndlr-add-to-cart').length > 0 && $('.bndlr-container:not([data-available="false"]) .bndlr-add-to-cart').first().height() === 0 ) ) { // Font size set by theme is probably 0. Set font size! $('.bundler-target-element').css({'font-size':'16px', 'line-height': '1.5'}); } }, 500); }); document.addEventListener('bundler:mixnmatch_refreshed', function() { if (typeof window.Shopify !== 'undefined' && typeof window.Shopify.theme !== 'undefined' && (window.Shopify.theme.theme_store_id == 871 || window.Shopify.theme.name.indexOf('Warehouse') !== -1)) { debounce('resize-box', function() { // The Warehouse theme has an issue where the height of the product info column doesn't properly increase in Chrome because of some issue in the ResizeObserver API // This issue happens when the Mix & Match widget is resized because a new product is aadded to the bundle. var height = document.querySelector('.product-block-list__item--info .card').getBoundingClientRect().height; if (height > 200) { document.querySelector('.product-block-list__wrapper').style.minHeight = height + 'px'; } }, 200); } }); $(window).on('resize', function() { if (typeof bndlr.repositionTimeout !== 'undefined') { clearTimeout(bndlr.repositonTimeout); } bndlr.repositonTimeout = setTimeout(bndlr.repositionPlusSigns, 50); }); $document.on('change', '.product-form__input input', function() { // Variant select changed // Find the correct bundle // $('.bundler-target-element').remove(); $('.bundler-target-element').removeAttr('data-bundle'); setTimeout(function() { bndlr.showBundle(true); }, 1000); }); // Detect default product variant selector change and also change the product variant in the bundler widget $('#SingleOptionSelector-0, #SingleOptionSelector-1').on('change', function() { var variantSelector = '#ProductSelect-product-template option:selected, #ProductSelect-product-template option:selected'; var variant = $(variantSelector).val(); if (typeof variant == 'undefined') { var variant = $(variantSelector).val(); } $('select.bndlr-select-variant option[value="'+variant+'"]').parent('select').val(variant); $('select.bndlr-select-variant option[value="'+variant+'"]').parent('select').trigger('change'); }); // Set listener for direct checkout button on product pages try { document.addEventListener('click', function (event) { try { if (bndlr.useBundlerCheckout && ( event.target.matches('form[action*="/cart/add"] .shopify-payment-button__button') || event.target.matches('form[action*="/cart/add"] .shopify-payment-button__button *') || event.target.matches('form[action*="/cart/add"] .shopify-payment-button__more-options') || event.target.matches('form[action*="/cart/add"] button[onclick*="window.skipToCheckout.externalSkipToCheckout"]') || event.target.matches('form[action*="/cart/add"] .shopify-payment-button shopify-accelerated-checkout *') || event.target.matches('form[action*="/cart/add"] .lh-buy-now') ) && bndlr.externalAppPreventCheckout.canCheckout()) { var form = $(event.target).closest('form'); var url = form.attr('action'); if (url.indexOf('amazon') === -1) { event.preventDefault(); event.stopPropagation(); event.stopImmediatePropagation(); $.ajax({ type: "POST", url: url, data: form.serialize(), success: function(data) { self.prepareInvoice(); } }); } } } catch(e) { bundlerConsole.log(e.message); } try { if (bndlr.useBundlerCheckout && ( event.target.matches('form#form_buy_sticky #button-cart-buy') // Special sticky cart form ) && bndlr.externalAppPreventCheckout.canCheckout()) { event.preventDefault(); event.stopPropagation(); event.stopImmediatePropagation(); var form = $(event.target).closest('form'); var $stickyQuantity = form.find('[name="stickyquantity"]'); if ($stickyQuantity.length > 0) { $stickyQuantity.attr('name', 'quantity'); } var url = form.attr('action'); $.ajax({ type: "POST", url: url, data: form.serialize(), success: function(data) { self.prepareInvoice(); } }); } } catch(e) { bundlerConsole.log(e.message); } }, true); } catch(e) { bundlerConsole.log(e.message); } //}); try { var eventNames = [ 'click' ]; for (var h = 0; h < eventNames.length; h++) { // Try to attach the default aggressive event listener to trigger before other events // Some older browsers don't support it. document.addEventListener(eventNames[h], function (event) { try { if (bndlr.useBundlerCheckout && event.target.matches(checkoutSelector) && bndlr.externalAppPreventCheckout.canCheckout()) { event.preventDefault(); event.stopPropagation(); event.stopImmediatePropagation(); try { $(event.target).addClass('bndlr-checkout-button-clicked'); } catch(e) { console.error(e); } self.prepareInvoice(); } } catch(e) { bundlerConsole.log(e.message); } }, true); } } catch(e) { //bundlerConsole.log(e.message); } try { // Shadow DOM elements var shadowDomSelectors = [ '#upCart', '#vanga-smartcart' ]; for (var c in shadowDomSelectors) { if (shadowDomSelectors.hasOwnProperty(c)) { var shadowDomSelector = shadowDomSelectors[c]; var shadowDoms = document.querySelectorAll(shadowDomSelector); if (shadowDoms.length === 1) { if (typeof shadowDoms[0].shadowRoot !== 'undefined') { for (var h = 0; h < eventNames.length; h++) { // Try to attach the default aggressive event listener to trigger before other events // Some older browsers don't support it. shadowDoms[0].shadowRoot.addEventListener(eventNames[h], function (event) { try { if (bndlr.useBundlerCheckout && event.target.matches(checkoutSelector) && bndlr.externalAppPreventCheckout.canCheckout()) { event.preventDefault(); event.stopPropagation(); event.stopImmediatePropagation(); try { $(event.target).addClass('bndlr-checkout-button-clicked'); } catch(e) { console.error(e); } self.prepareInvoice(); } } catch(e) { bundlerConsole.log(e.message); } }, true); } } } } } } catch(e) { bundlerConsole.log(e.message); } function setIframeListeners() { try { // IFRAME element var iframeSelectors = [ '#kaktusc-widget' ]; function addEventListenerToIframe(iframe) { // Access the iframe's document const iframeDocument = iframe.contentDocument || iframe.contentWindow.document; // Select the element inside the iframe const targetElements = iframeDocument.querySelectorAll('.kaktusc-cart__checkout'); // Add the event listener to the specific element if (targetElements !== null && targetElements.length > 0) { for (var j = 0; j < targetElements.length; j++) { for (var h = 0; h < eventNames.length; h++) { // Try to attach the default aggressive event listener to trigger before other events // Some older browsers don't support it. targetElements[j].addEventListener(eventNames[h], function (event) { try { if (bndlr.useBundlerCheckout && bndlr.externalAppPreventCheckout.canCheckout()) { event.preventDefault(); event.stopPropagation(); event.stopImmediatePropagation(); try { $(event.target).addClass('bndlr-checkout-button-clicked'); } catch(e) { console.error(e); } self.prepareInvoice(); } } catch(e) { bundlerConsole.log(e.message); } }, true); } } } } for (var c in iframeSelectors) { if (iframeSelectors.hasOwnProperty(c)) { var iframeSelector = iframeSelectors[c]; var iframes = document.querySelectorAll(iframeSelector); if (iframes.length > 0) { for(var z = 0; z < iframes.length; z++) { var tmpIframe = iframes[z]; // Check if iframe is already loaded if (tmpIframe.contentDocument || tmpIframe.contentWindow.document.readyState === 'complete') { // Iframe is already loaded, so add the event listener addEventListenerToIframe(tmpIframe); } else { // Iframe is not yet loaded, wait for the load event tmpIframe.addEventListener('load', function() { addEventListenerToIframe(tmpIframe); }); } } } } } } catch(e) { bundlerConsole.log(e.message); } } setIframeListeners(); var productWidthStandard = 230; var productWidthLandingPage = 330; if (typeof clientSpecifics['product_dimensions'] !== 'undefined') { productWidthStandard = clientSpecifics['product_dimensions'].getStandardWidth(); productWidthLandingPage = clientSpecifics['product_dimensions'].getLadingPageWidth(); } $body.append(''); if (nav.isShopPage() === false) { // We are on a third party page // Append special style $body.append(''); } $body.append(''); if (typeof window.Shopify !== 'undefined' && typeof window.Shopify.theme !== 'undefined' && typeof window.Shopify.theme.name === 'string' && (window.Shopify.theme.name === 'Flow' || window.Shopify.theme.name.indexOf('Streamline') !== -1)) { document.addEventListener('bundler:bundle_widget_created', function() { // Trigger a resize of the widnow event so that the footer gets repositioned debounce('window-resize', function() { window.dispatchEvent(new Event('resize')); }, 200); }); } if (typeof window.Shopify !== 'undefined' && typeof window.Shopify.theme !== 'undefined' && typeof window.Shopify.theme.theme_store_id !== 'undefined' && window.Shopify.theme.theme_store_id === 730) { document.addEventListener('bundler:bundle_widget_created', function() { // Trigger a resize of the widnow event so that the footer gets repositioned debounce('window-resize', function() { //window.dispatchEvent(new Event('resize')); }, 200); }); } if (typeof window.Shopify !== 'undefined' && typeof window.Shopify.theme !== 'undefined' && typeof window.Shopify.theme.theme_store_id !== 'undefined' && window.Shopify.theme.theme_store_id === 829) { document.addEventListener('bundler:bundle_widget_created', function() { // Trigger a resize of the widnow event so that the footer gets repositioned debounce('window-resize', function() { window.dispatchEvent(new Event('resize')); }, 200); }); } if (typeof clientSpecifics['init'] !== 'undefined') { clientSpecifics['init'].trigger(); } /* function init() {}; init.prototype.trigger = function() { window.OCUDisableEvents=true; } clientSpecifics['init'] = new init(); */ if (typeof window.OCUApi !== 'undefined') { var OCUcallbackBeforeRedirect = function() { var simPromise = new Promise((resolve, reject) => { return false; // Return false and take care of the checkout on our own }); bndlr.prepareInvoice(undefined, undefined, false); return simPromise; } window.OCUApi.callbackBeforeRedirect = OCUcallbackBeforeRedirect; // Set this again because some stores overwrote after page load with timeout of 1000 and 2000 ms. setTimeout(function() { window.OCUApi.callbackBeforeRedirect = OCUcallbackBeforeRedirect; }, 2000); setTimeout(function() { window.OCUApi.callbackBeforeRedirect = OCUcallbackBeforeRedirect; }, 5000); setTimeout(function() { window.OCUApi.callbackBeforeRedirect = OCUcallbackBeforeRedirect; }, 8000); } if (typeof window.Zipify !== 'undefined' && typeof window.Zipify.OCU !== 'undefined' && typeof window.Zipify.OCU.api !== 'undefined') { var OCUcallbackBeforeRedirect = function() { var simPromise = new Promise((resolve, reject) => { return false; // Return false and take care of the checkout on our own }); bndlr.prepareInvoice(undefined, undefined, false); return simPromise; } window.Zipify.OCU.api.callbackBeforeRedirect = OCUcallbackBeforeRedirect; // Set this again because some stores overwrote after page load with timeout of 1000 and 2000 ms. setTimeout(function() { window.Zipify.OCU.api.callbackBeforeRedirect = OCUcallbackBeforeRedirect; }, 2000); setTimeout(function() { window.Zipify.OCU.api.callbackBeforeRedirect = OCUcallbackBeforeRedirect; }, 5000); setTimeout(function() { window.Zipify.OCU.api.callbackBeforeRedirect = OCUcallbackBeforeRedirect; }, 8000); } if (typeof window.theme !== 'undefined' && typeof window.theme.goToCheckoutWithDiscount === 'function') { var origGotoCheckout = window.theme.goToCheckoutWithDiscount; window.theme.goToCheckoutWithDiscount = function() { window.bndlr.getCheckoutInfo(function(data) { if (typeof data.url !== 'undefined' && data.url.length > 0) { window.location.href = data.url; } else { origGotoCheckout(); } }); }; } //$('body').append('
'); //bundlerConsole.info('%c App loaded: Bundler - Product Bundles (6E):', 'background: #1960bc; color: #fff', 'https://apps.shopify.com/bundler-product-bundles'); }, // It would be nicer to define this function in the bndlr object. canShowFloatingStatusBox: function() { if (typeof window.BndlrIsBundleLandingPage !== 'undefined' && window.BndlrIsBundleLandingPage === true) { return true; } return false; }, canAttachMixnMatchAddToCartListeners: function() { if (typeof window.BndlrIsBundleLandingPage !== 'undefined' && window.BndlrIsBundleLandingPage === true) { return true; } return false; }, convertCurrency: function(selector) { if (typeof selector === 'undefined') { selector = '.bndlr-product .bndlr-money, .bndlr-total-price .bndlr-money'; } if (typeof DoublyGlobalCurrency !== 'undefined' && typeof DoublyGlobalCurrency.currentCurrency !== 'undefined' && typeof DoublyGlobalCurrency.convertAll !== 'undefined') { try { var newCurrency = DoublyGlobalCurrency.currentCurrency; DoublyGlobalCurrency.convertAll(newCurrency, selector); } catch(e) {} } else if (typeof Currency !== 'undefined' && typeof Currency.currentCurrency !== 'undefined' && typeof Currency.convertAll !== 'undefined') { var oldCurrency = bndlr.getDefaultCurrency(); var newCurrency = Currency.currentCurrency; // Convert currency if old currency is not the same as new currency // if currency rate is set to 1.0, which means that the conversion was not automatically performed by Shopify backend if (oldCurrency !== newCurrency && newCurrency !== '' && typeof Shopify !== 'undefined' && typeof Shopify.currency !== 'undefined' && typeof Shopify.currency.rate !== 'undefined' && Shopify.currency.rate === "1.0") { try { Currency.convertAll(oldCurrency, newCurrency, selector); } catch(e) { // New currency can sometimes be empty string and an error will occur // TODO check why does this happen } } } if (typeof conversionBearAutoCurrencyConverter !== 'undefined' && typeof conversionBearAutoCurrencyConverter.convertPricesOnPage === 'function') { conversionBearAutoCurrencyConverter.convertPricesOnPage(); } if (typeof BOLDCURRENCY !== 'undefined' && typeof BOLDCURRENCY.converter !== 'undefined' && typeof BOLDCURRENCY.converter.refresh !== 'undefined') { BOLDCURRENCY.converter.refresh(); } if (typeof window.bucksCC !== 'undefined' && typeof window.bucksCC.reConvert === 'function') { try { bucksCC.reConvert(); } catch(e) { console.log(e); } } // ((window || {}).bucksCC || {}).reConvert && bucksCC.reConvert() if (typeof window.baCurr !== 'undefined' && typeof window.baCurr.refreshConversion === 'function') { try { window.baCurr.refreshConversion(); } catch(e) { console.log(e); } } // luxespaceofficial if (typeof window.store !== 'undefined' && typeof window.store.update !== 'undefined' && typeof window.GemCurrency !== 'undefined' && typeof window.GemCurrency.currentCurrency !== 'undefined') { try { window.store.update('dataCurrency', window.GemCurrency.currentCurrency); } catch(e) { console.log(e); } } }, canUseCheckout: function() { // Function which is exposed to external apps so they can check if the Bundler can checkout (sealsubs). return bndlr.useBundlerCheckout && bndlr.externalAppPreventCheckout.canCheckout(); }, preparingCheckout: false, prepareInvoice: function(fallbackToCheckout, callback, triggerNormalCheckout) { var cartBotIsWorking = false; if (typeof window.cartbot !== 'undefined' && typeof window.cartbot.applyBots === 'function') { cartBotIsWorking = window.cartbot.applyBots(); } if (cartBotIsWorking === false) { if (typeof clientSpecifics['on_prepare_invoice'] !== 'undefined') { clientSpecifics['on_prepare_invoice'].trigger(fallbackToCheckout, callback, triggerNormalCheckout); } else { bndlr._prepareInvoice(fallbackToCheckout, callback, triggerNormalCheckout); } } }, _prepareInvoice: function(fallbackToCheckout, callback, triggerNormalCheckout) { // Main function to trigger invoice creation // Don't use this/self, so we can call the method from external apps if (bndlr.preparingCheckout !== false) { var lastStartedAt = bndlr.preparingCheckout; if (Date.now() < (lastStartedAt+1500)) { // Skip this call if we started it already in less than 1.5 seconds return true; } } bndlr.preparingCheckout = Date.now(); if (typeof fallbackToCheckout === 'undefined') { fallbackToCheckout = true; } // triggerNormalCheckout is used to trigger a checkout from external apps and prevent an infinite loop, as the customer gets redirected directly to the checkout apage if (typeof triggerNormalCheckout === 'undefined') { triggerNormalCheckout = true; } var canPrepareInvoice = true; if (typeof clientSpecifics['before_prepare_invoice'] !== 'undefined') { canPrepareInvoice = clientSpecifics['before_prepare_invoice'].canPrepareInvoice(); } if (canPrepareInvoice === false) { return; } cart.get('default', false).done(function(cartData) { //cartData = bndlr.fixCartPrices(cartData); // Get checkout note var cartNoteSelector = '#CartSpecialInstructions, .cart-note__input, #note, [name="cart[note]"], [name="note"]'; if ($(cartNoteSelector).first().length > 0 && $(cartNoteSelector).first().val().length > 0) { cartData.note = $(cartNoteSelector).first().val(); } try { if (nav.isCartPage() && $('.bundler-target-element').length === 0) { // Check if we are on the cart page and there isn't any bundle offer on it. // Find any input items on cart page, loop through them and change the quantity if needed var cartItemKeyRegex = /\d+:[a-z0-9]+/; $('[name="updates[]"]').each(function(key, el) { if ($(el).is(':visible')) { // Check quantity only for visible elements (zany-zeus) var quantityWasFixed = false; var id = $(el).attr('id'); if (typeof id !== 'string') { id = $(el).attr('data-id'); } if (typeof id === 'string') { var match = id.match(cartItemKeyRegex); if (match !== null && typeof match[0] === 'string') { var itemKey = match[0]; var itemQuantity = $(el).val()*1; if (itemQuantity > 0) { // Loop thorugh cart items and correct quantity if needed for (var j = 0; j 0) { var itemQuantity = $(el).val()*1; if (itemQuantity > 0) { // Loop thorugh cart items and correct quantity if needed for (var j = 0; j 0) { // Get checkout url with attributes var url = $(cartSelector).attr('action'); var urlParams = url.match(/(?:cart\?)(.*)/); var additionalParams = {} if (urlParams !== null && typeof urlParams[1] !== 'undefined' && urlParams[1].length > 0) { // Url has some extra parameters additionalParams = nav.getQueryParams(urlParams[1]); bndlr.setCheckoutParams(additionalParams); } // Get attributes $(cartSelector).find('input[name^="attributes["], select[name^="attributes["], textarea[name^="attributes["]').each(function(ix, el) { if (typeof cartData.attributes === 'undefined') { // Set attributes key if it is missing cartData.attributes = {} } var key = $(el).attr('name').replace('attributes[', '').replace(']', ''); var value = $(el).val(); var $el = $(el); var addAttribute = true; if ($el.attr('type') === 'checkbox') { if ($el.is(':checked') === false) { // Only the checked checkboxes are sent to the server addAttribute = false; } } // Check if value is not empty string or if the attribute doesn't yet exist in the cart data. if (addAttribute && ((value !== '' && value !== null) || typeof cartData.attributes[key] == 'undefined')) { // Add attribute to cart data cartData.attributes[key] = value; additionalParams['attributes['+key+']'] = value; } }); bndlr.setCheckoutParams(additionalParams); } } catch(e) { bundlerConsole.log(e); bndlr.preparingCheckout = false; } var updatedCartBeforeCheckout = DiscountEstimator.updateCartWithDiscounts(cartData); var hasToApplyLegacyDiscounts = updatedCartBeforeCheckout.has_to_apply_legacy_discounts; var withExtraInfo = false; if (typeof window.discountOnCartProApp !== 'undefined' && typeof window.discountOnCartProApp.applyCode === 'function') { withExtraInfo = true; } var process = function() { bndlr.getInvoice(cartData, withExtraInfo, '', hasToApplyLegacyDiscounts).done(function(data) { if (typeof callback === 'function') { //$('.bndlr-add-to-cart').removeClass('bndlr-loading'); callback(); } else { bndlr.useInvoice(data, triggerNormalCheckout, cartData); } bndlr.preparingCheckout = false; }).fail(function(f) { //bundlerConsole.log('Something went wrong.'); //bundlerConsole.log('Falling back to normal checkout.'); if (fallbackToCheckout === true) { // Fallback to normal checkout url window.location.href = bndlr.addCheckoutParams('/checkout'); } else { $('.bndlr-add-to-cart').removeClass('bndlr-loading'); } bndlr.preparingCheckout = false; }); }; var processWasSet = false; if (cartData.note !== null && typeof cartData.note === 'string' && cartData.note.length > 0) { // Update cart note processWasSet = true; cart.updateNote(cartData.note).done(function(data) { process(); }); } if (processWasSet === false) { process(); } }); }, getCartData: function(successCallback) { cart.get('default', false).done(function(cartData) { //cartData = bndlr.fixCartPrices(cartData); // Get checkout note var cartNoteSelector = '#CartSpecialInstructions, .cart-note__input, #note, [name="cart[note]"], [name="note"]'; if ($(cartNoteSelector).first().length > 0 && $(cartNoteSelector).first().val().length > 0) { cartData.note = $(cartNoteSelector).first().val(); } try { if (nav.isCartPage() && $('.bundler-target-element').length === 0) { // Check if we are on the cart page and there isn't any bundle offer on it. // Find any input items on cart page, loop through them and change the quantity if needed var cartItemKeyRegex = /\d+:[a-z0-9]+/; $('[name="updates[]"]').each(function(key, el) { var id = $(el).attr('id'); if (typeof id === 'string') { var match = id.match(cartItemKeyRegex); if (match !== null && typeof match[0] === 'string') { var itemKey = match[0]; var itemQuantity = $(el).val()*1; if (itemQuantity > 0) { // Loop thorugh cart items and correct quantity if needed for (var j = 0; j 0) { // Get checkout url with attributes var url = $(cartSelector).attr('action'); var urlParams = url.match(/(?:cart\?)(.*)/); if (urlParams !== null && typeof urlParams[1] !== 'undefined' && urlParams[1].length > 0) { // Url has some extra parameters var additionalParams = nav.getQueryParams(urlParams[1]); bndlr.setCheckoutParams(additionalParams); } // Get attributes $(cartSelector).find('input[name^="attributes["], select[name^="attributes["], textarea[name^="attributes["]').each(function(ix, el) { if (typeof cartData.attributes === 'undefined') { // Set attributes key if it is missing cartData.attributes = {} } var key = $(el).attr('name').replace('attributes[', '').replace(']', ''); var value = $(el).val(); var $el = $(el); var addAttribute = true; if ($el.attr('type') === 'checkbox') { if ($el.is(':checked') === false) { // Only the checked checkboxes are sent to the server addAttribute = false; } } // Check if value is not empty string or if the attribute doesn't yet exist in the cart data. if (addAttribute && ((value !== '' && value !== null) || typeof cartData.attributes[key] == 'undefined')) { // Add attribute to cart data cartData.attributes[key] = value; } }); } } catch(e) { bundlerConsole.log(e); } if (typeof successCallback === 'function') { successCallback(cartData); } }); }, gettingCheckoutInfo: false, getCheckoutInfo: function(callback) { // A method, used by an external JavaScript API to get info about the checkout // Don't use this/self, so we can call the method from external apps if (bndlr.gettingCheckoutInfo !== false) { var lastStartedAt = bndlr.gettingCheckoutInfo; if (Date.now() < (lastStartedAt+1500)) { // Skip this call if we started it already in less than 1.5 seconds return true; } } bndlr.gettingCheckoutInfo = Date.now(); bndlr.getCartData(function(cartData) { var updatedCartBeforeCheckout = DiscountEstimator.updateCartWithDiscounts(cartData); var hasToApplyLegacyDiscounts = updatedCartBeforeCheckout.has_to_apply_legacy_discounts; if (cartData.items.length > 0) { bndlr.getInvoice(cartData, true, 'getCheckoutInfo', hasToApplyLegacyDiscounts).done(function(data) { if (typeof callback === 'function') { data.can_apply_discount = false; if (typeof data.url !== 'undefined' && data.url !== '/checkout') { data.can_apply_discount = true; } callback(data); } bndlr.gettingCheckoutInfo = false; // cosmix-superfood.myshopify.com if (typeof data.code === 'string') { try { bndlr.setCookie('discount_code', data.code, 0); } catch(e) { console.log(e); } } }).fail(function(f) { if (typeof callback === 'function') { callback({ can_apply_discount: false }); } bndlr.gettingCheckoutInfo = false; }); } else { callback({ can_apply_discount: false }); } }); }, getInvoice: function(cartData, withExtraInfo, source, hasToApplyLegacyDiscounts) { if (typeof withExtraInfo === 'undefined') { withExtraInfo = false; } if (typeof source === 'undefined') { source = ''; } var additionalGetParams = ''; if (source !== '') { additionalGetParams = '&from='+source; } var exchangeRate = 1; if (typeof window.Shopify !== 'undefined' && typeof window.Shopify.currency !== 'undefined' && typeof window.Shopify.currency.rate !== 'undefined') { exchangeRate = window.Shopify.currency.rate; } var country = ''; if (typeof window.Shopify !== 'undefined' && typeof window.Shopify.country === 'string') { country = window.Shopify.country; } // If we only have the non-legacy bundles, or if there is a subscription product in the cart, don't proceed with cdo.php execution. // cdo.php needs to execute only as a fallback in the cases where a new discount function cannot handle cases. // We return an empty promise here if (hasToApplyLegacyDiscounts === false) { // Create a fake resolved promise const fakePromise = $.Deferred().resolve({ url: "" }).promise(); // Delay redirection slightly to ensure the promise is returned first setTimeout(() => { window.location.href = bndlr.addCheckoutParams('/checkout'); }, 0); return fakePromise; } // Get invoice url from backend return $.ajax({ url: nav.getInvoiceEndpoint(withExtraInfo, additionalGetParams), type: 'POST', data: { cart: cartData, er: exchangeRate, country: country }, dataType: 'json', timeout: 15000 }); }, clearDiscounts: function(callback) { // Clears discounts from the cart $.ajax({ url : nav.getRootUrl()+'discount/CLEAR', type: 'GET', success: function(data, textStatus, jqXHR) { callback(); }, error: function (jqXHR, textStatus, errorThrown) { callback(); } }); }, cartContainsDiscountCode: function(positiveCallback, negativeCallback) { try { cart.get('default', true).done(function(cartData) { var containsDiscountCode = false; if (typeof cartData.items !== 'undefined' && cartData.items.length > 0) { for(var l = 0; l < cartData.items.length; l++) { if (typeof cartData.items[l].line_level_discount_allocations !== 'undefined' && cartData.items[l].line_level_discount_allocations.length > 0) { containsDiscountCode = true; } } } if (containsDiscountCode === true) { positiveCallback(); } else { negativeCallback(); } }); } catch(e) { console.log(e); negativeCallback(); } }, useInvoice: function(invoice, triggerNormalCheckout, cartData) { // triggerNormalCheckout is used to trigger a checkout from external apps and prevent an infinite loop, as the customer gets redirected directly to the checkout apage if (typeof triggerNormalCheckout === 'undefined') { triggerNormalCheckout = true; } var checkoutWasHandled = false; if (typeof window.discountOnCartProApp !== 'undefined' && typeof window.discountOnCartProApp.applyCode === 'function') { if (typeof invoice.code === 'string') { // We have a discount code here and the "Discount on cart" app is installed, which means that we will leave the application of discounts to the "Discount on cart" app. try { window.discountOnCartProApp.applyCode(invoice.code); checkoutWasHandled = true; var self = this; document.body.addEventListener('docapp-discount-applied', function() { setTimeout(function() { window.location.href = self.addCheckoutParams('/checkout'); }, 1000); }); setTimeout(function() { window.location.href = self.addCheckoutParams('/checkout'); }, 6000); } catch(e) { } } } if (checkoutWasHandled !== true) { // Redirect to the invoice url if (typeof invoice.url !== 'undefined') { if (invoice.url === '/checkout') { if (triggerNormalCheckout) { // Make ajax post request to clear discounts from discount codes /* $.ajax({ url : nav.getRootUrl()+'cart', type: 'POST', data : { '_method' : 'patch', 'step' : 'contact_information', clear_discount : 1, 'checkout[clear_discount]' : 1, 'checkout[discount_code]' : '', 'discount_code' : '' }, success: function(data, textStatus, jqXHR) { $(document).trigger('bundler_trigger_normal_checkout'); }, error: function (jqXHR, textStatus, errorThrown) { //console.log('error'); //console.log(errorThrown); $(document).trigger('bundler_trigger_normal_checkout'); } }); */ /* $.ajax({ url : nav.getRootUrl()+'discount/CLEAR', type: 'GET', success: function(data, textStatus, jqXHR) { $(document).trigger('bundler_trigger_normal_checkout'); }, error: function (jqXHR, textStatus, errorThrown) { $(document).trigger('bundler_trigger_normal_checkout'); } });*/ $(document).trigger('bundler_trigger_normal_checkout'); } else { window.location.href = this.addCheckoutParams('/checkout'); } // window.location.href = '/checkout'; } else { var excludedCheckoutKeys = []; if (invoice.url.indexOf('discount=') !== -1) { // We have a discount code excludedCheckoutKeys.push('discount'); invoice.url = (nav.getRootUrl(true)+invoice.url).replace('//checkout', '/checkout'); } try { if (typeof invoice.code === 'string') { // We have a discount code. Set it to the cookie. try { bndlr.setCookie('discount_code', invoice.code, 0); } catch(e) { console.log(e); } } } catch(e) { } invoice.url = this.addCheckoutParams(invoice.url, excludedCheckoutKeys); BndlrAnalytics.track('initiateCheckout'); var self = this; if ((typeof invoice.status_code !== 'undefined' && invoice.status_code == 202) || (typeof invoice.code === 'string' && invoice.code.length > 0)) { console.log('invoice isnt yet ready'); // This order requires pooling // Wait some time before you redirect to it. // Also add a tiemout when applying discounts with discount codes, because it seems that sometimes, Shopify wasn't yet ready for them. var timeout = 1000; setTimeout(function() { //window.location = invoice.url; window.location = self.addCheckoutParams(invoice.url); }, timeout); } else { //console.log('redirecting to', invoice.url); // This orders seems okay, redirect immediately //window.location = invoice.url; window.location = self.addCheckoutParams(invoice.url); } /* setTimeout(function() { window.location = invoice.url; }, 500); */ } } else { //bundlerConsole.log('Something went wrong', invoice); // Fallback to normal checkout url window.location.href = this.addCheckoutParams('/checkout'); } } }, showBundleOnElementWithHandle: function($el) { var productHandle = $el.attr('data-product-handle'); if (productHandle !== false) { var self = this; cart.getProductData(nav.getRootUrl(), productHandle).done(function(productData) { productData = self.remapProductData(productData); var bundle = self.findBundle(productData.id, productData.variants); var uniqueKey = utils.getRandomString(); $el.attr('data-b-key', uniqueKey); var keySelector = '[data-b-key="'+uniqueKey+'"]'; $el.attr('data-bundle', bundle.id); $el.html('
'); if (bundles !== false) { self.getProducts(bundle, function() { self.displayBundle(bundle, keySelector); }); } }); } }, canShowBundlesAutomatically: function() { var canShowWidgets = true; return canShowWidgets; }, getCustomerTags: function() { // Returns customer tags (Array), or Null if the tags couldn't be retrieved. return customer.getCustomerTags(); }, canShowBundle: function(bundle) { // This function checks whether the bundle can onyl be shown to customers tagged with a specific tag if (typeof bundle.limit_for_customer_tags === 'undefined' || bundle.limit_for_customer_tags.length === 0) { // No tags are set for this bundle return true; } var customerTags = bndlr.getCustomerTags(); if (customerTags !== null && customerTags.length > 0) { // Customer tags were retrieved successfully for(var g = 0; g < customerTags.length; g++) { for(var h = 0; h < bundle.limit_for_customer_tags.length; h++) { if (customerTags[g].trim() === bundle.limit_for_customer_tags[h].trim()) { return true; } } } // Tag wasn't found, therefore we can't show this bundle return false; } else { // Customer isn't logged in or isn't tagged if (typeof bundle.tags_additional_options === 'string' && bundle.tags_additional_options === 'or_without_tags') { // This bundle should also be available to not logged in customers return true; } } return false; }, isInShowBundle: false, // A flag which lets us know that the function is still processing this resetIsInShowBundle: function() { bndlr.isInShowBundle = false; }, showBundle: function(removePreviousBundles) { // removePreviousBundles is used when switching bundles based on selected variant change. /* console.log('show bundle'); console.trace(); */ if (typeof window.completelyDisableBundlerApp !== 'undefined' && window.completelyDisableBundlerApp === true) { console.log('Bundler is disabled via completelyDisableBundlerApp variable.'); return true; } if (this.isInShowBundle === true) { console.log('already showing bundle'); return true; } this.isInShowBundle = true; var bundleFound = false; $('.bundler-target-element[data-bndlr-ccid]').each(function(index, el) { $el = $(el); if ($el.find('.bndlr-container').length === 0 && $el.find('.bundler-volume-target-element').length === 0) { // Element doesn't yet contain the bundle nor the volume bundle var code = $el.attr('data-bndlr-ccid'); if (typeof code !== 'undefined' && code.length > 0) { var bndleId = utils.deCompress(code); var bndle = bndlr.getBundleById(bndleId); if (bndle !== false && typeof bndle.minimum_requirements === 'string') { if (bndle.minimum_requirements !== 'volume_discounts') { $el.attr('data-bundle', bndleId); $el.html('
'); } else { // This is a volume discount widget, mark it like that $el.attr('class', 'bndlr-volume-discount-ccid'); } } } } }); // Check if there is a custom bundle element if ($('#bundler-target-element[data-bundle], .bundler-target-element[data-bundle]').length > 0) { var bundlesList = []; $('#bundler-target-element[data-bundle], .bundler-target-element[data-bundle]').each(function(index, el) { $el = $(el); if ($el.find('.bndlr-container').length === 0) { // Element doesn't yet contain the bundle // The element doesn't yet have the bundle key $el.addClass('bundler-target-element'); var uniqueKey = $el.attr('data-bndlr-k'); if (typeof uniqueKey !== 'string') { uniqueKey = utils.getRandomString(); $el.attr('data-bndlr-k', uniqueKey); $el.attr('id', '_bndl_key_'+uniqueKey); } var keySelector = '#_bndl_key_'+uniqueKey; bundlesList.push({ id : $el.attr('data-bundle'), keySelector : keySelector }); } }); var bundleDataList = []; for(var i = 0; i < bundlesList.length; i++) { if (bundlesList[i].id.length) { bundleDataList[i] = { bundle : this.getBundleById(bundlesList[i].id), keySelector : bundlesList[i].keySelector }; if (bundleDataList[i].bundle !== false) { bundleFound = true; } if (bundleDataList[i].bundle !== false) { if (bndlr.canShowBundle(bundleDataList[i].bundle) === true) { var self = this; var bundle = bundleDataList[i].bundle; self.getProducts(bundle, (function() { var bundleTmp = bundle; var keySelectorTmp = bundleDataList[i].keySelector; return function(products) { self.setObserver(bundleTmp, keySelectorTmp); self.isInShowBundle = false; } } )()); } else { // Remove loading spinner document.querySelector(bundleDataList[i].keySelector).innerHTML = ''; } } } } } if (this.canShowBundlesAutomatically() === false) { this.isInShowBundle = false; return true; } if (bundleFound === false) { // Trigger to display bundle on product page var productHandle = nav.getProductHandle(); if (productHandle !== false && ((typeof removePreviousBundles !== 'undefined' && removePreviousBundles) || $('.bndlr-automatic').length <= 0)) { // $('.bndlr-automatic').length check makes sure that we don't add bundle widgets on the page too many times if we call the .refresh() method. // Except if we set the removePreviousBundles parameter to true, as we want to refresh the bundle widget because of the variant change var self = this; cart.getProductData(nav.getRootUrl(true), productHandle).done(function(productData) { productData = self.remapProductData(productData); var bundle = self.findBundle(productData.id, productData.variants); if (bundle !== false) { if (typeof removePreviousBundles !== 'undefined' && removePreviousBundles) { $('.bundler-target-element').remove(); } var uniqueKey = utils.getRandomString(); var keySelector = '#_bndl_key_'+uniqueKey; self.loopThroughSelectors(function($element, htmlSelector) { if ($element.length === 1 && $element.closest('#judgeme_product_reviews').length === 0) { var dataBundleAttr = $element.attr('data-bundle'); if (typeof dataBundleAttr === 'undefined' || dataBundleAttr === false) { if (typeof self.productHtmlSelectorsActions[htmlSelector] !== 'undefined') { // use positioning function var positioningFunction = self.productHtmlSelectorsActions[htmlSelector]; $element[positioningFunction]('
'); } else { // deafult action is append $element.append('
'); } return false; } } }); self.getProducts(bundle, function() { self.setObserver(bundle, keySelector); self.isInShowBundle = false; }); } else { this.isInShowBundle = false; } }); } else { this.isInShowBundle = false; } } else { this.isInShowBundle = false; } var self = this; setTimeout(function() { // Timeout to set the flag to false in case anything goes wrong along the way in this function self.isInShowBundle = false; }, 3000); }, loopThroughSelectors: function(callback) { for(var i = 0; i < this.productHtmlSelectors.length; i++) { var htmlSelector = this.productHtmlSelectors[i]; if (htmlSelector === '.bundler-target-only-visible-element') { var $element = $(htmlSelector).filter(':visible'); } else { var $element = $(htmlSelector); } if (callback($element, htmlSelector) === false) { break; } } }, isVariantStockAvailable: function(variant) { if (variant.inventory_quantity <= 0 && variant.inventory_policy === 'deny') { return false; } return true; }, // This method will price or 0 if the price was undefined, null or '' priceOrZero: function(price) { if (typeof price === 'undefined' || price === '' || price === null) { return 0; } return this.getPrice(price); }, remapProductData: function(productData, variantId) { if (typeof productData.product !== 'undefined' && typeof productData.id === 'undefined') { // product data is in a sub product object if you request a .json file or by content type header // productData = productData.product; var source = productData.product; var product = { id: source.id, title: source.title, handle: source.handle, variants: [], images: [], featured_image: source.images[0].src }; var variants = []; for (var z = 0; z < source.variants.length; z++) { var variant = { id: source.variants[z].id, public_title: source.variants[z].public_title, name: source.variants[z].name, title: source.variants[z].title, price: this.getPrice(source.variants[z].price), compare_at_price: this.priceOrZero(source.variants[z].compare_at_price), featured_image: { src: this.getVariantsFeaturedImage(source, source.variants[z]) }, available: this.isVariantStockAvailable(source.variants[z]) }; variants.push(variant); } product.variants = variants; var images = []; for (var z = 0; zTo show the bundle widget, just make sure that the product is active in your online shop.'; if (needsAllProducts) { // If the bundle needs all products, then mark this as a product with an error ProductRetrievalStatus[handle]['error'] = errorMessage; bndlr.handleProductRetrievalError(handle); } else { // The bundle doesn't need all products. // Do something with it bndlr.removeProductFromRetrievalRequests(handle); bndlr.processBundlesWithRetrievedProducts(); } } }).fail((function() { var pd = pid; //var needsAP = needsAllP; return function(jqXHR) { // Get product data from proxy //if (jqXHR.status == 404) { cart.getProductDataViaProxy(nav.getRootUrl(true), pd, handle, function() { var errorMessage = 'Bundler: Can\'t get product data: ' + nav.getRootUrl(true) + 'products/' + handle +'.
To show the bundle widget, just make sure that the product is active in your online shop.'; if (needsAllProducts) { // If the bundle needs all products, then mark this as a product with an error ProductRetrievalStatus[handle]['error'] = errorMessage; bndlr.handleProductRetrievalError(handle); } else { // The bundle doesn't need all products. // Do something with it bndlr.removeProductFromRetrievalRequests(handle); bndlr.processBundlesWithRetrievedProducts(); } }).done(function(productData) { bndlr.markProductAsRetrieved(productData); bndlr.setProductLibrariesForBundlesInQueue(productData.handle); bndlr.processBundlesWithRetrievedProducts(); }).fail(function() { var errorMessage = 'Bundler: Can\'t get product data: ' + nav.getRootUrl(true) + 'products/' + handle +'.
To show the bundle widget, just make sure that the product is active in your online shop.'; if (needsAllProducts) { // If the bundle needs all products, then mark this as a product with an error ProductRetrievalStatus[handle]['error'] = errorMessage; bndlr.handleProductRetrievalError(handle); } else { // The bundle doesn't need all products. // Do something with it bndlr.removeProductFromRetrievalRequests(handle); bndlr.processBundlesWithRetrievedProducts(); } }); //}// } })()); } } } )()); } else if (ProductRetrievalStatus[productHandle].retrieved === true) { // Product was already retrieved // Mark the product in this bundle as retrieved. This is crucial when we want to switch the displayed bundle when the customer selects a different variant. // If we don't mark the product as retrieved for this bundle request, then the bundle won't get displayed ;) // Mark the product in this bundle inqueue as retrieved and set the necessary libraries bndlr.setProductLibrariesForBundlesInQueue(productHandle); // Process all retrieved products bndlr.processBundlesWithRetrievedProducts(); } else if (ProductRetrievalStatus[productHandle].retrieved === false) { // Product is being retrieved // Wait } } } } }, productHtmlSelectors: [ '#bundler-target-element', // Custom target element '.bundler-target-element', // Custom target element by class '.bundler-target-only-visible-element', 'div.product-template[itemtype="http://schema.org/Product"] .product__content.page-width', '#ProductSection-product-template .product.grid', '.layout-content-wrapper .product-detail-form', '#ProductSection-product-template section[itemtype="http://schema.org/Product"]', 'single-product.product-page-main', '#__pf [data-pf-type="Layout"] [data-pf-type="Column"] [data-pf-type="ProductBox"]:visible', // weird theme Exgym-home1, yoursafeathlete-unequal '#__pf [data-pf-type="Layout"] [data-pf-type="Column"] [data-checkout="checkout"]:visible', // core-coffee-roasting-company '#MainContent #shopify-section-product-template #ProductSection-product-template,product-template__container.page-width', // Resolves the issue where the bundle isn't centered on mobile devices in Debut theme '#ProductSection-product-template .product-single.grid', '#ProductSection-product-template', '.product-main .box_product_page .product-essential', '#ProductSection .product-single', 'div#section-product.product--section[itemtype="//schema.org/Product"] .box__product-content.site-box .site-box-content', //utilitario-mexicano 'div[itemtype="http://schema.org/Product"] #layoutmaincontent', '#shopify-section-product-template #section-product-template .product-single .wrapper .product-details .product-single__meta div[itemprop="offers"][itemtype="http://schema.org/Offer"]', '#shopify-section-product-template [data-section-id="product-template"] .product-block-list .product-block-list__item--info form.product-form', '#shopify-section-product-template .product-section .page-content .page-width', '[itemtype="http://schema.org/Product"][data-section-id="product"] .product-detail__wrapper .page-width', 'div[itemtype="http://schema.org/Product"] + .single-product-layout-type-3 .product-single', 'div[itemtype="http://schema.org/Product"] .product-single[data-product-id]', 'div[itemtype="http://schema.org/Product"][data-section-type="product"] .row.product-single', 'div[itemtype="http://schema.org/Product"] #shopify-section-product-details', '.shopify-section div[itemtype="http://schema.org/Product"] ~ .container--product-page', 'div[itemtype="http://schema.org/Product"]', 'div[itemtype="//schema.org/Product"]', 'div[itemtype="http://data-vocabulary.org/Product"] .product_section', '#shopify-section-product-template .main_content_area .product_section[itemtype="http://schema.org/Product"]', '#ProductSection-product-template-default .product-default .product_top .product-shop', '#ProductSection-product-template-default .product_bottom', '#shopify-section-single-product-tab', '#shopify-section-product-template .sixteen.columns [class|="product"] [itemtype="http://schema.org/Product"]', '#shopify-section-product-template div[class^="product-"] div[itemtype="http://schema.org/Product"].product_section', '#shopify-section-product-template .product-template .product-right .shopify-product-form', '#shopify-section-product-template .section-product .product-single', '#shopify-section-product-template.shopify-section--product-template div.one-whole.column[class*="product-"]', '#shopify-section-product-template div.product_section.is-flex', '#shopify-section-product-template div.product_section', '#shopify-section-product-template div.product-section:first', '#shopify-section-product-template [data-section-id="product-template"] .product-detail', '#shopify-section-product-template', 'section.grid-hold.product.content', '#shopify-section-product [data-section-id="product"] .pro_main_c > div.row', '#PageContainer main > div[itemtype="http://schema.org/Product"]', '#shopify-section-static-product .product--container article.product--outer', '#shopify-section-static-product article.product--outer', '#shopify-section-product-detail-main [data-section-id="product-detail-main"]', 'article[itemtype="http://schema.org/Product"]', '#ProductSection-product .product-page .product-single', 'div[itemtype="http://schema.org/Product"] .ten.columns.omega', '#shopify-section-static-product.shopify-section.section-product', 'div[class^="product-"] div[itemtype="http://schema.org/Product"].product_section', '.template-product .shg-product:first', 'div#product-details[itemtype="http://schema.org/Product"]', 'div#product_page_content[itemtype="http://schema.org/Product"]', '.product-template-section .product_section', '#shopify-section-product-template-control div[itemtype="http://schema.org/Product"]:first', '#MainContent .module-wrap[data-label="Product"][data-status="dynamic"]', 'section[itemtype="http://schema.org/Product"]', '.template-product .gryffeditor .module-wrap[data-label="Product"]:first', 'article#single-product .product__right', '#PageContainer #shopify-section-product-template-alt', '#shopify-section-product .product--template[data-section-id="product"][data-section-type="product"][data-product-template]', 'div[data-section-type="product"] .product-page .product-single', 'div[data-section-type="product"]', '#ProductSection-product .product-page .product-single:not(.product-single--medium-image)', '#template-product .product_section .product__information', 'div[class*="product-"][itemtype="http://schema.org/Product"]', '#shopify-section-product .product-container .product-details-wrapper .product-message', '#jas-content .product > .jas-row', '.product #shopify-section-product-page-description', '.product .product-infors .theiaStickySidebar', '#MainContent section[keyword="product"] .gt_container', 'div[data-type="product"] .lh-product-single .lh-details-product', '#shopify-section-static-product .module-wrapper .module-product .product-wrap .product-tabs', '.template-product .product-tabs .product-tabs-body #product-tab-description', '#shopify-section-product-page article#section-product-page .product-content', '.product-template.product-details-section .section.product_section', '#PageContainer .product-template .section-description', '#shopify-section-product.shopify-section.section--products', '#shopify-section-product-template .product .page__content-wrapper', '#shopify-section-product-sections-template .product-section .page-content .page-width .product-single__description-full', '#shopify-section-bbar-product-template #product-view', '#shopify-section-template--product', 'div[data-section-type="product-page"] .product-page__main', '.shopify-section .product-section .page-content', '.site-box-container.product--section .box__product-content .site-box-content', '#shopify-section-product--static .product-form-product--static', '#shopify-section-product--static', '#shopify-section-product-description-bottom-template .product_form form.shopify-product-form', '#shopify-section-template-product #template-product .container--product', '.shopify-section.section-product .product-details-inline', '#shopify-section-module-product [data-section-id="module-product"]', '#shopify-section-product #content .pro_main_c > .row:first', '#shopify-section-product-sections-template .page-content .page-width .product-single__meta', '#shopify-section-product-template > div[class^="product-"]', '.product-page--right-column--container .product-form--root form.product-form--container', '.product.product--large', '.product .product__info-container', '#shopify-section-product-template-new', '.shopify-section section[data-section-type="product"] > div.container', '#shopify-section-product-details-template .container .product.product_section', '.product .product-details', '.pro-page #ProductSection-product-template-default .product-default .product_top', '.product-single .product-single__bottom', '.Product__InfoWrapper .Product__Info .Container', '.shopify-section .product__section.product-template div.row.grid_wrapper .product__section-content', '#PageContainer .container .grid.product-single', '#shopify-section-product-details-template.shopify-section--product-template .container .product_section.is-flex', '.product-block-list__item.product-block-list__item--info .card.card--sticky', '.product-id.product-template .product-grid-product-template', '#content .shopify-section.section-product-template .product-container[data-section-type="product-template"]', '.is-product-main .product-container .product-main', '.main__wrapper #content ~ .product__wrapper', '.main__wrapper #content.product-page', '.product-section .page-content .page-width .breadcrumb + .grid', '#shopify-section-product .section-product', '.product--container', '.product-page-main', '.shopify-section.section-product', '.shopify-section .product-section:not(.is-modal) .page-content', 'div.shopify-section--main-product', '.AddToCartForm .item-content [data-key="accordion"]', 'div.product-area', 'div.product__section', '[itemtype="http://schema.org/Product"] ~ .grid[itemtype="http://schema.org/Product"]', '#shopify-section-product-template [itemtype="http://schema.org/Offer"] ~ .container ~ .product-detail', '#shopify-section-product-page__product', '.product-page--root .product-page--top-panel', '.product-page--root', '.screen-layer--is-active .screen-layer__inner .product-section.is-modal .page-content .page-width', '.section-main-product [data-section-type="main-product"]', '.product_section [data-product-details]', '.product_section', '.content-page-detail', '.product.product--wet-pouch', '#product_template', '#shopify-section-product .product-details', '.product-detail__detail.sticky-element .product-detail__options + form.ajax-product-form', '[class*="#product-meta-block @type:buy_buttons"', '[data-section-type="product"] .product .product__container', '.proDetailRightContent', '.product__info-container.product__info-container--sticky', '[data-pf-type="Section"] [data-pf-type="Row"] [data-pf-type="Column"] > [data-pf-type="ProductBox"] form.pf-product-form', 'section.product-page-section', '#m-product .product-data', '.shopify-section [x-data="product()"]', '.product-single[data-product-id]', '[id*="ProductOverview"].shopify-section', '.product .container .product__row .product__col .product-accordion', '.product__info-container product-form.product-form', '.product__section-contentWrapper', '.product__row', '.product-section[data-product-handle]:not(.is-modal)', '#product-area', '.shopify-section.product-section', '.module-product .product-wrap', '.product-single__details', 'article#product-description form.product__form-container.product_form', '.product-page.product-template.main__section[data-product-id]', '.t4s-row__product', '#MainContent div[id^="shopify-section-template--"].section-main-product', '.f-product-single[data-section-type="main-product"]', 'product-page.main-product.grid', '#ProductSection-product-template form[action*="/cart/add"]', 'section[data-product-section] .section-content', '.product-template[data-section-type="product-page"]', '.section.section--tight .product', '[data-section-type="product-template"]', '.border-grid-color[data-section-type="product"]', '.product__top', '#product-template', '.single-product__form-wrap', '.gryffeditor form.AddToCartForm', '[class="#section-body-content"] [class="#product"]', '#product-box', 'section.product-detail-wrapper', 'section.product__container', '.block-section .product-page', 'section[id^="MainProduct-template--"]', '#section-product', '.product--stacked.product--medium' //'.page-content--product .product-grid__container' //'div[class*="lg:sticky"] form[id^="product-card--"][data-type="add-to-cart-form"]', ], productHtmlSelectorsActions: { // Warning: using the after selector can cause the app to show the bundles in a reverse order on product pages! '#ProductSection-product-template-default .product-default .related-products' : 'before', '#shopify-section-product .product-container .product-details-wrapper .product-message' : 'before', '#shopify-section-product-template .product-template .product-right .shopify-product-form' : 'after', '#shopify-section-product-template [data-section-id="product-template"] .product-block-list .product-block-list__item--info form.product-form' : 'after', '#shopify-section-static-product .module-wrapper .module-product .product-wrap .product-tabs' : 'after', '#PageContainer .product-template .section-description' : 'after', '#shopify-section-product.shopify-section.section--products' : 'after', '#shopify-section-product-sections-template .product-section .page-content .page-width .product-single__description-full' : 'before', '#shopify-section-bbar-product-template #product-view' : 'after', '#shopify-section-product--static .product-form-product--static' : 'after', '#shopify-section-static-product .product--container article.product--outer' : 'after', '#shopify-section-product .product--template[data-section-id="product"][data-section-type="product"][data-product-template]' : 'after', '#shopify-section-product-description-bottom-template .product_form form.shopify-product-form' : 'after', '#shopify-section-module-product [data-section-id="module-product"]' : 'after', '#shopify-section-product #content .pro_main_c > .row:first' : 'after', '#shopify-section-product-template div.product_section.is-flex' : 'after', '.product-page--right-column--container .product-form--root form.product-form--container' : 'after', '#shopify-section-product-details-template .container .product.product_section' : 'after', '#shopify-section-product-details-template.shopify-section--product-template .container .product_section.is-flex' : 'after', '.product .product-details' : 'after', '.pro-page #ProductSection-product-template-default .product-default .product_top' : 'after', '.AddToCartForm .item-content [data-key="accordion"]' : 'before', 'div.product-area' : 'after', '.main__wrapper #content ~ .product__wrapper' : 'after', '[data-section-type="product"] .product .product__container' : 'after', 'div[itemtype="http://schema.org/Product"][data-section-type="product"] .row.product-single' : 'after', '#m-product .product-data' : 'after', '.shopify-section [x-data="product()"]' : 'after', 'div[itemtype="http://schema.org/Product"] #shopify-section-product-details' : 'before', '.product .container .product__row .product__col .product-accordion' : 'after', '#__pf [data-pf-type="Layout"] [data-pf-type="Column"] [data-checkout="checkout"]:visible' : 'after', '.product__info-container product-form.product-form' : 'after', '.product__row' : 'after', 'article#product-description form.product__form-container.product_form' : 'after', 'product-page.main-product.grid' : 'after', '#ProductSection-product-template form[action*="/cart/add"]' : 'after', '.product.product--large' : 'after', '.border-grid-color[data-section-type="product"]' : 'after', '.gryffeditor form.AddToCartForm' : 'after', '#product-box' : 'after', '.block-section .product-page' : 'after', '#section-product' : 'after', '.product--stacked.product--medium' : 'after', //'div[class*="lg:sticky"] form[id^="product-card--"][data-type="add-to-cart-form"]' : 'after' }, discountedBundleProducts: {}, activeBundle: {}, objectToArray: function(object) { var array = []; var order = []; for (var property in object) { if (object.hasOwnProperty(property)) { if (object[property].hasOwnProperty('sequence')) { var sequence = object[property]['sequence']; if (typeof order[sequence] === 'undefined') { order[sequence] = object[property]; } else { order.push(object[property]); } } } } if (order.length > 0) { for(var i = 0; i]*>?/gm, ''); var canDisplayBundle = true; var hideProductsIfImageIsSet = true; if (bundle.mix_and_match_display === 'true' && (bundle.minimum_requirements === 'n_products' || bundle.minimum_requirements === 'tiered_n_products')) { try { var bundleHtml = ''+ '
' + '
'; bundleHtml += widgetView.getBundleTitle(bundle.title, bundle.name, bundle.id); bundleHtml += '
' + bundle.description + '
'; bundleHtml += '
'; if (bundle.product_level == 'variant' && bundle.bundle_image !== '') { // Show custom bundle image bundleHtml += widgetView.getBundleImage(bundle.bundle_image, bundle.title, bundle.name, bundle.id); } bundleHtml += '
'; for (var p = 0; p < orderedProducts.length; p++) { var productId = orderedProducts[p].id; if (typeof discountedProducts[productId] !== 'undefined') { var isRequired = (orderedProducts[p].required === 1 ? true: false); var productHtml = this.getMixAndMatchProductHtml(discountedProducts[productId], bundle, isRequired); bundleHtml += productHtml; } } bundleHtml += '
'; bundleHtml += '
'; bundleHtml += '
'; bundleHtml += 'Your bundle:'; bundleHtml += '
'; bundleHtml += '
'; bundleHtml += '
'; bundleHtml += '
'; bundleHtml += ''; bundleHtml += this.MixNMatch.getInstructionsText(bundle, 0, true); bundleHtml += ''; if (bundle.total_price_text !== '') { bundleHtml += '
'; } bundleHtml += '
'; bundleHtml += '
'; bundleHtml += this.MixNMatch.getInstructionsTextTiered(bundle, 0, true); bundleHtml += '
'; bundleHtml += '
'; var addToCartButtonText = bundle.button_text; if (bundle.minimum_requirements !== 'tiered_n_products') { bundleHtml += '
' + addToCartButtonText + '
'; } else { bundleHtml += '
' + addToCartButtonText + '
'; } bundleHtml += '
'+ bundle.discount_warning +'
'; bundleHtml += '
'; bundleHtml += '
'; bundleHtml += '
'; bundleHtml += '
'; bundleHtml += '
'; var htmlSelector = '.bundler-target-element[data-bundle="'+bundle.id+'"]'; //if (typeof window.BndlrIsBundleLandingPage !== 'undefined' && window.BndlrIsBundleLandingPage === true) { if (this.canShowFloatingStatusBox() && $('#bndlr-mnm-status-box').length === 0) { // We are on a bundle landing page // Add bundle status box var bundleStatusBox = '
'+ '
' + '
' + '
' + '' + this.MixNMatch.getInstructionsText(bundle, 0, true) + '' + '
' + addToCartButtonText + '
'; '
' + '
'; $('body').append(bundleStatusBox); this.MixNMatch.showHideStatusBox(); } } catch(e) { bundlerConsole.log(e); canDisplayBundle = false; } } else if (bundle.minimum_requirements === 'sectioned_n_products') { try { var bundleHtml = ''; bundleHtml += '
'; if (bundle.title !== "" || bundle.description !== "") { bundleHtml += '
'; if (bundle.title !== "") { bundleHtml += '

' + bundle.title +'

'; } if (bundle.description !== "") { bundleHtml += '
' + bundle.description +'
'; } bundleHtml += '
'; } bundleHtml += '
'; // TODO: Add progress bar for the sectioned bundle /* bundleHtml += '
'; for(var n = 0; n < bundle.sections.length; n++) { bundleHtml += '
' + bundle.sections[n].name + '
'; } bundleHtml += '
'; */ bundleHtml += '
'; bundleHtml += '
'; bundleHtml += '
'; for(var n = 0; n < bundle.sections.length; n++) { var orderedProducts = this.objectToArray(bundle.sections[n].products); bundleHtml += '
'; bundleHtml += '


'; bundleHtml += '
' + bundle.sections[n].description + '
'; bundleHtml += '
'; for (var p = 0; p < orderedProducts.length; p++) { var productId = orderedProducts[p].id; if (typeof sectionedBundlesProducts[n][productId] !== 'undefined') { var isRequired = false; if (typeof bundle.sections[n].products[productId].required !== 'undefined') { if (bundle.sections[n].products[productId].required === 1) { isRequired = true } } var productHtml = this.getSectionedProductHtml(sectionedBundlesProducts[n][productId], bundle, n, isRequired); bundleHtml += productHtml; } } bundleHtml += '
'; if (n < bundle.sections.length - 1) { // sectioned_move_to_next_section_text bundleHtml += 'Activating this element will cause content on the page to be updated.'; // grovia bundleHtml += '
Move to next section
'; } bundleHtml += '
'; bundleHtml += this.sectionedGetRequiredInstructionsText(bundleKey, n); bundleHtml += '
'; bundleHtml += '
'; } bundleHtml += '
'; bundleHtml += '
'; bundleHtml += ''; bundleHtml += '
'; bundleHtml += '
'; bundleHtml += '
'; var htmlSelector = '.bundler-target-element[data-bundle="'+bundle.id+'"]'; } catch(e) { bundlerConsole.log(e); canDisplayBundle = false; } } else { try { var bundleHtml = ''+ '
' + '
'; bundleHtml += widgetView.getBundleTitle(bundle.title, bundle.name, bundle.id); bundleHtml += '
' + this.replacePricePlaceholders(bundle.description, bundle, bundleKey) + '
'; bundleHtml += '
'; if (bundle.product_level == 'variant' && bundle.bundle_image !== '') { // Show custom bundle image bundleHtml += widgetView.getBundleImage(bundle.bundle_image, bundle.title, bundle.name, bundle.id); } var style = '' if (bundle.product_level == 'variant' && bundle.bundle_image !== '' && hideProductsIfImageIsSet) { // Hide products because we will show custom bundle image style='display:none;'; } bundleHtml += '
'; for (var p = 0; p < bundleRequiredProducts.length; p++) { var productId = bundleRequiredProducts[p].id; if (typeof requiredProducts[productId] !== 'undefined') { var productHtml = this.getProductHtml(requiredProducts[productId], bundle, true); bundleHtml += productHtml; } } for (var p = 0; p < orderedProducts.length; p++) { var productId = orderedProducts[p].id; if (typeof discountedProducts[productId] !== 'undefined') { var productHtml = this.getProductHtml(discountedProducts[productId], bundle); bundleHtml += productHtml; } } bundleHtml += '
'; if (bundle.product_level == 'variant' && bundle.bundle_image !== '' && bundle.list_product_names === 'true' && hideProductsIfImageIsSet) { // Add list of product names bundleHtml += '
'; var listSeparator = ', '; listSeparator = ',
'; // Get required and bundle products and show their names! for (var p = 0; p < orderedProducts.length; p++) { var productId = orderedProducts[p].id; if (typeof discountedProducts[productId] !== 'undefined') { var productHtml = this.getProductListName(discountedProducts[productId], bundle, false, bundleKey); bundleHtml += productHtml + listSeparator; } } for (var p = 0; p < bundleRequiredProducts.length; p++) { var productId = bundleRequiredProducts[p].id; if (typeof requiredProducts[productId] !== 'undefined') { var productHtml = this.getProductListName(requiredProducts[productId], bundle, true, bundleKey); bundleHtml += productHtml + listSeparator; } } // Strip last comma bundleHtml = bundleHtml.replace(/,\s*$/, '').replace(/,
$/, ''); bundleHtml += '
'; } if (bundle.total_price_text !== '') { bundleHtml += '
' + this.getTotalPriceText(bundle, bundleKey) + '
'; } var addToCartButtonText = bundle.button_text; if (this.widgetCanBeDisplayed === false) { addToCartButtonText = 'Agotado'; } addToCartButtonText = this.replacePricePlaceholders(addToCartButtonText, bundle, bundleKey); bundleHtml += '
' + addToCartButtonText + '
'; bundleHtml += '
'; bundleHtml += '
'+ bundle.discount_warning +'
'; bundleHtml += '
'; bundleHtml += '
'; var htmlSelector = '.bundler-target-element[data-bundle="'+bundle.id+'"]'; } catch(e) { bundlerConsole.log(e); canDisplayBundle = false; } } if (canDisplayBundle === false) { bundlerConsole.log('Skipping bundle', bundle.name); return true; } if (typeof keySelector === 'string') { $element = $(keySelector); } else { $element = $(htmlSelector); } if ($element.length > 0) { var $bundle = $(bundleHtml); if (this.widgetCanBeDisplayed === false) { $bundle.attr('data-available', 'false'); } var $addtcButton = $bundle.find('.bndlr-add-to-cart'); $addtcButton.off('click'); $addtcButton.click(function(e) { bndlr.addToCart($(this)); e.stopPropagation(); }); $element.html($bundle); bndlr.renderedBundles[bundleKey] = true; // Calculate the perfect product width this.setProductWidth(htmlSelector, $element); } idleCallback(function() { /* if (bndlr.repositionPlusSignsTimeout != false) { clearTimeout(bndlr.repositionPlusSignsTimeout); } var self = this; bndlr.repositionPlusSignsTimeout = setTimeout(function() { self.repositionPlusSigns('#_bndl_'+bundleKey); }, 200);*/ var self = this; debounce('reposition-plus-signs'+bundleKey, function() { // Add bundle key, as we call this for each bundle separately. self.repositionPlusSigns('#_bndl_'+bundleKey, $bundle); }, 200); $(document).trigger('bundler_bundle_widget_created'); try { var event = new CustomEvent("bundler:bundle_widget_created", { detail: { products: JSON.parse(JSON.stringify(allProducts)) } }); document.dispatchEvent(event); } catch(e) { bundlerConsole.log(e); } if (bundle.minimum_requirements === 'sectioned_n_products') { this.sectionedMarkRequirementsFulfilled(bundleKey, bundle); } }.bind(bndlr)); // Select the preselected products /* if (bundle.mix_and_match_display === 'true' && bundle.minimum_requirements === 'n_products') { bndlr.MixNMatch.addPreselectedProductsToBundle($(htmlSelector)); }*/ }, repositionPlusSignsTimeout: false, repositionPlusSigns: function(selector, $element) { // Reposition plus signs if the total height of elements is the same as height of their's container element if (typeof $element !== 'undefined') { if ($element.length > 0) { this.repositionPlusSign($element); this.repositionPlusSignForMixNMatch($element); } } else if (typeof selector !== 'undefined') { var el = $(selector); if (el.length > 0) { this.repositionPlusSign(el); this.repositionPlusSignForMixNMatch(el); } } else { $('.bundler-target-element .bndlr-container').each(function(key, el) { bndlr.repositionPlusSign($(el)); }); // Check the selected products for mix&match bundles $('.bundler-target-element .bndlr-mnm-selected-products').each(function(key, el) { bndlr.repositionPlusSignForMixNMatch($(el)); }); } }, repositionPlusSign: function($el) { if ($el.hasClass('bndlr-mixnmatch') || $el.find('.bndlr-mixnmatch').length) { // This is a mix&match bundle widget // Skip it. return true; } var totalHeight = 0; $el.find('.bndlr-product').each(function(key, el) { totalHeight += $(el).outerHeight(true); }); if (Math.floor(totalHeight) == Math.floor($el.find('.bndlr-inner-products-container div').first().height())) { $el.find('.bndlr-inner-products-container').addClass('bndlr-break-plus-signs'); } else { $el.find('.bndlr-inner-products-container').removeClass('bndlr-break-plus-signs'); } }, repositionPlusSignForMixNMatch: function($el) { var totalHeight = 0; $el = $el.find('.bndlr-mnm-selected-products').first(); if (typeof $el !== 'undefined') { $el.find('.bndlr-product').each(function(key, el) { totalHeight += $(el).outerHeight(true); }); if (Math.floor(totalHeight) == Math.floor($el.height())) { $el.closest('.bndlr-inner-products-container').addClass('bndlr-break-plus-signs'); } else { $el.closest('.bndlr-inner-products-container').removeClass('bndlr-break-plus-signs'); } } }, setProductWidth: function(bundleSelector, $element) { // NON compressed version if (typeof $element === 'undefined') { $element = $(bundleSelector); } if ($element.length === 0) { return; } var boundingClientWidth = $element[0].getBoundingClientRect().width; var paddingValue = 14; // 7px padding on both sides var isInPopup = false if ($element.closest('.bundles-bundler-hop-full-page-overlay').length > 0) { // The bundle is in the promotion popup // Take max allowed width var bodyWidth = $('body')[0].getBoundingClientRect().width; if (bodyWidth < 400) { // We are on a smaller device boundingClientWidth = bodyWidth*0.9-18; // On iOS on iPhone, it can happen that the width is returned as 0 if (boundingClientWidth < 70) { boundingClientWidth = $('body')[0].offsetWidth*0.9-18; } isInPopup = true; } else { boundingClientWidth = bodyWidth*0.9-18; isInPopup = true; } paddingValue = 0; // We don't have any padding in popup } if (boundingClientWidth > 0) { // Only size products in visible elements boundingClientWidth -= paddingValue; // Substract 7px padding on both sides var productsNum = $(bundleSelector + ' .bndlr-product').length; if (productsNum >= 2) { // Check if we need big or small images if (typeof window.BndlrIsBundleLandingPage !== 'undefined' && window.BndlrIsBundleLandingPage) { var productWidth = 340; // For border-box sizing. This is width (318px + 10px padding + 2px border = 330px) + margin (5px) on both sides. if (typeof clientSpecifics['product_dimensions'] !== 'undefined') { productWidth = clientSpecifics['product_dimensions'].getLadingPageWidth()+10; // Add margin (10px) } } else { var productWidth = 240; // For border-box sizing. This is width (218px + 10px padding + 2px border = 230px) + margin (5px) on both sides. if (typeof clientSpecifics['product_dimensions'] !== 'undefined') { productWidth = clientSpecifics['product_dimensions'].getStandardWidth()+10; // Add margin (10px) } } var minProducts = 2; // Minimum number of products that have to fit in the box. var minProductWidth = 140; if (boundingClientWidth <= 550) { // decrease the minimum product width for tight displays minProductWidth = 120; } if (isInPopup) { minProductWidth = 100; // Increased from 70 to 100 on 2023-03-01 because the 70px is way too small. } if (productsNum > 6) { minProducts = 6; } else { minProducts = productsNum; } if (productWidth*minProducts > boundingClientWidth) { // We can't fit N products in this box. Make products smaller var perfectWidth = boundingClientWidth/minProducts - 10; var $products = $element.find('.bndlr-product'); if (perfectWidth > minProductWidth && perfectWidth < productWidth) { $products.css({'max-width': Math.floor(perfectWidth)}); } else { var widthFound = false; if (minProducts%2 === 0) { // Even number of products. Try to fit two in a row. perfectWidth = boundingClientWidth/2 - 10; if (perfectWidth > minProductWidth && perfectWidth < 220) { $products.css({'max-width': Math.floor(perfectWidth)}); widthFound = true; } } var currentProductsNum = minProducts - 1; while (widthFound === false && currentProductsNum >=1) { perfectWidth = boundingClientWidth/currentProductsNum - 10; if (perfectWidth > minProductWidth && perfectWidth < productWidth) { $products.css({'max-width': Math.floor(perfectWidth)}); widthFound = true; } else { currentProductsNum--; } } if (widthFound === false) { $products.css({'max-width': Math.floor(minProductWidth - 10)}); } } } } } }, // Calculates total price and replaces total price text with old and new price sectionedGetTotalPriceText: function(bundle, sections) { var pricesHtmls = this.getSectionedPricesHtmls(sections); var modifiedText = bundle.total_price_text; if (pricesHtmls.raw_original_price <= pricesHtmls.raw_discounted_price) { // Remove {original_price} placeholder, as the original price is the same as discounted price modifiedText = modifiedText.replace(/{original_price}\s{0,1}/g, ''); } modifiedText = modifiedText.replace(/{original_price}/g, pricesHtmls.original_price_html); modifiedText = modifiedText.replace(/{discounted_price}/g, pricesHtmls.discounted_price_html); modifiedText = modifiedText.replace(/{savings}/g, pricesHtmls.savings_html); return modifiedText; }, // Calculates total price and replaces total price text with old and new price getTotalPriceText: function(bundle, bundleKey) { // calculate total price // calculate discounted price // replace text with prices // update this text on variant select change var pricesHtmls = this.getPricesHtmls(bundle, bundleKey); var modifiedText = bundle.total_price_text; if (pricesHtmls.raw_original_price <= pricesHtmls.raw_discounted_price) { // Remove {original_price} placeholder, as the original price is the same as discounted price modifiedText = modifiedText.replace(/{original_price}\s{0,1}/g, ''); } modifiedText = modifiedText.replace(/{original_price}/g, pricesHtmls.original_price_html); modifiedText = modifiedText.replace(/{discounted_price}/g, pricesHtmls.discounted_price_html); modifiedText = modifiedText.replace(/{savings}/g, pricesHtmls.savings_html); return modifiedText; }, // Calculates total price and replaces total price text with old and new price getMixNMatchTotalPriceText: function(bundle, products) { var pricesHtmls = this.getPricesHtmls(null, null, products); var modifiedText = bundle.total_price_text; if (pricesHtmls.raw_original_price <= pricesHtmls.raw_discounted_price) { // Remove {original_price} placeholder, as the original price is the same as discounted price modifiedText = modifiedText.replace(/{original_price}\s{0,1}/g, ''); } modifiedText = modifiedText.replace(/{original_price}/g, pricesHtmls.original_price_html); modifiedText = modifiedText.replace(/{discounted_price}/g, pricesHtmls.discounted_price_html); modifiedText = modifiedText.replace(/{savings}/g, pricesHtmls.savings_html); return modifiedText; }, // Replaces placeholders {discounter_price}, {original_price}, {savings} with actual values from the bundle replacePricePlaceholders: function(string, bundle, bundleKey) { var pricesHtmls = this.getPricesHtmls(bundle, bundleKey); var modifiedText = string.replace(/{original_price}/g, pricesHtmls.original_price_html); modifiedText = modifiedText.replace(/{discounted_price}/g, pricesHtmls.discounted_price_html); modifiedText = modifiedText.replace(/{savings}/g, pricesHtmls.savings_html); return modifiedText; }, getPricesHtmls: function(bundle, bundleKey, products) { // Returns all total prices html // If you set the third parameter (products), then it will calculate prices just based on the values in this object var originalPrice = 0; var discountedPrice = 0; if (typeof products === 'undefined') { // Normal bundles var bundleId = bundle.id; var discountedProducts = Library.DiscountedProducts.get(bundleId); for(var productId in discountedProducts) { if (discountedProducts.hasOwnProperty(productId) && Object.keys(discountedProducts[productId]).length > 0) { var product = discountedProducts[productId]; discountedPrice += this.getSelectedVariantPrice(product, bundleKey, bundleId); originalPrice += this.getSelectedVariantOldPrice(product, bundleKey, bundleId); } } var requiredProducts = Library.RequiredProducts.get(bundleId); for(var productId in requiredProducts) { if (requiredProducts.hasOwnProperty(productId)) { var product = requiredProducts[productId]; /* var price = this.getSelectedVariantOldPrice(product, bundleKey, bundleId, true); console.log(price); discountedPrice += price; originalPrice += price; */ // Use the same logic as for any other product, as if we use the "compare at price" as base price, // then even the required non-discounted product can "have a discount." discountedPrice += this.getSelectedVariantPrice(product, bundleKey, bundleId, true); originalPrice += this.getSelectedVariantOldPrice(product, bundleKey, bundleId, true); } } } else { // For mix and match bundles for(var key in products) { if (products.hasOwnProperty(key)) { var dPrice = 0; var oPrice = 0; var productVariant = products[key].variants[0]; oPrice = this.getVariantOldPrice(productVariant); dPrice = this.getVariantDiscountedPrice(productVariant); discountedPrice += dPrice; originalPrice += oPrice; } } } //console.log('discountedPrice', discountedPrice); //console.log('originalPrice', originalPrice); var savings = originalPrice - discountedPrice; if (savings < 0) { savings = 0; } var currency = this.getDefaultCurrency(); var originalPriceHtml = this.formatPrice(originalPrice); originalPriceHtml = htmlUtils.moneySpan(originalPriceHtml, currency.toLowerCase(), 'bndlr-old-price', '', originalPrice); var discountedPriceHtml = this.formatPrice(discountedPrice, undefined, 'down'); discountedPriceHtml = htmlUtils.moneySpan(discountedPriceHtml, currency.toLowerCase(), 'bndlr-new-price', '', discountedPrice); var savingsHtml = this.formatPrice(savings); savingsHtml = htmlUtils.moneySpan(savingsHtml, currency.toLowerCase(), 'bndlr-savings', '', savings); return { 'original_price_html' : originalPriceHtml, 'discounted_price_html' : discountedPriceHtml, 'savings_html' : savingsHtml, 'raw_original_price' : originalPrice, 'raw_discounted_price' : discountedPrice }; }, getSectionedPricesHtmls: function(sections) { // Returns all total prices html // If you set the third parameter (products), then it will calculate prices just based on the values in this object var originalPrice = 0; var discountedPrice = 0; for (var sectionId in sections) { var products = sections[sectionId]; for(var key in products) { if (products.hasOwnProperty(key)) { var dPrice = 0; var oPrice = 0; var productVariant = products[key].variants[0]; oPrice = this.getVariantOldPrice(productVariant); dPrice = this.getVariantDiscountedPrice(productVariant); /* console.log('oPrice', oPrice); console.log('dPrice', dPrice); console.log('----');*/ discountedPrice += dPrice; originalPrice += oPrice; } } } //console.log('discountedPrice', discountedPrice); //console.log('originalPrice', originalPrice); var savings = originalPrice - discountedPrice; if (savings < 0) { savings = 0; } var currency = this.getDefaultCurrency(); var originalPriceHtml = this.formatPrice(originalPrice); originalPriceHtml = htmlUtils.moneySpan(originalPriceHtml, currency.toLowerCase(), 'bndlr-old-price', '', originalPrice, 'Original price: '); var discountedPriceHtml = this.formatPrice(discountedPrice, undefined, 'down'); discountedPriceHtml = htmlUtils.moneySpan(discountedPriceHtml, currency.toLowerCase(), 'bndlr-new-price', '', discountedPrice, 'Current price: '); var savingsHtml = this.formatPrice(savings); savingsHtml = htmlUtils.moneySpan(savingsHtml, currency.toLowerCase(), 'bndlr-savings', '', savings); return { 'original_price_html' : originalPriceHtml, 'discounted_price_html' : discountedPriceHtml, 'savings_html' : savingsHtml, 'raw_original_price' : originalPrice, 'raw_discounted_price' : discountedPrice }; }, getSelectedVariant: function(productId, bundleKey, bundleId, forRequiredProduct, sectionId) { if (typeof forRequiredProduct === 'undefined') { forRequiredProduct = false; } if (typeof sectionId === 'undefined') { sectionId = ''; } var reqProductSelector = ''; if (forRequiredProduct) { reqProductSelector = '.bndlr-product[data-required="true"]'; } else { reqProductSelector = '.bndlr-product[data-required="false"]'; } var additionalSelector = reqProductSelector var sectionSelector = ''; if (sectionId !== '') { sectionSelector = '[data-bundler-section="'+ sectionId +'"]'; additionalSelector = sectionSelector; } if (typeof this.renderedBundles[bundleKey] !== 'undefined') { if (typeof bundleKey !== 'undefined' && bundleKey !== '') { // Get selected variant id by bundle key var variantId = $('#_bndl_'+bundleKey).find(additionalSelector+' select.bndlr-select-variant.id_'+productId+' option:selected').val(); } else if(typeof bundleId !== 'undefined' && bundleId !== '') { console.log('Retrieving selected variant id by bundle id'); // Shouldn't happen at all // Get selected variant id by bundle id var variantId = $('[data-bundle="'+bundleId+'"] '+additionalSelector+' select.bndlr-select-variant.id_'+productId+' option:selected').val(); } else { // Get one of the selected variant ids (Shouldn't happen). bundlerConsole.log('bundle id and bundle key are missing'); var variantId = $(additionalSelector+' select.bndlr-select-variant.id_'+productId+' option:selected').val(); } } /* if (typeof bundleKey !== 'undefined' && bundleKey !== '') { // Get selected variant id by bundle key var variantId = $('[data-bndlr-key="'+bundleKey+'"] '+reqProductSelector+' select.bndlr-select-variant.id_'+productId+' option:selected').val(); } else if(typeof bundleId !== 'undefined' && bundleId !== '') { // Get selected variant id by bundle id var variantId = $('[data-bundle="'+bundleId+'"] '+reqProductSelector+' select.bndlr-select-variant.id_'+productId+' option:selected').val(); } else { // Get one of the selected variant ids (Shouldn't happen). bundlerConsole.log('bundle id and bundle key are missing'); var variantId = $(reqProductSelector+' select.bndlr-select-variant.id_'+productId+' option:selected').val(); }*/ if (typeof variantId === 'undefined') { /* Variant selector doesn't exist yet. Return first variant id which is discounted in the bundle. */ /* discountedBundleProducts are already retrieved products from Shopify */ /* activeBundle is active bundle with variant definition */ var bundle = this.getBundleById(bundleId); /* if (sectionId === '') { console.trace(); }*/ if (bundle.minimum_requirements === 'sectioned_n_products' && sectionId !== '') { var sectionedBundlesProducts = Library.SectionedBundlesProducts.get(bundleId); if (typeof sectionedBundlesProducts[sectionId] !== 'undefined') { var productsLib = sectionedBundlesProducts[sectionId]; } sectionSelector = '[data-bundler-section="'+ sectionId +'"]'; } else { if (forRequiredProduct) { var productsLib = Library.RequiredProducts.get(bundleId); } else { var productsLib = Library.DiscountedProducts.get(bundleId); } } if (productsLib[productId] !== 'undefined' && ( ( forRequiredProduct === false && typeof bundle.products !== 'undefined' && typeof bundle.products[productId] !== 'undefined' ) || ( forRequiredProduct && typeof bundle.required_products !== 'undefined' && typeof bundle.required_products[productId] !== 'undefined' ) || ( bundle.minimum_requirements === 'sectioned_n_products' && typeof bundle.sections !== 'undefined' && typeof bundle.sections[sectionId] !== 'undefined' && typeof bundle.sections[sectionId].products[productId] !== 'undefined' ) ) ) { var productVariants = productsLib[productId].variants; if (bundle.minimum_requirements === 'sectioned_n_products' && sectionId !== '') { var productFromBundle = bundle.sections[sectionId].products[productId]; } else { if (forRequiredProduct) { var productFromBundle = bundle.required_products[productId]; } else { var productFromBundle = bundle.products[productId]; } } for (var vi = 0; vi < productVariants.length; vi++) { // Loop through all variants if (typeof productFromBundle.variants[productVariants[vi].id] !== 'undefined') { // Variant found return productVariants[vi].id; } } } return false; } else { return variantId; } }, getPrice: function(price) { if (typeof price.indexOf === 'function' && price.indexOf('.') !== -1) { // Price has decimals in it // Multiply to get without decimals price = Math.round(price * 100); // Added round on 2023-04-25 to avoide the rounding issue (because of floating point numbers) } return price; }, getTotalOriginalAmount: function(bundle, products, fromPOS, bundleKey) { var totalOriginalAmount = 0; for(var key in products) { if (products.hasOwnProperty(key)) { var productId = products[key].product_id; if (fromPOS && typeof products[key].type !== 'undefined' && products[key].type === 'required') { // Skip this product, as it is required and can't be discounted. continue; } if (typeof bundle.products[productId] !== 'undefined' || (bundle.product_target_type === 'all_products' && bundle.minimum_requirements === 'volume_discounts')) { var selectedVariant = fromPOS ? false : this.getSelectedVariant(productId, bundleKey, bundle.id); if (bundle.product_target_type === 'all_products' && bundle.minimum_requirements === 'volume_discounts') { var quantity = products[key].quantity; } else { var quantity = bundle.products[productId].quantity; } if (fromPOS) { quantity = products[key].quantity; } if (selectedVariant === false) { // Use value of first variant // Used in POS // Or if the configured variant_id doesn't exist anymore totalOriginalAmount += this.getPrice(products[key].variants[0].price)*quantity; //totalOriginalAmount += this.getPrice(this.getFirstNonUndefined(products[key].variants[0][priceKeySelector], products[key].variants[0].price))*quantity; } else { for (var i = 0; i < products[key].variants.length; i++) { if (selectedVariant == products[key].variants[i].id) { //totalOriginalAmount += this.getPrice(this.getFirstNonUndefined(products[key].variants[i][priceKeySelector], products[key].variants[i].price))*quantity; totalOriginalAmount += this.getPrice(products[key].variants[i].price)*quantity; } } } } } } return totalOriginalAmount; }, applyPercentageDiscount: function(bundle, products, discountRatio, fromPOS, bundleKey, onlyToSelectedVariant) { var totalAppliedAmount = 0; for(var key in products) { if (products.hasOwnProperty(key)) { var productId = products[key].product_id; if (fromPOS && typeof products[key].type !== 'undefined' && products[key].type === 'required') { // Skip this product, as it is required and can't be discounted. continue; } if (typeof bundle.products[productId] !== 'undefined' || (bundle.product_target_type === 'all_products' && bundle.minimum_requirements === 'volume_discounts') || bundle.minimum_requirements === 'sectioned_n_products' ) { // Only go in if the product is in the bundle or the bundle is a volume bundle targeting all products if (bundle.product_target_type === 'all_products' && bundle.minimum_requirements === 'volume_discounts') { var quantity = products[key].quantity; } else if (bundle.minimum_requirements === 'sectioned_n_products') { var quantity = 1; } else { var quantity = bundle.products[productId].quantity; } if (fromPOS) { quantity = products[key].quantity; } else if(bundle.mix_and_match_display === 'true' && (bundle.minimum_requirements === 'n_products' || bundle.minimum_requirements === 'tiered_n_products')) { quantity = 1; } var selectedVariant = false; if (onlyToSelectedVariant) { selectedVariant = fromPOS ? false : this.getSelectedVariant(productId, bundleKey, bundle.id); if (selectedVariant === false) { // Get the first selected variant selectedVariant = products[key].variants[0].id; } } var atLeastOneVariantWasConfigured = false; for (var i = 0; i < products[key].variants.length; i++) { if (onlyToSelectedVariant === false || selectedVariant == products[key].variants[i].id) { var productPrice = this.getPrice(products[key].variants[i].price); var price = this.getPrice(products[key].variants[i].price)*quantity; var compareAtLinePrice = this.priceOrZero(products[key].variants[i].compare_at_price)*quantity; // Assign total original price with quantity products[key].variants[i].linePrice = price; products[key].variants[i].compareAtLinePrice = compareAtLinePrice; // The discount has to be applied and rounded on product level, as this is how we also apply it in the draft order. // It can be multiplied by quantity AFTER that. var discountAm = Math.round(productPrice * discountRatio)*quantity; if (fromPOS && typeof window.bndlrNoDecimalsInDiscount !== 'undefined' && window.bndlrNoDecimalsInDiscount) { // Remove any decimals from the discount. This is resolving the case in Shopify POS for LAK currency (la-foodpanda-shop). discountAm = Math.round(discountAm/100)*100; } products[key].variants[i].discountedPrice = price - discountAm; if (typeof products[key].variants[i].deliveriesNum === 'number' && products[key].variants[i].deliveriesNum>1) { // Increase the discounted price for the number of deliveries (pre-paid subscriptions) products[key].variants[i].discountedPrice *= products[key].variants[i].deliveriesNum; } // Quantity which was used when calculating the discounted price products[key].variants[i].discountedPriceQuantity = quantity; totalAppliedAmount += discountAm; if (onlyToSelectedVariant === true) { // Break the loop i = products[key].variants.length; } atLeastOneVariantWasConfigured = true; } } if (atLeastOneVariantWasConfigured === false) { bundlerConsole.log('Could not configure the discount and prices for the product '+products[key].title+' in bundle '+bundle.name+'. Try to remove the product from the bundle, add it back to it and save the bundle to resolve the issue.'); } } else { bundlerConsole.log('Could not configure the discount and prices for the product '+products[key].title+' in bundle '+bundle.name+'. Try to remove the product from the bundle, add it back to it and save the bundle to resolve the issue.'); } } } return totalAppliedAmount; }, applyRemainingDiscount: function(bundle, products, fromPOS, bundleKey, maxDiscount, appliedAmount) { // Loop again through products and apply any remaining discount amount if (appliedAmount !== maxDiscount) { var discountDifference = maxDiscount - appliedAmount; for(var key in products) { if (products.hasOwnProperty(key)) { var productId = products[key].product_id; if (fromPOS && typeof products[key].type !== 'undefined' && products[key].type === 'required') { // Skip this product, as it is required and can't be discounted. continue; } if (typeof bundle.products[productId] !== 'undefined') { var selectedVariant = fromPOS ? false : this.getSelectedVariant(productId, bundleKey, bundle.id); if (selectedVariant === false) { // Get the first selected variant selectedVariant = products[key].variants[0].id; } // Calculate price for the selected variant for (var i = 0; i < products[key].variants.length; i++) { if (selectedVariant == products[key].variants[i].id) { // Add the difference only if the difference is divisible by the variant quantity? //if (products[key].variants[i].discountedPrice > discountDifference && discountDifference%products[key].variants[i].discountedPriceQuantity === 0) { if (products[key].variants[i].discountedPrice > discountDifference) { products[key].variants[i].discountedPrice -= discountDifference; discountDifference -= discountDifference; } // Break the loop i = products[key].variants.length; } } } } } } }, sectionedApplyRemainingDiscount: function(bundle, sections, fromPOS, maxDiscount, appliedAmount) { // Loop again through products and apply any remaining discount amount if (appliedAmount !== maxDiscount) { var discountDifference = maxDiscount - appliedAmount; for (var sectionId in sections) { var products = sections[sectionId]; for(var key in products) { if (products.hasOwnProperty(key)) { var productId = products[key].product_id; if (fromPOS && typeof products[key].type !== 'undefined' && products[key].type === 'required') { // Skip this product, as it is required and can't be discounted. continue; } // We already have the selected variant in the product itself, so we don't have to retrieve it from the bundle. var selectedVariant = products[key].variants[0].id; // Calculate price for the selected variant for (var i = 0; i < products[key].variants.length; i++) { // THere should always be just one variant, so no need ot loop here if (selectedVariant == products[key].variants[i].id) { // Add the difference only if the difference is divisible by the variant quantity? //if (products[key].variants[i].discountedPrice > discountDifference && discountDifference%products[key].variants[i].discountedPriceQuantity === 0) { if (products[key].variants[i].discountedPrice > discountDifference) { products[key].variants[i].discountedPrice -= discountDifference; discountDifference -= discountDifference; } // Break the loop i = products[key].variants.length; } } } } } } }, getSectionedTotalOriginalAmount(bundle, sections) { var totalOriginalAmount = 0; for (var sectionId in sections) { var products = sections[sectionId]; for(var key in products) { if (products.hasOwnProperty(key)) { var productId = products[key].product_id; if (typeof bundle.sections[sectionId].products[productId] !== 'undefined') { //var selectedVariant = fromPOS ? false : this.getSelectedVariant(productId, bundleKey, bundle.id); /* if (fromPOS) { quantity = products[key].quantity; } */ quantity = products[key].quantity; totalOriginalAmount += this.getPrice(products[key].variants[0].price)*quantity; } } } } return totalOriginalAmount; }, sectionedModifyProductsPrices: function(bundle, sections, fromPOS) { // TODO: ADD FromPOS variable if (typeof fromPOS === 'undefined') { fromPOS = false; } // This is meant to apply the discount on the already selected/built sectioned bundles, where we already know which variant is in each section // Local function used to set discounted keys such as (linePrice, discountedPrice, etc.) function setDiscountedKeysFixedAmount(self, variant, quantity, totalOriginalAmount, maxDiscount, totalDiscountedAmount) { var price = self.getPrice(variant.price)*quantity; var discountablePrice = price; var compareAtLinePrice = self.priceOrZero(variant.compare_at_price)*quantity; if (price > compareAtLinePrice) { compareAtLinePrice = price; } // Assign total original price with quantity variant.linePrice = price; variant.compareAtLinePrice = compareAtLinePrice; if (totalOriginalAmount <= maxDiscount) { // Original amount is bigger than total amount // Give 100% discount variant.discountedPrice = 0; } else { var discountAmount = Math.round((discountablePrice/totalOriginalAmount) * maxDiscount); variant.discountedPrice = discountablePrice - discountAmount; totalDiscountedAmount += discountAmount; } if (typeof variant.deliveriesNum === 'number' && variant.deliveriesNum>1) { // Increase the discounted price for the number of deliveries (pre-paid subscriptions) variant.discountedPrice *= variant.deliveriesNum; } // Quantity which was used when calculating the discounted price variant.discountedPriceQuantity = quantity; return totalDiscountedAmount; } function applyPercentageDiscount(bundle, sections, discountRatio) { var totalAppliedAmount = 0; for (var sectionId in sections) { var products = sections[sectionId]; for(var key in products) { if (products.hasOwnProperty(key)) { var productId = products[key].product_id; if (typeof bundle.sections[sectionId].products[productId] !== 'undefined') { // Only go in if the product is in the bundle section var quantity = products[key].quantity; for (var i = 0; i < products[key].variants.length; i++) { var productPrice = bndlr.getPrice(products[key].variants[i].price); var price = bndlr.getPrice(products[key].variants[i].price)*quantity; var compareAtLinePrice = bndlr.priceOrZero(products[key].variants[i].compare_at_price)*quantity; // Assign total original price with quantity products[key].variants[i].linePrice = price; products[key].variants[i].compareAtLinePrice = compareAtLinePrice; // The discount has to be applied and rounded on product level, as this is how we also apply it in the draft order. // It can be multiplied by quantity AFTER that. var discountAm = Math.round(productPrice * discountRatio)*quantity; /* if (fromPOS && typeof window.bndlrNoDecimalsInDiscount !== 'undefined' && window.bndlrNoDecimalsInDiscount) { // Remove any decimals from the discount. This is resolving the case in Shopify POS for LAK currency (la-foodpanda-shop). discountAm = Math.round(discountAm/100)*100; }*/ products[key].variants[i].discountedPrice = price - discountAm; if (typeof products[key].variants[i].deliveriesNum === 'number' && products[key].variants[i].deliveriesNum > 1) { // Increase the discounted price for the number of deliveries (pre-paid subscriptions) products[key].variants[i].discountedPrice *= products[key].variants[i].deliveriesNum; } // Quantity which was used when calculating the discounted price products[key].variants[i].discountedPriceQuantity = quantity; totalAppliedAmount += discountAm; } } else { bundlerConsole.log('Could not configure the discount and prices for the product '+products[key].title+' in bundle '+bundle.name+'. Try to remove the product from the bundle, add it back to it and save the bundle to resolve the issue.'); } } } } return totalAppliedAmount; } if (bundle.discount_type == 'percentage') { var ratio = bundle.percentage_value/100; // We are using the local method of applying this here because this is all more specific for sectioned bundles applyPercentageDiscount(bundle, sections, ratio); } else if(bundle.discount_type == 'fixed_amount') { var maxDiscount = bundle.fixed_amount_value * 100; var totalOriginalAmount = this.getSectionedTotalOriginalAmount(bundle, sections); var totalDiscountedAmount = 0; for (var sectionId in sections) { var products = sections[sectionId]; for(var key in products) { if (products.hasOwnProperty(key)) { var productId = products[key].product_id; /* if (fromPOS && typeof products[key].type !== 'undefined' && products[key].type === 'required') { // Skip this product, as it is required and can't be discounted. continue; }*/ if (typeof bundle.sections[sectionId].products[productId] !== 'undefined') { var quantity = products[key].quantity; totalDiscountedAmount = setDiscountedKeysFixedAmount(this, products[key].variants[0], quantity, totalOriginalAmount, maxDiscount, totalDiscountedAmount); } } } } // Loop again through products and apply any remaining discount amount this.sectionedApplyRemainingDiscount(bundle, sections, true, maxDiscount, totalDiscountedAmount); // This isn't yet enabled because we couldn't yet test it out. } else if(bundle.discount_type == 'fixed_price') { // Calculate the total discount in percentage and apply it to the bundle var finalPrice = bundle.fixed_price_value * 100; // Set fixed num of decimals, otherwise we get something like 20.40 -> 2039.9999999999998 var fnum = (bundle.fixed_price_value+'').length - 5; // Subtract 5 because 20.40 is 5 chars long. If theres is anything longer, we want to keep the same number of decimal places. if (fnum < 0) { fnum = 0; } finalPrice = finalPrice.toFixed(fnum)*1; var totalOriginalAmount = this.getSectionedTotalOriginalAmount(bundle, sections); var discountAmount = totalOriginalAmount - finalPrice; if (discountAmount < 0) { discountAmount = 0; } var discountRatio = discountAmount/totalOriginalAmount; // Apply discounts to products by reference var totalAppliedAmount = applyPercentageDiscount(bundle, sections, discountRatio); // Check if the price is really the same as it was specified. The discount is changed by reference. this.sectionedApplyRemainingDiscount(bundle, sections, fromPOS, discountAmount, totalAppliedAmount); } else if (bundle.discount_type == 'products_discounts') { for (var sectionId in sections) { var products = sections[sectionId]; for(var key in products) { if (products.hasOwnProperty(key)) { var productId = products[key].product_id; /* if (fromPOS && typeof products[key].type !== 'undefined' && products[key].type === 'required') { continue; } */ if (typeof bundle.sections[sectionId].products[productId] !== 'undefined') { var quantity = products[key].quantity; /* if (fromPOS) { quantity = products[key].quantity; }*/ for (var i = 0; i < products[key].variants.length; i++) { var price = this.getPrice(products[key].variants[i].price)*quantity; var compareAtLinePrice = this.priceOrZero(products[key].variants[i].compare_at_price)*quantity; var finalDiscount = bundle.sections[sectionId].products[productId].discount_amount*100; finalDiscount = finalDiscount*quantity; if (finalDiscount<0) { finalDiscount = 0; } // Assign total original price with quantity products[key].variants[i].linePrice = price; products[key].variants[i].compareAtLinePrice = compareAtLinePrice; var finalPrice = Math.round(price - finalDiscount); if (finalPrice < 0) { finalPrice = 0; } products[key].variants[i].discountedPrice = finalPrice; if (typeof products[key].variants[i].deliveriesNum === 'number' && products[key].variants[i].deliveriesNum>1) { // Increase the discounted price for the number of deliveries (pre-paid subscriptions) products[key].variants[i].discountedPrice *= products[key].variants[i].deliveriesNum; } // Quantity which was used when calculating the discounted price products[key].variants[i].discountedPriceQuantity = quantity; } } } } } } return sections; }, modifyProductsPrices: function(bundle, products, fromPOS, bundleKey, sectionId) { // bundleKey is used when applying percentage discount (etc. on bundles). // Local function used to set discounted keys such as (linePrice, discountedPrice, etc.) function setDiscountedKeysFixedAmount(self, variant, quantity, totalOriginalAmount, maxDiscount, totalDiscountedAmount) { var price = self.getPrice(variant.price)*quantity; var discountablePrice = price; var compareAtLinePrice = self.priceOrZero(variant.compare_at_price)*quantity; if (price > compareAtLinePrice) { compareAtLinePrice = price; } // Assign total original price with quantity variant.linePrice = price; variant.compareAtLinePrice = compareAtLinePrice; if (totalOriginalAmount <= maxDiscount) { // Original amount is bigger than total amount // Give 100% discount variant.discountedPrice = 0; } else { var discountAmount = Math.round((discountablePrice/totalOriginalAmount) * maxDiscount); variant.discountedPrice = discountablePrice - discountAmount; totalDiscountedAmount += discountAmount; } if (typeof variant.deliveriesNum === 'number' && variant.deliveriesNum>1) { // Increase the discounted price for the number of deliveries (pre-paid subscriptions) variant.discountedPrice *= variant.deliveriesNum; } // Quantity which was used when calculating the discounted price variant.discountedPriceQuantity = quantity; return totalDiscountedAmount; } var isDynamicMixAndMatchBundle = false; if (bundle.mix_and_match_display === 'true' && bundle.minimum_requirements === 'n_products') { isDynamicMixAndMatchBundle = true; } var isTieredMixNMatchBundle = false; if (bundle.minimum_requirements === 'tiered_n_products') { isTieredMixNMatchBundle = true; } if (isDynamicMixAndMatchBundle && fromPOS !== true && bundle.discount_type != 'percentage' && bundle.discount_type != 'products_discounts') { // Prepare products with the original prices, as we have a mix and match display AND we are not in POS // And, we are either applying a fixed bundle price, a fixed discount or no discount at all. // But overall, if we apply either percentage discount or a discount on each product, go through the rest of the logic and actually apply the discount // so that we can show it in the widget. for(var key in products) { if (products.hasOwnProperty(key)) { var productId = products[key].product_id; if (typeof bundle.products[productId] !== 'undefined') { var quantity = bundle.products[productId].quantity; for (var i = 0; i < products[key].variants.length; i++) { var price = this.getPrice(products[key].variants[i].price); var compareAtLinePrice = this.priceOrZero(products[key].variants[i].compare_at_price); if (price > compareAtLinePrice) { compareAtLinePrice = price; } // Assign total original price with quantity products[key].variants[i].linePrice = price; products[key].variants[i].compareAtLinePrice = price; products[key].variants[i].discountedPrice = price; // Quantity which was used when calculating the discounted price products[key].variants[i].discountedPriceQuantity = 1; } } } } } else if (bundle.minimum_requirements === 'sectioned_n_products' && bundle.discount_type != 'percentage' && bundle.discount_type !== 'products_discounts' && fromPOS !== true) { // Prepare products with the original prices, as we have a mix and match display AND we are not in POS for(var key in products) { if (products.hasOwnProperty(key)) { var productId = products[key].product_id; for (var i = 0; i < products[key].variants.length; i++) { var price = this.getPrice(products[key].variants[i].price); var compareAtLinePrice = this.priceOrZero(products[key].variants[i].compare_at_price); if (price > compareAtLinePrice) { compareAtLinePrice = price; } // Assign total original price with quantity products[key].variants[i].linePrice = price; products[key].variants[i].compareAtLinePrice = price; products[key].variants[i].discountedPrice = price; // Quantity which was used when calculating the discounted price products[key].variants[i].discountedPriceQuantity = 1; } } } } else if (bundle.minimum_requirements === 'sectioned_n_products' && bundle.discount_type === 'products_discounts' && typeof sectionId !== 'undefined' && fromPOS !== true) { // We are in sectioned Mix & Match bundle where prices are set on each product separately for(var key in products) { if (products.hasOwnProperty(key)) { var productId = products[key].product_id; for (var i = 0; i < products[key].variants.length; i++) { var price = this.getPrice(products[key].variants[i].price); var compareAtLinePrice = this.priceOrZero(products[key].variants[i].compare_at_price); if (price > compareAtLinePrice) { compareAtLinePrice = price; } var quantity = 1; var finalDiscount = bundle.sections[sectionId].products[productId].discount_amount*100; if (finalDiscount<0) { finalDiscount = 0; } // Assign total original price with quantity products[key].variants[i].linePrice = price; products[key].variants[i].compareAtLinePrice = compareAtLinePrice; var finalPrice = Math.round(price - finalDiscount); if (finalPrice < 0) { finalPrice = 0; } products[key].variants[i].discountedPrice = finalPrice; // Quantity which was used when calculating the discounted price products[key].variants[i].discountedPriceQuantity = quantity; } } } } else if(isTieredMixNMatchBundle === true && fromPOS !== true) { // fromPOS variable is set to false when initially rendering the widget, but it is set to true when we already have products selected. // Don't apply any discount as we have a tiered Mix & Match bundle. // Instead, set a 0% discount so that we have all the required properties set up :) (trickster!) this.applyPercentageDiscount(bundle, products, 0, fromPOS, bundleKey, false); } else { if (fromPOS === true) { var volumeDiscount = []; for(var pkey in products) { if (products.hasOwnProperty(pkey)) { if (typeof products[pkey] !== 'undefined' && typeof products[pkey].volume_discount !== 'undefined') { discountType = products[pkey].volume_discount.discount_type; volumeDiscount = products[pkey].volume_discount; // Simulate the bundle discount for this volume discount bundle.discount_type = volumeDiscount.discount_type; bundle.percentage_value = volumeDiscount.discount_value; bundle.fixed_amount_value = volumeDiscount.discount_value; bundle.fixed_price_value = volumeDiscount.discount_value; //bundle.products = JSON.parse(JSON.sttringify(products)); break; } } } } if (bundle.discount_type == 'percentage') { var ratio = bundle.percentage_value/100; this.applyPercentageDiscount(bundle, products, ratio, fromPOS, bundleKey, false); } else if(bundle.discount_type == 'fixed_amount') { var maxDiscount = bundle.fixed_amount_value * 100; var totalOriginalAmount = this.getTotalOriginalAmount(bundle, products, fromPOS, bundleKey); var totalDiscountedAmount = 0; for(var key in products) { if (products.hasOwnProperty(key)) { var productId = products[key].product_id; if (fromPOS && typeof products[key].type !== 'undefined' && products[key].type === 'required') { // Skip this product, as it is required and can't be discounted. continue; } if (typeof bundle.products[productId] !== 'undefined' || (bundle.product_target_type === 'all_products' && bundle.minimum_requirements === 'volume_discounts')) { var selectedVariant = fromPOS ? false : this.getSelectedVariant(productId, bundleKey, bundle.id); if (bundle.product_target_type === 'all_products' && bundle.minimum_requirements === 'volume_discounts') { var quantity = products[key].quantity; } else { var quantity = bundle.products[productId].quantity; } if (fromPOS) { quantity = products[key].quantity; } if (selectedVariant === false) { // Used in POS totalDiscountedAmount = setDiscountedKeysFixedAmount(this, products[key].variants[0], quantity, totalOriginalAmount, maxDiscount, totalDiscountedAmount); } else { // Calculate price for the selected variant for (var i = 0; i < products[key].variants.length; i++) { if (selectedVariant == products[key].variants[i].id) { totalDiscountedAmount = setDiscountedKeysFixedAmount(this, products[key].variants[i], quantity, totalOriginalAmount, maxDiscount, totalDiscountedAmount); } } } } } } // Loop again through products and apply any remaining discount amount this.applyRemainingDiscount(bundle, products, fromPOS, bundleKey, maxDiscount, totalDiscountedAmount); } else if(bundle.discount_type == 'fixed_price') { // Calculate the total discount in percentage and apply it to the bundle var finalPrice = bundle.fixed_price_value * 100; // Set fixed num of decimals, otherwise we get something like 20.40 -> 2039.9999999999998 var fnum = (bundle.fixed_price_value+'').length - 5; // Subtract 5 because 20.40 is 5 chars long. If theres is anything longer, we want to keep the same number of decimal places. if (fnum < 0) { fnum = 0; } finalPrice = finalPrice.toFixed(fnum)*1; var totalOriginalAmount = this.getTotalOriginalAmount(bundle, products, fromPOS, bundleKey); var discountAmount = totalOriginalAmount - finalPrice; if (discountAmount < 0) { discountAmount = 0; } var discountRatio = discountAmount/totalOriginalAmount; // Apply discounts to products by reference var totalAppliedAmount = this.applyPercentageDiscount(bundle, products, discountRatio, fromPOS, bundleKey, true); // Check if the price is really the same as it was specified. The discount is changed by reference. this.applyRemainingDiscount(bundle, products, fromPOS, bundleKey, discountAmount, totalAppliedAmount); } else if (bundle.discount_type == 'products_discounts') { for(var key in products) { if (products.hasOwnProperty(key)) { var productId = products[key].product_id; if (fromPOS && typeof products[key].type !== 'undefined' && products[key].type === 'required') { continue; } if (typeof bundle.products[productId] !== 'undefined') { var quantity = bundle.products[productId].quantity; if (fromPOS) { quantity = products[key].quantity; } else if(isDynamicMixAndMatchBundle) { quantity = 1; } for (var i = 0; i < products[key].variants.length; i++) { var price = this.getPrice(products[key].variants[i].price)*quantity; var compareAtLinePrice = this.priceOrZero(products[key].variants[i].compare_at_price)*quantity; var finalDiscount = bundle.products[productId].discount_amount*100; if (bundle.minimum_requirements === 'n_products') { finalDiscount = finalDiscount*quantity; } if (finalDiscount<0) { finalDiscount = 0; } // Assign total original price with quantity products[key].variants[i].linePrice = price; products[key].variants[i].compareAtLinePrice = compareAtLinePrice; var finalPrice = Math.round(price - finalDiscount); if (finalPrice < 0) { finalPrice = 0; } products[key].variants[i].discountedPrice = finalPrice; if (typeof products[key].variants[i].deliveriesNum === 'number' && products[key].variants[i].deliveriesNum>1) { // Increase the discounted price for the number of deliveries (pre-paid subscriptions) products[key].variants[i].discountedPrice *= products[key].variants[i].deliveriesNum; } // Quantity which was used when calculating the discounted price products[key].variants[i].discountedPriceQuantity = quantity; } } } } } } return products; }, isVariantAvailable: function(variantId, productId, bundle, fromRequiredProducts, sectionId) { var arrayKey = 'products'; if (fromRequiredProducts) { arrayKey = 'required_products'; } if (typeof sectionId !== 'undefined') { // We are checking this for the sectioned bundle if (typeof bundle['sections'][sectionId]['products'][productId] !== 'undefined') { if (typeof bundle['sections'][sectionId]['products'][productId].variants[variantId] !== 'undefined') { return true; } } } else { if (typeof bundle[arrayKey][productId] !== 'undefined') { if (typeof bundle[arrayKey][productId].variants[variantId] !== 'undefined') { return true; } } } return false; }, getMixAndMatchProductHtml: function(product, bundle, isRequired) { if (Object.keys(product).length === 0) { // This product wasn't retrieved, probably because it isn't published anymore return ''; } var variantSelectDisplay = ''; var options = ''; if (bundle.product_level === 'product') { // Only display variant options for product level bundles var totalOptions = 0; for (var po = 0; po < product.options.length; po++) { options += '
'; options += '
' + product.options[po].name + '
'; options += ''; options += '
'; } if (totalOptions <= 1) { options = ''; } else { variantSelectDisplay = 'display:none;'; } } var variants = ''; var productUrl = nav.getRootUrl(true) + 'products/' + product.handle; // Get featured image for the currently selected variant var featuredImage = this.getFeaturedImage(product, '', bundle.id); var linkTarget = 'target="_blank"'; var productTitle = product.title; if (bundle.product_level === 'variant') { // If this is true we will only show variant name if (allowedVariants.length > 0) { productTitle = this.getVariantTitle(allowedVariants[0]); } } var productTitleAttr = productTitle.replace('"', '').replace(/<[^>]*>?/gm, ''); var addToBundleText = 'Add to bundle'; var addToBundleButtonClass = ''; if (variantsAreAvailable === false) { addToBundleText = 'Out of stock'; addToBundleButtonClass = 'bndlr-no-click'; } var imageDimensions = this.getImageDimensions(featuredImage, product); var html = '' + '
'; html += '' + '' + '' + ''; html += ''+ '
'; html += '' + '' + productTitle + ''; html += '' + '
' + '
' + this.getProductPriceHtml(product, '', bundle.id, true) + '
'; html += '
' + options + variants; html += '
'; html += '
'; html += '
'; html += '
'; html += ''; return html; }, getInitialMaxQuantityForProduct: function(product, bundle) { var maxQuantity = 0; for (const key in bundle.products) { if (bundle.products.hasOwnProperty(key)) { const prod = bundle.products[key]; if (product.id == prod.id) { maxQuantity = prod.quantity; return maxQuantity; } } } }, getSectionedProductHtml: function(product, bundle, sectionId, isRequired) { if (Object.keys(product).length === 0) { // This product wasn't retrieved, probably because it isn't published anymore return ''; } var variantSelectDisplay = ''; var options = ''; if (bundle.product_level === 'product') { // Only display variant options for product level bundles var totalOptions = 0; for (var po = 0; po < product.options.length; po++) { options += '
'; options += '
' + product.options[po].name + '
'; options += ''; options += '
'; } if (totalOptions <= 1) { options = ''; } else { variantSelectDisplay = 'display:none;'; } } var variants = ''; var productUrl = nav.getRootUrl(true) + 'products/' + product.handle; // Get featured image for the currently selected variant var featuredImage = this.getFeaturedImage(product, '', bundle.id, false, sectionId); var linkTarget = 'target="_blank"'; var productTitle = product.title; var productTitleAttr = productTitle.replace('"', '').replace(/<[^>]*>?/gm, ''); var addToBundleText = 'Add to bundle'; var addToBundleButtonClass = ''; if (variantsAreAvailable === false) { addToBundleText = 'Out of stock'; addToBundleButtonClass = 'bndlr-no-click'; } var imageDimensions = this.getImageDimensions(featuredImage, product); var html = '' + '
'; html += '' + '' + '' + ''; html += ''+ '
'; html += '' + '' + productTitle + ''; html += '' + '
'; html += '
' + this.getProductPriceHtml(product, '', bundle.id, true, sectionId) + '
'; html += '
'; html += options + variants + '
' + '
' + ''; return html; }, getStatusBoxProductHtml: function(lineItem, product, bundle) { var productUrl = nav.getRootUrl(true) + 'products/' + product.handle; var variantName = ''; // Get featured image for the currently selected variant var featuredImage = ''; // Get the product image and variant name for (var i = 0; i < product.variants.length; i++) { if (lineItem.variant_id == product.variants[i].id) { if (typeof product.variants[i].featured_image !== 'undefined' && product.variants[i].featured_image !== null) { featuredImage = product.variants[i].featured_image.src; } else { // When you request json format, the featured_image is missing featuredImage = this.getVariantsFeaturedImage(product, product.variants[i]); } variantName = product.variants[i].name; } } // Get featured image of the product (if set) var customProductImage = this.getCustomProductImage(bundle.id, product.id); if (customProductImage !== '') { featuredImage = customProductImage; } var linkTarget = 'target="_blank"'; var variantNameAttr = variantName.replace('"', '').replace(/<[^>]*>?/gm, ''); var html = '' + '
'; if (lineItem.quantity > 1) { html += '
'; } html += '' + '' + '' + ''; html += '
'; return html; }, getSectionedBundleSelectedProductHtml: function(lineItem, product, bundle, lineItemKey, sectionId) { var productUrl = nav.getRootUrl(true) + 'products/' + product.handle; var variantName = ''; // Get featured image for the currently selected variant var featuredImage = ''; // Get the product image and variant name for (var i = 0; i < product.variants.length; i++) { if (lineItem.variant_id == product.variants[i].id) { if (typeof product.variants[i].featured_image !== 'undefined' && product.variants[i].featured_image !== null) { featuredImage = product.variants[i].featured_image.src; } else { // When you request json format, the featured_image is missing featuredImage = this.getVariantsFeaturedImage(product, product.variants[i]); } variantName = product.variants[i].name; } } // Get featured image of the product (if set) var customProductImage = this.getCustomProductImage(bundle.id, product.id); if (customProductImage !== '') { featuredImage = customProductImage; } var linkTarget = 'target="_blank"'; var variantNameAttr = variantName.replace('"', '').replace(/<[^>]*>?/gm, ''); var html = '' + '
'; if (lineItem.quantity > 1) { html += '
'; } html += '' + '' + '' + ''; html += '
'; html += '
'; return html; }, getSelectedProductHtml: function(lineItem, product, bundle, lineItemKey) { var maxQuantityForProduct = this.getInitialMaxQuantityForProduct(product, bundle) if (lineItem.quantity > maxQuantityForProduct) { lineItem.quantity = maxQuantityForProduct } var variantSelectDisplay = ''; var options = ''; var productUrl = nav.getRootUrl(true) + 'products/' + product.handle; var variantName = ''; // Get featured image for the currently selected variant var featuredImage = ''; // Get the product image and variant name for (var i = 0; i < product.variants.length; i++) { if (lineItem.variant_id == product.variants[i].id) { if (typeof product.variants[i].featured_image !== 'undefined' && product.variants[i].featured_image !== null) { featuredImage = product.variants[i].featured_image.src; } else { // When you request json format, the featured_image is missing featuredImage = this.getVariantsFeaturedImage(product, product.variants[i]); } variantName = product.variants[i].name; if (variantName.indexOf('Default Title') !== -1) { // The variant name contains the "default title" // Use simply the product name as this is obviously a product with only one variant variantName = product.title; } } } // Get featured image of the product (if set) var customProductImage = this.getCustomProductImage(bundle.id, product.id); if (customProductImage !== '') { featuredImage = customProductImage; } var linkTarget = 'target="_blank"'; var variantNameAttr = variantName.replace('"', '').replace(/<[^>]*>?/gm, ''); var html = '' + '
'; html += '' + '' + '' + ''; html += '' + '
' + '
' + lineItem.quantity+'x'+ '
'; html += '' + '' + variantName + ''; html += '' + '
' + '
' + '
' + '
' + ''; return html; }, // Creates product html to include it in the bundle getProductHtml: function(product, bundle, fromRequiredProducts) { var variantSelectDisplay = ''; var options = ''; if (bundle.product_level === 'product') { // Only display variant options for product level bundles var totalOptions = 0; for (var po = 0; po < product.options.length; po++) { options += '
'; options += '
' + product.options[po].name + '
'; options += ''; options += '
'; } if (totalOptions <= 1) { options = ''; } else { variantSelectDisplay = 'display:none;'; } } var variants = ''; var productUrl = nav.getRootUrl(true) + 'products/' + product.handle; // Get featured image for the currently selected variant var featuredImage = this.getFeaturedImage(product, '', bundle.id, fromRequiredProducts); //var featuredImageData = this.getFeaturedImageData(product, featuredImage); var linkTarget = 'target="_blank"'; var productTitle = product.title; if (bundle.product_level === 'variant') { // If this is true we will only show variant name if (allowedVariants.length > 0) { productTitle = this.getVariantTitle(allowedVariants[0]); } } var productTitleAttr = productTitle.replace('"', '').replace(/<[^>]*>?/gm, ''); var productQuantity = this.getProductQuantity(product.id, bundle, fromRequiredProducts); var isProductSellingPlanOnly = this.getIfSellingPlan(product.id, bundle); var imageDimensions = this.getImageDimensions(featuredImage, product); var html = '' + '
'; html += '' + '' + '' + productTitleAttr + '' + ''; html += '' + '
' + this.getQuantityHtml(productQuantity); html += '' + '' + productTitle + ''; html += '' + '
' + '
' + this.getProductPriceHtml(product, '', bundle.id, !fromRequiredProducts) + '
' + '
'; html += options + variants + '
' + '
' + '
'; html += '
' + ''; return html; }, getProductListName: function(product, bundle, requiredProduct, bundleKey) { // bundleKey is used to get the discounted value of the price per unit var productUrl = nav.getRootUrl(true) + 'products/' + product.handle; var productTitleAttr = product.title.replace('"', '').replace(/<[^>]*>?/gm, ''); var linkTarget = 'target="_blank"'; var html = '' + this.getProductQuantityHtml(product.id, bundle, requiredProduct) + '' + product.title + '' + ''; return html; }, getProductImage: function(imageSrc, size) { if (imageSrc === null) { imageSrc = '//cdn.shopify.com/s/files/1/0533/2089/files/placeholder-images-image_large.png?v=1530129081'; } else { var resizeMatches = imageSrc.match(/_\d+x\d+\./gi); var resizeMatches2 = imageSrc.match(/\d+x\.(jpg|png|webp)\?/gi); if(imageSrc.indexOf('shopify') !== -1 && imageSrc.indexOf('@') === -1 && resizeMatches === null && resizeMatches2 === null) { imageSrc = imageSrc.replace(/\.jpg\?/, "_"+size+'.jpg?'); imageSrc = imageSrc.replace(/\.jpeg\?/, "_"+size+'.jpeg?'); imageSrc = imageSrc.replace(/\.png\?/, "_"+size+'.png?'); imageSrc = imageSrc.replace(/\.webp\?/, "_"+size+'.webp?'); imageSrc = imageSrc.replace(/\.JPG\?/, "_"+size+'.JPG?'); imageSrc = imageSrc.replace(/\.JPEG\?/, "_"+size+'.JPEG?'); imageSrc = imageSrc.replace(/\.PNG\?/, "_"+size+'.PNG?'); imageSrc = imageSrc.replace(/\.WEBP\?/, "_"+size+'.WEBP?'); } } return imageSrc; }, getSrcSet: function(imageSrc, valueOnly) { if (typeof valueOnly === 'undefined') { valueOnly = false; } if (typeof window.BndlrIsBundleLandingPage !== 'undefined' && window.BndlrIsBundleLandingPage) { var sizes = [ 318, // This is the maximum size on landing pages //318*2, /* 350, 700, 1400 */ ]; } else { var sizes = [ 218, // This is the maximum size of the image in the element //218*2 /* 250, 500, 1000 */ ]; } if (typeof clientSpecifics['image_dimensions'] !== 'undefined') { sizes = clientSpecifics['image_dimensions'].getSizes(); } var srcset = ''; var sizeMultiplier = 1; for (var i = 0; i < sizes.length; i++) { //srcset += this.getProductImage(imageSrc, sizes[i]+'X'+sizes[i]*2) + ' '+(i+1) + 'x,'; srcset += this.getProductImage(imageSrc, sizes[i]*sizeMultiplier+'X'+sizes[i]*3*sizeMultiplier) + ' '+ sizes[i] + 'w,'; //srcset += this.getProductImage(imageSrc, sizes[i]+'X'+sizes[i]*3) + ' '+ (i+1) + 'x,'; // Changed from w to 2x on 2021-11-12 because of retina displays } var sizesAttribute = ''; sizesAttribute = sizes[0]+'px'; srcset = srcset.replace(/,$/, ''); if (valueOnly) { return srcset; } else { return 'srcset="'+srcset+'"'; //return 'srcset="'+srcset+'" sizes="'+sizesAttribute+'"'; // This is the correct way for retina images, but Google Pagespeed doesn't understand it } }, getProductPriceHtml: function(product, bundleKey, bundleId, canBeDiscounted, sectionId, isMixNMatch) { if (typeof canBeDiscounted === 'undefined') { canBeDiscounted = true; } if (typeof sectionId === 'undefined') { sectionId = ''; } if (typeof isMixNMatch === 'undefined') { isMixNMatch = false; } var fromRequiredProducts = !canBeDiscounted; // Put this into another variable, so that we can then change the "canBeDiscounted" variable based on settings. if (canBeDiscounted === false) { // The required products can't be discounted // However, if we use the "compare at price," then even the required product can be discounted canBeDiscounted = true; } // Returns html with product price var price = this.getSelectedVariantPrice(product, bundleKey, bundleId, fromRequiredProducts, false, sectionId, isMixNMatch); if (canBeDiscounted) { var oldPrice = this.getSelectedVariantOldPrice(product, bundleKey, bundleId, fromRequiredProducts, sectionId); } else { var oldPrice = price; } //console.log('price', price, 'oldPrice', oldPrice); var showOldPrice = false; if (oldPrice > price) { showOldPrice = true; } var savings = oldPrice - price; var priceHtml = this.formatPrice(price); var oldPriceHtml = this.formatPrice(oldPrice); var currency = this.getDefaultCurrency(); if (showOldPrice) { var priceHtml = '' + htmlUtils.moneySpan(oldPriceHtml, currency.toLowerCase(), 'bndlr-old-price', 'aria-label="Original price"', oldPrice, 'Original price: ')+' ' + /* Space is essential here */ htmlUtils.moneySpan(priceHtml, currency.toLowerCase(), 'bndlr-new-price', 'data-savings="'+savings+'" aria-label="Current price"', price, 'Current price: '); //(value, currency, classes, customAttribute, numericValue) } else { var priceHtml = htmlUtils.moneySpan(priceHtml, currency.toLowerCase(), 'bndlr-new-price', 'data-savings="'+savings+'" aria-label="Current price"', price, 'Current price: '); } return priceHtml; }, getVariantData: function(product, variantId) { for (var i = 0; i < product.variants.length; i++) { if (variantId === false) { return product.variants[i] } else { if (product.variants[i].id == variantId) { return product.variants[i] } } } }, getProductQuantityHtml: function(productId, bundle, isRequiredProduct) { var quantity = this.getProductQuantity(productId, bundle, isRequiredProduct); return this.getQuantityHtml(quantity); }, getQuantityHtml: function(quantity) { if (quantity > 1) { var html = '
' + quantity + 'x
'; return html; } return ''; }, getProductQuantity: function(productId, bundle, isRequiredProduct) { // returns quantity for the product id // it works on product level (not on variant) if (isRequiredProduct) { if (typeof bundle.required_products[productId] !== 'undefined') { return bundle.required_products[productId].quantity; } } else { if (typeof bundle.products[productId] !== 'undefined') { return bundle.products[productId].quantity; } } return 1; }, getIfSellingPlan: function(productId, bundle) { if (typeof bundle.products[productId] !== 'undefined' && typeof bundle.products[productId].selling_plan_id !== 'undefined') { if (bundle.products[productId].selling_plan_id === 'require_selling_plan') { return true; } } return false; }, getSelectedVariantPrice: function(product, bundleKey, bundleId, fromRequiredProducts, forOneItem, sectionId, isMixNMatch) { if (typeof fromRequiredProducts === 'undefined') { fromRequiredProducts = false; } if (typeof forOneItem === 'undefined') { forOneItem = false; } if (typeof sectionId === 'undefined') { sectionId = ''; } if (typeof isMixNMatch === 'undefined') { isMixNMatch = false; } // Returns discounted price for the currently selected product variant. var selectedVariant = this.getSelectedVariant(product.id, bundleKey, bundleId, fromRequiredProducts, sectionId); for (var i = 0; i < product.variants.length; i++) { if (selectedVariant === false) { return this.getVariantDiscountedPrice(product.variants[i], forOneItem, isMixNMatch); } else { if (product.variants[i].id == selectedVariant) { return this.getVariantDiscountedPrice(product.variants[i], forOneItem, isMixNMatch); } } } //bundlerConsole.log('Could not get variant discounted price.'); return product.price; }, getVariantDiscountedPrice: function(variant, forOneItem, isMixNMatch) { if (typeof forOneItem === 'undefined') { forOneItem = false; } if (typeof isMixNMatch === 'undefined') { isMixNMatch = false; } var price = 0; if (typeof variant.discountedPrice === 'undefined') { // || isMixNMatch === true // For Mix & Match bundles, we have to always take the line price, otherwise we will update the item with the new subscription price. // The issue happens specifically when you offer prepaid subscriptions. price = variant.linePrice; } else { price = variant.discountedPrice; } // DEBUG if (isNaN(price)) { // This happens if the product has the price set to 0. price = 0; } if (forOneItem === true) { if (typeof variant.discountedPrice === 'undefined' || typeof variant.discountedPriceQuantity === 'undefined') { price = price; } else { price = Math.round(price/ variant.discountedPriceQuantity); } } return price; }, getFirstNonUndefined: function() { for (var i = 0; i < arguments.length; ++i) { if (typeof arguments[i] !== 'undefined') { return arguments[i]; } } return undefined; }, getSelectedVariantOldPrice: function(product, bundleKey, bundleId, forRequiredProduct, sectionId) { if (typeof forRequiredProduct === 'undefined') { forRequiredProduct = false; } if (typeof sectionId === 'undefined') { sectionId = ''; } // Returns normal price for currently selected product variant var selectedVariant = this.getSelectedVariant(product.id, bundleKey, bundleId, forRequiredProduct, sectionId); for (var i = 0; i < product.variants.length; i++) { if (selectedVariant === false || product.variants[i].id == selectedVariant) { return this.getVariantOldPrice(product.variants[i]); } } //bundlerConsole.log('Could not get variant price.'); return product.price; }, getVariantOldPrice: function(variant) { if (variant.hasOwnProperty('priceForAllDeliveries') && variant.priceForAllDeliveries > 0 && variant.priceForAllDeliveries > variant.linePrice) { return this.getPrice(variant.linePriceForAllDeliveries); } if (variant.hasOwnProperty('compareAtLinePrice') && variant.compareAtLinePrice > 0 && variant.compareAtLinePrice > variant.linePrice) { return this.getPrice(variant.compareAtLinePrice); } else { return this.getPrice(variant.linePrice); } }, updatePriceDisplay: function($this) { // Updates displayed prices // Triggered when variant select changes var bundleId = $this.closest('[data-bundle]').attr('data-bundle'); var bundleKey = $this.closest('[data-bndlr-key]').attr('data-bndlr-key'); var bundle = this.getBundleById(bundleId); var sectionId = ''; var $section = $this.closest('[data-bundler-section]'); if ($section.length > 0) { sectionId = $section.attr('data-bundler-section'); } var required = 'false'; var canBeDiscounted = true; var sectionSelector = ''; if (sectionId !== '') { // We are in sectioned bundle var sectionedBundlesProducts = Library.SectionedBundlesProducts.get(bundle.id); if (typeof sectionedBundlesProducts[sectionId] !== 'undefined') { var products = sectionedBundlesProducts[sectionId]; } sectionSelector = '[data-bundler-section="'+ sectionId +'"]'; } else { if ($this.closest('[data-required]').attr('data-required') === 'true') { // Variant was switched for the required product required = 'true'; canBeDiscounted = false; var products = Library.RequiredProducts.get(bundleId); } else { // Variant was switched for normal bundled product required = 'false'; canBeDiscounted = true; var products = Library.DiscountedProducts.get(bundleId); products = this.modifyProductsPrices(bundle, products, false, bundleKey); Library.DiscountedProducts.set(bundleId, products); } } // DEBUG var isMixNMatch = false; if (bundle.minimum_requirements === 'n_products') { // We have a Mix & Match bundle. Now, we have to retrieve the simple price, before the subscription adjustment. isMixNMatch = true; } for (var productId in products) { if (products.hasOwnProperty(productId) && Object.keys(products[productId]).length > 0) { var priceHtml = this.getProductPriceHtml(products[productId], bundleKey, bundleId, canBeDiscounted, undefined, isMixNMatch); $('#_bndl_'+bundleKey).find(sectionSelector+' [data-required="'+required+'"] .bndlr-product-price.id_'+productId).html(priceHtml); } } $('#_bndl_'+bundleKey).find('.bndlr-total-price').html(this.getTotalPriceText(bundle, bundleKey)); }, processPriceUpdate: function(eventDetails) { var $el = $(eventDetails.element); if (typeof eventDetails.price !== 'undefined') { var newPrice = eventDetails.price; var pricePerDelivery = newPrice; var deliveriesNum = 1; if (typeof eventDetails.pricePerDelivery === 'number') { pricePerDelivery = eventDetails.pricePerDelivery; deliveriesNum = newPrice/pricePerDelivery; } var isSubscriptionPrice = false; if (typeof eventDetails.isSubscriptionPrice === 'boolean') { isSubscriptionPrice = eventDetails.isSubscriptionPrice; } var isGroupedWidget = false; if (eventDetails.element !== 'undefined') { if (eventDetails.element.hasAttribute('data-product-handles')) { isGroupedWidget = true; } } if (isGroupedWidget === true) { // Don't process the price update for grouped widget. return true; } var bundleId = $el.closest('[data-bundle]').attr('data-bundle'); var bundleKey = $el.closest('[data-bndlr-key]').attr('data-bndlr-key'); if (typeof bundleId === 'undefined' || typeof bundleKey === 'undefined') { return true; } var required = false; var canBeDiscounted = true; var isMixNMatch = false; var isSectionedBundle = false; if ($el.closest('.bndlr-product.bndlr-mix-and-match[data-line-item-key]').length) { // Get lineItemKey, which is essentially the variant_id var lineItemKey = $el.closest('.bndlr-product.bndlr-mix-and-match[data-line-item-key]').attr('data-line-item-key'); isMixNMatch = true; var products = Library.DiscountedProducts.get(bundleId); } else if ($el.closest('.bndlr-sectioned-status-box-product[data-line-item-key][data-section-id]').length) { // Sectioned bundles // Get lineItemKey, which is essentially the variant_id var lineItemKey = $el.closest('.bndlr-sectioned-status-box-product[data-line-item-key][data-section-id]').attr('data-line-item-key'); var sectionId = $el.closest('.bndlr-sectioned-status-box-product[data-line-item-key][data-section-id]').attr('data-section-id'); isSectionedBundle = true; var sectionsDiscountedProducts = Library.SectionedBundlesProducts.get(bundleId); } else if ($el.closest('[data-required]').attr('data-required') === 'true') { // The price update was triggered for the required product required = true; canBeDiscounted = false; var products = Library.RequiredProducts.get(bundleId); } else { // The price update was triggered for the normal bundled product required = false; canBeDiscounted = true; var products = Library.DiscountedProducts.get(bundleId); } if (isSectionedBundle) { if (typeof sectionsDiscountedProducts[sectionId] !== 'undefined') { var products = sectionsDiscountedProducts[sectionId]; for(var key in products) { if (products.hasOwnProperty(key)) { for(var pi = 0; pi < products[key].variants.length; pi++) { if (products[key].variants[pi].id == lineItemKey) { products[key].variants[pi].price = pricePerDelivery; products[key].variants[pi].priceForAllDeliveries = newPrice; products[key].variants[pi].deliveriesNum = deliveriesNum; products[key].variants[pi].isSubscriptionPrice = isSubscriptionPrice; products[key].variants[pi].linePriceForAllDeliveries = newPrice*products[key].variants[pi].discountedPriceQuantity; if (products[key].variants[pi].compareAtLinePrice < products[key].variants[pi].linePriceForAllDeliveries) { // The original compareatlineprice is smaller than the line price. Set it to the same value. products[key].variants[pi].compareAtLinePrice = products[key].variants[pi].linePriceForAllDeliveries; if (products[key].variants[pi].compare_at_price === '' || products[key].variants[pi].compare_at_price === 0 || products[key].variants[pi].compare_at_price === null) { products[key].variants[pi].compare_at_price = newPrice; } } } } } } sectionsDiscountedProducts[sectionId] = products; } //console.log('sectionsDiscountedProducts', JSON.parse(JSON.stringify(sectionsDiscountedProducts))); Library.SectionedBundlesProducts.set(bundleId, sectionsDiscountedProducts); this.sectionedRefreshDisplay(bundleKey); } else if (isMixNMatch) { var SelectedMixNMatchProducts = Library.MixAndMatchBundles.get(bundleKey); for(var key in products) { if (products.hasOwnProperty(key)) { for(var pi = 0; pi < products[key].variants.length; pi++) { if (products[key].variants[pi].id == lineItemKey) { if (products[key].variants[pi].compare_at_price === 0 || products[key].variants[pi].compare_at_price === null) { // Compare at line price is not set, but we want to use the original price as compare at price instead of already discounted subscription price // To achieve this, we set the compare_at_price to the original price, as this is what we then use to calculate the comparison price products[key].variants[pi].compare_at_price = products[key].variants[pi].price; } products[key].variants[pi].price = pricePerDelivery; products[key].variants[pi].priceForAllDeliveries = newPrice; products[key].variants[pi].deliveriesNum = deliveriesNum; products[key].variants[pi].isSubscriptionPrice = isSubscriptionPrice; products[key].variants[pi].linePriceForAllDeliveries = newPrice*products[key].variants[pi].discountedPriceQuantity; if (products[key].variants[pi].compareAtLinePrice < products[key].variants[pi].linePriceForAllDeliveries) { // The original compareatlineprice is smaller than the line price. Set it to the same value. products[key].variants[pi].compareAtLinePrice = products[key].variants[pi].linePriceForAllDeliveries; if (products[key].variants[pi].compare_at_price === '' || products[key].variants[pi].compare_at_price === 0 || products[key].variants[pi].compare_at_price === null) { products[key].variants[pi].compare_at_price = newPrice; } } } } } } // Loop through Mix & Match products // Find the corresponding discounted product // Add it to the object for(var k in SelectedMixNMatchProducts) { if (SelectedMixNMatchProducts.hasOwnProperty(k)) { for(var key in products) { if (products.hasOwnProperty(key)) { var containsCurrentVariant = false; for(var pi = 0; pi < products[key].variants.length; pi++) { if (products[key].variants[pi].id == lineItemKey) { containsCurrentVariant = true; } } if (containsCurrentVariant === true && SelectedMixNMatchProducts[k].product_id*1 == products[key].id*1) { if (typeof SelectedMixNMatchProducts[k].product === 'undefined') { SelectedMixNMatchProducts[k].product = JSON.parse(JSON.stringify(products[key])); } else { // Product is already set // Only update the variant for(var pi = 0; pi < products[key].variants.length; pi++) { for(var pii = 0; pii < SelectedMixNMatchProducts[k].product.variants.length; pii++) { if (SelectedMixNMatchProducts[k].product.variants[pii].id == products[key].variants[pi].id) { SelectedMixNMatchProducts[k].product.variants[pii] = products[key].variants[pi]; } } } } } } } } } Library.MixAndMatchBundles.set(bundleKey, SelectedMixNMatchProducts); // You mustn't write into this array here! // Library.DiscountedProducts.set(bundleId, products); this.MixNMatch.refreshDisplay(bundleKey); } else { var productId = $el.closest('[data-product-id]').attr('data-product-id'); if (typeof productId !== 'undefined') { var selectedVariant = this.getSelectedVariant(productId, bundleKey, bundleId, required); for(var key in products) { if (products.hasOwnProperty(key)) { // There is some issue where we somewhere set 'undefined' as key in the products object if (typeof products[key].variants !== 'undefined') { for(var pi = 0; pi < products[key].variants.length; pi++) { if (products[key].variants[pi].id == selectedVariant) { if (products[key].variants[pi].compare_at_price === 0 || products[key].variants[pi].compare_at_price === null) { // Compare at line price is not set, but we want to use the original price as compare at price instead of already discounted subscription price // To achieve this, we set the compare_at_price to the original price, as this is what we then use to calculate the comparison price products[key].variants[pi].compare_at_price = products[key].variants[pi].price; } products[key].variants[pi].price = pricePerDelivery; products[key].variants[pi].priceForAllDeliveries = newPrice; products[key].variants[pi].deliveriesNum = deliveriesNum; products[key].variants[pi].isSubscriptionPrice = isSubscriptionPrice; products[key].variants[pi].linePriceForAllDeliveries = newPrice*products[key].variants[pi].discountedPriceQuantity; if (products[key].variants[pi].compareAtLinePrice < products[key].variants[pi].linePriceForAllDeliveries) { // The original compareatlineprice is smaller than the line price. Set it to the same value. products[key].variants[pi].compareAtLinePrice = products[key].variants[pi].linePriceForAllDeliveries; } if (required) { products[key].variants[pi].linePrice = pricePerDelivery; //products[key].variants[pi].compareAtLinePrice = pricePerDelivery; if (typeof deliveriesNum === 'number' && deliveriesNum>1) { // Increase the price by the number of deliveries as this is the required non-discounted product, which means that we use the "price" key, not the "discountedPrice" key. products[key].variants[pi].price = pricePerDelivery*deliveriesNum; } } } } } } } if (required) { Library.RequiredProducts.set(bundleId, products); } else { Library.DiscountedProducts.set(bundleId, products); } this.updatePriceDisplay($el); } } } }, changeDisplayedImage: function($this) { // Change displayed image on variant change // Triggered when variant select changes var bundleId = $this.closest('[data-bundle]').attr('data-bundle'); var bundleKey = $this.closest('[data-bndlr-key]').attr('data-bndlr-key'); var bundle = this.getBundleById(bundleId); var currentProductId = ''; // Get the currently changed product ID so that we won't update each product in the bundle again var $product = $this.closest('[data-product-id]'); if ($product.length > 0) { currentProductId = $product.attr('data-product-id'); } var sectionId = ''; var $section = $this.closest('[data-bundler-section]'); if ($section.length > 0) { sectionId = $section.attr('data-bundler-section'); } var required = 'false'; var canBeDiscounted = true; var sectionSelector = ''; if (sectionId !== '') { // We are in sectioned bundle var sectionedBundlesProducts = Library.SectionedBundlesProducts.get(bundle.id); if (typeof sectionedBundlesProducts[sectionId] !== 'undefined') { var products = sectionedBundlesProducts[sectionId]; } sectionSelector = '[data-bundler-section="'+ sectionId +'"]'; } else { if ($this.closest('[data-required]').attr('data-required') === 'true') { // Variant was switched for the required product required = 'true'; canBeDiscounted = false; var products = Library.RequiredProducts.get(bundleId); } else { // Variant was switched for normal bundled product required = 'false'; canBeDiscounted = true; var products = Library.DiscountedProducts.get(bundleId); } } for(var productId in products) { if (products.hasOwnProperty(productId) && currentProductId !== '' && productId === currentProductId) { var featuredImage = this.getFeaturedImage(products[productId], bundleKey, bundleId, !canBeDiscounted, sectionId); if (featuredImage !== null && featuredImage.length > 0) { $('.bundler-target-element [data-bndlr-key="'+bundleKey+'"] ' + sectionSelector + ' [data-required="'+required+'"] .bndlr-product-image.id_'+productId).attr('src', this.getProductImage(featuredImage, '500X500')); $('.bundler-target-element [data-bndlr-key="'+bundleKey+'"] ' + sectionSelector + ' [data-required="'+required+'"] .bndlr-product-image.id_'+productId).attr('srcset', this.getSrcSet(featuredImage, true)); } } } }, getImageDimensions: function(imageSrc, product) { if (typeof imageSrc !== 'string') { return ''; } // Finds the dimensions of the image if (imageSrc.indexOf('https://') === -1) { imageSrc = 'https:'+imageSrc; } if (typeof product.media !== 'undefined') { for(var i = 0; i < product.media.length; i++) { if (typeof product.media[i].src !== 'undefined' && product.media[i].src === imageSrc) { if (typeof product.media[i].width === 'number' && typeof product.media[i].height === 'number') { return 'width="'+product.media[i].width+'" height="'+product.media[i].height+'"'; } } } } return ''; }, getFeaturedImage: function(product, bundleKey, bundleId, fromRequiredProducts, sectionId) { if (typeof fromRequiredProducts === 'undefined') { fromRequiredProducts = false; } var featuredImage = ''; var productId = product.id; if (fromRequiredProducts === false) { // Only bundled products have an option to use custom product image var customProductImage = this.getCustomProductImage(bundleId, productId); if (customProductImage !== '') { return customProductImage; } } var selectedVariant = this.getSelectedVariant(productId, bundleKey, bundleId, fromRequiredProducts, sectionId); if (selectedVariant === false) { // Use value of first variant if (typeof product.featured_image === 'undefined') { // When you request json format, the featured_image is missing featuredImage = this.getVariantsFeaturedImage(product, product.variants[0]); } else { featuredImage = product.featured_image; } } else { for (var i = 0; i < product.variants.length; i++) { if (selectedVariant == product.variants[i].id) { if (typeof product.variants[i].featured_image !== 'undefined' && product.variants[i].featured_image !== null) { featuredImage = product.variants[i].featured_image.src; } else { // When you request json format, the featured_image is missing featuredImage = this.getVariantsFeaturedImage(product, product.variants[i]); } } } } if (featuredImage === '') { // Not needed fallback featuredImage = product.featured_image; } return featuredImage; }, getCustomProductImage: function(bundleId, productId) { var bundle = this.getBundleById(bundleId); if (typeof bundle.products[productId] !== 'undefined' && typeof bundle.products[productId].image !== 'undefined') { return bundle.products[productId].image; } return ''; }, getVariantsFeaturedImage: function(product, variant) { var imageSrc = ''; if (typeof variant.image_id !== 'undefined' && variant.image_id !== null) { for (var n=0; n 0) { format = format.replace('{{iso_currency}}', currency); } else { format = format.replace('{{iso_currency}}', ''); } } price = utils.formatMoney(price, format, (currency || this.getDefaultCurrency()), directionFor50); return price; }, getDefaultCurrency: function() { if (typeof Shopify !== 'undefined' && typeof Shopify.currency !== 'undefined' && typeof Shopify.currency.active !== 'undefined') { var currency = Shopify.currency.active; } else { var currency = 'COP'; } return currency; }, MixNMatch: { // Adds bundle product to the bundle (for mix & match bundles) addToBundle: function($this) { var bundleKey = $this.closest('[data-bndlr-key]').attr('data-bndlr-key'); var properties = {}; var $product = $this.closest('.bndlr-product'); var variantId = $product.find('select.bndlr-select-variant[name="variant_id"] option:selected').val(); var productId = $product.attr('data-product-id'); var quantity = 1; try { var $quantityInput = $product.find('.bndlr-add-to-bundle-container .quantity-input'); if ($quantityInput.length > 0) { quantity = parseInt($quantityInput.val(), 10); } } catch(e) { } // var quantityAttr = $product.attr('data-quantity'); // if (typeof quantityAttr !== 'undefined' && quantityAttr !== null && quantityAttr*1 > 0) { // quantity = quantityAttr*1; // console.log(quantity) // } // This only returns the limit for the total number of items in the bundle var numOfRemainingProduct = this.getRemainingMaxProductsNum(bundleKey, numOfRemainingProduct); if (quantity > 1 && numOfRemainingProduct !== null && numOfRemainingProduct < quantity) { quantity = numOfRemainingProduct; // Reduce the quantity to the max allowed quantity. } // Get max remaining product quantity for this specific product var remainingProductQuantity = bndlr.MixNMatch.getRemainingProductQuantity(bundleKey, productId); if (remainingProductQuantity < quantity) { quantity = remainingProductQuantity; } if (quantity < 0) { quantity = 0; } if (typeof variantId === 'undefined') { // It looks like the variant selector is without any options. Display error message. var productTitle = $product.find('.bndlr-product-title').first().text(); // Show warning/error message. It has to be sent in the correct format (HTTP response). bndlr.showWarningMessage({ responseJSON: { description: 'Product: '+productTitle+' is not available.' } }, bundleKey); } else { var products = Library.MixAndMatchBundles.get(bundleKey); if (typeof products[variantId] !== 'undefined') { products[variantId].quantity += quantity; } else { products[variantId] = { product_id: productId, variant_id: variantId, quantity: quantity } } Library.MixAndMatchBundles.set(bundleKey, products); widgetView.drawSelectedProducts(bundleKey, products); widgetView.MixNMatch.fadeInSelectedProducts(bundleKey); widgetView.addToCartButton.showCheckmark($this); try { // Get all line item properties (mostly subscription props). var prodProperties = bndlr.getLineItemProperties($product); var props = JSON.parse(JSON.stringify(prodProperties)); var event = new CustomEvent("bndlr:mixnmatch:product_added", { detail: { product_id : productId, variant_id : variantId, quantity : quantity, properties : props } }); document.dispatchEvent(event); } catch(e) {} } this.refreshDisplay(bundleKey); }, // Update total price, button, etc. in the mix and match bundle widget refreshDisplay: function(bundleKey) { // Get bundle var htmlId = '#_bndl_'+bundleKey; var $element = $(htmlId); var bundleId = $element.closest('[data-bundle]').attr('data-bundle'); bundleId = parseInt(bundleId); var bundle = bndlr.getBundleById(bundleId); // Show or hide add to bundle buttons this.showHideAddToBundleButtons(bundleKey); // Refresh the instructions text this.refreshInstructionsText(bundleKey, bundle); // Show or hide add to cart button if the bundle already fulfills the minimum requirements // Get number of container products var numberOfSelectedProducts = this.getNumOfselectedProducts(bundleKey); var numberofMissingProducts = this.getNumberOfRemainingProducts(bundle, numberOfSelectedProducts); // Get true|false if the bundle is missing one or more required products var isMissingRequiredProducts = this.isMissingRequiredProducts(bundleKey, bundle); if (numberofMissingProducts === 0 && isMissingRequiredProducts === false) { widgetView.MixNMatch.fadeInAddToCartButton(bundleKey); } else { widgetView.MixNMatch.fadeOutAddToCartButton(bundleKey); } // Recalculate total price var selectedProducts = Library.MixAndMatchBundles.get(bundleKey); var products = Library.DiscountedProducts.get(bundleId); // Recreate bundle and set the selected products in it so we can calculate the total price like we would normally do it var recreatedBundle = JSON.parse(JSON.stringify(bundle)); recreatedBundle.mix_and_match_display = 'false'; var recreatedProducts = {}; var applicableVolumeDiscountTier = {}; if (typeof bundle.volume_discounts !== 'undefined' && bundle.volume_discounts.length > 0) { var showTieredMixnMatchInstructionsText = false; //var tieredMixnMatchLimitReached = false; // Loop through volume discounts, bundle products, cart items and push in as many products as you can for each volume discount for (var p = (bundle.volume_discounts.length - 1); p >= 0; p--) { var volumeDiscount = bundle.volume_discounts[p]; var minTotal = volumeDiscount.min_items; // The minimum quantity requirements are checked below var max = volumeDiscount.max_items; var rangeType = volumeDiscount.range_type; // Possible values: fixed_quantity, range, min_limit_only, min_cart_value if (max == '0') { max = null; } if (rangeType === 'min_limit_only') { // Set max quantity to null, as we don't have any limit set up max = null; } /* if (max !== null && max <= numberOfSelectedProducts) { tieredMixnMatchLimitReached = true; }*/ if (numberOfSelectedProducts >= minTotal && (max === null || numberOfSelectedProducts <= max)) { // We can apply this volume discount applicableVolumeDiscountTier = JSON.parse(JSON.stringify(volumeDiscount)); if (p < (bundle.volume_discounts.length - 1)) { // It seems that we still aren't in the last option // Show the instructions text showTieredMixnMatchInstructionsText = true; } // Stop the loop p = 0; } } if (showTieredMixnMatchInstructionsText === true) { widgetView.MixNMatch.fadeInTieredMnMInstructions(bundleKey); } else { widgetView.MixNMatch.fadeOutTieredMnMInstructions(bundleKey); } /* if (tieredMixnMatchLimitReached === true) { widgetView.MixNMatch.fadeOutAddToCartButton(bundleKey); } */ } for (var key in selectedProducts) { if (selectedProducts.hasOwnProperty(key)) { var variantId = selectedProducts[key].variant_id; var productId = selectedProducts[key].product_id; var quantity = selectedProducts[key].quantity; var product = {}; if (bundle.product_level == 'product') { product = products[productId]; } else { product = products[productId]; } if (typeof selectedProducts[key].product !== 'undefined') { // We have set the custom product data (prices) for this selected product. // This happens when we also display a subscription widget in the Mix & Match widget. // Use this data, as it contains subscription discounts and price increases (for prepaid subs). product = selectedProducts[key].product; } var prd = JSON.parse(JSON.stringify(product)); for (var i = 0; i 0) { // We have a volume discount, which can be applied here prd.volume_discount = JSON.parse(JSON.stringify(applicableVolumeDiscountTier)); } recreatedProducts[key] = prd; } } if (this.getNumberOfRemainingProducts(bundle, numberOfSelectedProducts) === 0) { recreatedProducts = bndlr.modifyProductsPrices(recreatedBundle, recreatedProducts, true); // Simulate POS } var totalPriceText = bndlr.getMixNMatchTotalPriceText(recreatedBundle, recreatedProducts); $element.find('.bndlr-mnm-total-price').html(totalPriceText); bndlr.setProductWidth(htmlId+' .bndlr-mnm-second-container', $element.find('.bndlr-mnm-second-container')); // Trigger check for the status box display with a timeout to give it a chance to render completely window.requestAnimationFrame(this.showHideStatusBox); if (bndlr.repositionPlusSignsTimeout != false) { clearTimeout(bndlr.repositionPlusSignsTimeout); } bndlr.repositionPlusSignsTimeout = setTimeout(function() { bndlr.repositionPlusSigns('#_bndl_'+bundleKey); }, 200); bndlr.convertCurrency('.bndlr-mnm-total-price'); try { var event = new CustomEvent("bundler:mixnmatch_refreshed"); document.dispatchEvent(event); } catch(e) {} }, refreshInstructionsText: function(bundleKey, bundle) { var numberOfSelectedProducts = this.getNumOfselectedProducts(bundleKey); var isMissingRequiredProducts = this.isMissingRequiredProducts(bundleKey, bundle); var content = this.getInstructionsText(bundle, numberOfSelectedProducts, isMissingRequiredProducts); $('[data-bndlr-key="'+bundleKey+'"] .bndlr-mnm-instructions-text').html(content); $('#bndlr-mnm-status-box[data-bndlr-bundle-key="'+bundleKey+'"] .bndlr-mnm-instructions-text').html(content); var tieredBundleNextDiscountText = bndlr.MixNMatch.getInstructionsTextTiered(bundle, numberOfSelectedProducts); $('[data-bndlr-key="'+bundleKey+'"] .bndlr-tiered-mnm-instructions-text .bndlr-tiered-mnm-instructions-text-inner').html(tieredBundleNextDiscountText); }, getNumOfselectedProducts: function(bundleKey) { var products = Library.MixAndMatchBundles.get(bundleKey); var productsCount = 0; for (var key in products) { if (products.hasOwnProperty(key)) { productsCount += products[key].quantity; } } return productsCount; }, isMissingRequiredProducts: function(bundleKey, bundle) { var products = Library.MixAndMatchBundles.get(bundleKey); var numOfRequiredProducts = 0; var containedRequiredProducts = 0; for(var key in bundle.products) { if (bundle.products.hasOwnProperty(key)) { if (bundle.products[key].required === 1) { numOfRequiredProducts++; var productIsContained = false; for(var k in products) { if (products.hasOwnProperty(k)) { if (products[k].product_id == bundle.products[key].id) { // The required product IS in the configured bundle containedRequiredProducts++; productIsContained = true; // Break the loop, so we don't count the same product multiple times, as this could increase the contained products count too much break; } } } if (productIsContained === false) { // Return true to save loops, as the product is required, but not in the bundle. return true; } } } } if (containedRequiredProducts === numOfRequiredProducts) { return false; } else { return true; } }, showHideAddToBundleButtons: function(bundleKey) { if (bndlr.MixNMatch.canAddMoreProducts(bundleKey) === false) { // Checks if there are already more products selected then they are allowed to be widgetView.MixNMatch.hideAddtoBundleButtons(bundleKey); } else { // there are less than max allowed products selected // Loop through products and check if any of them can't be selected anymore $('[data-bndlr-key="'+bundleKey+'"] .bndlr-mnm-available-products .bndlr-product').each(function(key, el) { var productId = $(el).attr('data-product-id'); if (bndlr.MixNMatch.canAddMoreProduct(bundleKey, productId) === false) { widgetView.MixNMatch.hideAddtoBundleButton(bundleKey, productId); } else { widgetView.MixNMatch.showAddtoBundleButton(bundleKey, productId); } }); } }, canAddMoreProducts: function(bundleKey) { // check if any product can still be added to the mix and match bundle var bundleId = $('[data-bndlr-key="'+bundleKey+'"]').closest('[data-bundle]').attr('data-bundle'); bundleId = parseInt(bundleId); var bundle = bndlr.getBundleById(bundleId); var numberOfSelectedProducts = this.getNumOfselectedProducts(bundleKey); if (typeof bundle.volume_discounts !== 'undefined' && bundle.volume_discounts.length > 0) { var tieredMixnMatchLimitReached = false; // Get the last volume discount and determine if more items can be added to the bundle or not. var volumeDiscount = bundle.volume_discounts[(bundle.volume_discounts.length - 1)]; var max = volumeDiscount.max_items; var rangeType = volumeDiscount.range_type; // Possible values: fixed_quantity, range, min_limit_only, min_cart_value if (max == '0') { max = null; } if (rangeType === 'range' && max !== '' && max !== null && max <= numberOfSelectedProducts) { tieredMixnMatchLimitReached = true; } return !tieredMixnMatchLimitReached; } if (bundle.minimum_requirements_n_max_products === null) { return true; } if (bundle.minimum_requirements_n_max_products > numberOfSelectedProducts) { return true; } return false; }, getRemainingMaxProductsNum: function(bundleKey) { // remainingProducts will get the number of remaining available products count through reference // check if any product can still be added to the mix and match bundle var bundleId = $('[data-bndlr-key="'+bundleKey+'"]').closest('[data-bundle]').attr('data-bundle'); bundleId = parseInt(bundleId); var bundle = bndlr.getBundleById(bundleId); var numberOfSelectedProducts = this.getNumOfselectedProducts(bundleKey); if (bundle.minimum_requirements_n_max_products === null) { return null; } if (bundle.minimum_requirements_n_max_products > numberOfSelectedProducts) { return bundle.minimum_requirements_n_max_products*1 - numberOfSelectedProducts*1; } return 0; }, getRemainingProductQuantity: function(bundleKey, productId) { // check if this product can still be added to the mix and match bundle var bundleId = $('[data-bndlr-key="'+bundleKey+'"]').closest('[data-bundle]').attr('data-bundle'); bundleId = parseInt(bundleId); var bundle = bndlr.getBundleById(bundleId); var products = Library.MixAndMatchBundles.get(bundleKey); var allowedTotalProductQuantity = bundle.products[productId].quantity; for(var key in products) { if (products.hasOwnProperty(key)) { if (bundle.product_level == 'product') { if (products[key].product_id == productId) { // Decrease the total allowed for this product by the current variant quantity. // This is so because you can have multiple quantities of the same product, but only allow N total items of this product across the variants. allowedTotalProductQuantity -= products[key].quantity; } } else { if (products[key].variant_id == productId) { allowedTotalProductQuantity -= products[key].quantity; } } } } return allowedTotalProductQuantity; }, canAddMoreProduct: function(bundleKey, productId) { // check if this product can still be added to the mix and match bundle var bundleId = $('[data-bndlr-key="'+bundleKey+'"]').closest('[data-bundle]').attr('data-bundle'); bundleId = parseInt(bundleId); var bundle = bndlr.getBundleById(bundleId); var products = Library.MixAndMatchBundles.get(bundleKey); var allowedTotalProductQuantity = bundle.products[productId].quantity; for(var key in products) { if (products.hasOwnProperty(key)) { if (bundle.product_level == 'product') { if (products[key].product_id == productId) { // Decrease the total allowed for this product by the current variant quantity. // This is so because you can have multiple quantities of the same product, but only allow N total items of this product across the variants. allowedTotalProductQuantity -= products[key].quantity; if (allowedTotalProductQuantity <= 0) { return false; } } } else { if (products[key].variant_id == productId) { if (products[key].quantity >= bundle.products[productId].quantity) { return false; } else { return true; } } } } } if (allowedTotalProductQuantity > 0) { return true; } else { return false; } }, removeFromBundle: function($this) { // removes item from mix and match bundle var lineItemKey = $this.closest('[data-line-item-key]').attr('data-line-item-key'); var bundleKey = $this.closest('[data-bndlr-key]').attr('data-bndlr-key'); var products = Library.MixAndMatchBundles.get(bundleKey); if (typeof products[lineItemKey] !== 'undefined') { delete products[lineItemKey]; Library.MixAndMatchBundles.set(bundleKey, products); widgetView.drawSelectedProducts(bundleKey, products); if (Object.keys(products).length === 0) { widgetView.MixNMatch.fadeOutSelectedProducts(bundleKey); } this.refreshDisplay(bundleKey); } }, productsToString: function(products) { // Transforms products object to a string p-product_id:variant_id=quantity&... var productsString = ''; for(var key in products) { if (products.hasOwnProperty(key)) { productsString += 'p-'+products[key].product_id+'-'+products[key].variant_id+'='+products[key].quantity+'&'; } } return productsString; }, addMixAndMatchBundleToCart: function($this, $outOfWidgetButton) { var bundleKey = $this.closest('[data-bndlr-key]').attr('data-bndlr-key'); var $bundleContainer = $this.closest('[data-bndlr-key]'); var products = Library.MixAndMatchBundles.get(bundleKey); $this.addClass('bndlr-loading'); if (typeof $outOfWidgetButton !== 'undefined') { $outOfWidgetButton.addClass('bndlr-loading'); } if (typeof clientSpecifics['add_to_cart_control_mixnmatch'] !== 'undefined') { var canContinue = clientSpecifics['add_to_cart_control_mixnmatch'].trigger($this); } else { var canContinue = true; } if (nav.isShopPage() === false) { // This is a third party page. // Redirect the user to the quick checkout with a list of selected products $this.addClass('bndlr-loading'); var id = $this.closest('.bundler-target-element').attr('data-bundle'); var name = $this.closest('[data-bundle-name]').attr('data-bundle-name'); if (typeof window.bndlrPOSShowBundles === 'undefined') { // This is a third party page (not a POS page) // Redirect the user to the quick checkout var quickCheckout = nav.getQuickCheckoutUrl(name, id); quickCheckout += '?mixnmatch=1&'+this.productsToString(products); window.location.href = quickCheckout; } else if(window.bndlrPOSShowBundles === true) { // We are in the POS page // Trigger event to add products to the cart document.dispatchEvent(new CustomEvent('bundlerPOS:add_products_to_cart', { bubbles: true, detail: { products: products } })); } return true; } if (canContinue) { var queueKey = 'mixandmatchaddtocart'; var items = []; for (var key in products) { if (products.hasOwnProperty(key)) { (function() { var variantId = products[key].variant_id; var quantity = products[key].quantity; var $el = $bundleContainer.find('.bndlr-mnm-selected-products .bndlr-product[data-line-item-key="'+key+'"]').first(); // Get all line item properties (mostly subscription props). var prodProperties = bndlr.getLineItemProperties($el); var props = JSON.parse(JSON.stringify(prodProperties)); // Get all line item properties (mostly subscription props). var sellingPlan = bndlr.getSellingPlan($el); // Add item to the array so we can add them to the cart with one ajax call items.push({ id : variantId, quantity : quantity, properties : props, selling_plan: sellingPlan }); })(); } } bndlr.addItemsToCart(items, queueKey, bundleKey, $this, $outOfWidgetButton); queue.process(queueKey); } }, getInstructionsText: function(bundle, numberOfProducts, isMissingRequiredProducts) { var content = ''; var remainingProducts = this.getNumberOfRemainingProducts(bundle, numberOfProducts); if (remainingProducts>0) { content = 'Your bundle needs {{n}} more item(s).'; content = content.replace('{{n}}', remainingProducts); } else if(isMissingRequiredProducts) { content = 'Your bundle is missing the required product(s).'; } return content; }, getInstructionsTextTiered: function(bundle, numberOfProducts) { var content = ''; if (typeof bundle.volume_discounts !== 'undefined' && bundle.volume_discounts.length > 1) { var nextDiscount = this.getNextDiscount(bundle, numberOfProducts); var missingItemsCount = nextDiscount.min_items*1 - numberOfProducts; if (missingItemsCount > 0) { var nextDiscountValue = nextDiscount.discount_value; var nextDiscountType = nextDiscount.discount_type; //var currencySymbol = ''; var discountUnit = ''; /* if (typeof Shopify !== 'undefined' && typeof Shopify.currency !== 'undefined' && typeof Shopify.currency.active === 'string') { //discountUnit = Shopify.currency.active; currencySymbol = utils.getCurrencySymbol(Shopify.currency.active); } discountUnit = currencySymbol;*/ var savings = ''; if (nextDiscount.discount_type === 'percentage') { discountUnit = '%'; savings = nextDiscountValue+discountUnit; } else { savings = bndlr.formatPrice(nextDiscountValue*100); } //var text = 'Add {{missing_items_count}} more item(s) to get up to {{discount_value}} OFF!'; var text = 'Add {{missing_items_count}} more item(s) to get up to {{discount_value}} OFF!'; var keyValue = { 'missing_items_count' : missingItemsCount, 'discount_value' : savings }; content = GlobalUtility.liquidReplaceMulti(text, keyValue); //content = 'Add '+missingItemsCount+' more item(s) to get up to '+nextDiscountValue+discountUnit+' OFF!'; } } /* var remainingProducts = this.getNextDiscount(bundle, numberOfProducts); if (remainingProducts>0) { content = 'Your bundle needs {{n}} more item(s).'; content = content.replace('{{n}}', remainingProducts); } else if(isMissingRequiredProducts) { content = 'Your bundle is missing the required product(s).'; } */ return content; }, getNextDiscount: function(bundle, numberOfProducts) { var nextDiscount = {}; for (var i = 0; i < bundle.volume_discounts.length; i++) { if (bundle.volume_discounts[i].min_items*1 > numberOfProducts) { // This is the next discount nextDiscount = bundle.volume_discounts[i]; // break the loop i = bundle.volume_discounts.length; } } return nextDiscount; }, getNumberOfRemainingProductsUntilMax: function(bundle, numberOfProducts) { var remainingProductsUntiMax = 0; if (typeof bundle.volume_discounts !== 'undefined' && bundle.volume_discounts.length > 0 && typeof bundle.volume_discounts[0] !== 'undefined' && typeof bundle.volume_discounts[0].min_items !== 'undefined') { // Take the min value from the first volume discount remainingProductsUntiMax = bundle.volume_discounts[0].min_items - numberOfProducts; } else { remainingProductsUntiMax = bundle.minimum_requirements_n_max_products - numberOfProducts; } if (remainingProductsUntiMax>0) { return remainingProductsUntiMax; } else { return Infinity; } }, getNumberOfRemainingProducts: function(bundle, numberOfProducts) { var remainingProducts = 0; if (typeof bundle.volume_discounts !== 'undefined' && bundle.volume_discounts.length > 0 && typeof bundle.volume_discounts[0] !== 'undefined' && typeof bundle.volume_discounts[0].min_items !== 'undefined') { // Take the min value from the first volume discount remainingProducts = bundle.volume_discounts[0].min_items - numberOfProducts; } else { remainingProducts = bundle.minimum_requirements_num - numberOfProducts; } if (remainingProducts>0) { return remainingProducts; } return 0; } , showHideStatusBox: function() { if ($('.bndlr-mnm-add-to-cart-wrapper .bndlr-add-bundle-to-cart').first().is(':visible') === false) { $('#bndlr-mnm-status-box').removeClass('bndlr-visibility-hidden').addClass('bndlr-visibility-visible'); } else { var cartButton = $('.bndlr-mnm-add-to-cart-wrapper .bndlr-add-bundle-to-cart').first(); var cbOffsetTop = cartButton.offset().top; var cbHeight = cartButton.height() + 40; var windowHeight = $(window).height(); var windowScrollTop = $(window).scrollTop(); if ((cbOffsetTop+cbHeight) > (windowHeight + windowScrollTop) || (cbOffsetTop) < (windowScrollTop)) { // Add bundle to the cart button is NOT in the viewport $('#bndlr-mnm-status-box').removeClass('bndlr-visibility-hidden').addClass('bndlr-visibility-visible'); } else { // Add bundle to the cart button is visible $('#bndlr-mnm-status-box').removeClass('bndlr-visibility-visible').addClass('bndlr-visibility-hidden'); } } } }, sectionedAddToBundle: function($this) { var bundleKey = $this.closest('[data-bndlr-key]').attr('data-bndlr-key'); var properties = {}; var $product = $this.closest('.bndlr-product'); var variantId = $product.find('select.bndlr-select-variant[name="variant_id"] option:selected').val(); var productId = $product.attr('data-product-id'); var required = $product.attr('data-mnm-required'); var quantity = 1; var quantityAttr = $product.attr('data-quantity'); if (typeof quantityAttr !== 'undefined' && quantityAttr !== null && quantityAttr*1 > 0) { quantity = quantityAttr*1; } var sectionId = $product.closest('[data-bundler-section]').attr('data-bundler-section'); var numOfRemainingProduct = this.sectionedGetRemainingMaxProductsNum(bundleKey, sectionId); if (quantity > 1 && numOfRemainingProduct !== null && numOfRemainingProduct < quantity) { quantity = numOfRemainingProduct; // Reduce the quantity to the max allowed quantity. } if (typeof variantId === 'undefined') { // It looks like the variant selector is without any options. Display error message. var productTitle = $product.find('.bndlr-product-title').first().text(); // Show warning/error message. It has to be sent in the correct format (HTTP response). bndlr.showWarningMessage({ responseJSON: { description: 'Product: '+productTitle+' is not available.' } }, bundleKey); } else { var sections = Library.SectionedBundlesProductsSelected.get(bundleKey); var section = {}; if (typeof sections[sectionId] !== 'undefined') { section = sections[sectionId]; } // Get all line item properties (mostly subscription props). var prodProperties = bndlr.getLineItemProperties($product); var props = JSON.parse(JSON.stringify(prodProperties)); if (typeof section[variantId] !== 'undefined') { section[variantId].quantity += quantity; } else { section[variantId] = { product_id : productId, variant_id : variantId, quantity : quantity, required : required, properties : props } } sections[sectionId] = section; Library.SectionedBundlesProductsSelected.set(bundleKey, sections); widgetView.Sectioned.drawSelectedProducts(bundleKey, sections); // Added as per request from 2ad8d0-2 widgetView.addToCartButton.showCheckmark($this); try { // Get all line item properties (mostly subscription props). //var prodProperties = bndlr.getLineItemProperties($product); //var props = JSON.parse(JSON.stringify(prodProperties)); // TODO: We might have to change this event, so that Seal Subscriptions app will understand it var event = new CustomEvent("bndlr:sectioned_mixnmatch:product_added", { detail: { product_id : productId, variant_id : variantId, quantity : quantity, properties : props } }); document.dispatchEvent(event); } catch(e) {} } this.sectionedRefreshDisplay(bundleKey); }, goToNextUnfulfilledSection: function(bundleKey) { var firstUnfulfilledSection = $('[data-bndlr-key="'+bundleKey+'"] .bndlr-sections-main-container .bndlr-sections-container [data-requirements-fulfilled="false"]').first(); var currentActiveSection = $('[data-bndlr-key="'+bundleKey+'"] [data-bundler-active-section]').attr('data-bundler-active-section'); if (firstUnfulfilledSection.length > 0) { // Go to this section var sectionId = firstUnfulfilledSection.attr('data-bundler-section'); $('[data-bndlr-key="'+bundleKey+'"] [data-bundler-active-section]').attr('data-bundler-active-section', sectionId*1); } else { // We don't have any unfulfilled sections anymore. // Check if there is any section left before the end and go directly to it. var activeSectionId = $('[data-bndlr-key="'+bundleKey+'"] [data-bundler-active-section]').attr('data-bundler-active-section'); if (typeof activeSectionId !== 'undefined') { activeSectionId = activeSectionId*1; if (activeSectionId >= 0) { var nextSectionId = activeSectionId+1; var nextSection = $('[data-bndlr-key="'+bundleKey+'"] [data-bundler-section="'+nextSectionId+'"].bndlr-sectioned-section'); if (nextSection.length > 0) { $('[data-bndlr-key="'+bundleKey+'"] [data-bundler-active-section]').attr('data-bundler-active-section', nextSectionId*1); } } } } //$('[data-bndlr-key="'+bundleKey+'"] .bndlr-sections-status-container .bndlr-sectioned-section-status[data-bundler-section-status="' + sectionId + '"]').attr('data-requirements-fulfilled', fulfilled); //$('[data-bndlr-key="'+bundleKey+'"] .bndlr-sectioned-section[data-bundler-section="' + sectionId + '"]').attr('data-requirements-fulfilled', fulfilled); }, sectionedSelectSection: function($this) { // Select the section var sectionId = $this.closest('[data-bundler-section-status]').attr('data-bundler-section-status'); $this.closest('[data-bndlr-key]').find('[data-bundler-active-section]').attr('data-bundler-active-section', sectionId); this.scrollToSection(); // Added for montana-casting-co-staging-site }, sectionedSelectNextSection: function($this) { // Select the NEXT section var sectionId = $this.closest('[data-bundler-section]').attr('data-bundler-section'); $this.closest('[data-bndlr-key]').find('[data-bundler-active-section]').attr('data-bundler-active-section', sectionId*1+1); this.scrollToSection(); }, scrollToSection: function() { try { // Scroll the user back to the top if the top isn't yet in the viewport var $sectionsContainer = $('.bndlr-sections-container'); if ($sectionsContainer.length === 1) { var sectionOffsetTop = $sectionsContainer.offset().top; var sectionHeight = $sectionsContainer.height() + 40; var windowHeight = $(window).height(); var windowScrollTop = $(window).scrollTop(); if ((sectionOffsetTop+sectionHeight) > (windowHeight + windowScrollTop) || (sectionOffsetTop) < (windowScrollTop)) { // The start of the section container is NOT in the viewport // Scroll back up $sectionsContainer[0].scrollIntoView({start: true, behavior: "smooth"}); } } } catch(e) {} }, scrollToAddToCartButton: function() { try { // Scroll the user back to the top if the top isn't yet in the viewport var $targetElement = $('.bndlr-add-sectioned-bundle-to-cart'); console.log('targetElement', $targetElement); if ($targetElement.length === 1) { var sectionOffsetTop = $targetElement.offset().top; var sectionHeight = $targetElement.height() + 40; var windowHeight = $(window).height(); var windowScrollTop = $(window).scrollTop(); if ((sectionOffsetTop+sectionHeight) > (windowHeight + windowScrollTop) || (sectionOffsetTop) < (windowScrollTop)) { // The start of the section container is NOT in the viewport // Scroll back up $targetElement[0].scrollIntoView({behavior: "smooth"}); } } } catch(e) {} }, sectionedRemoveFromBundle: function($this) { // removes item from mix and match bundle var lineItemKey = $this.closest('[data-line-item-key]').attr('data-line-item-key'); var bundleKey = $this.closest('[data-bndlr-key]').attr('data-bndlr-key'); var sectionId = $this.closest('[data-section-id]').attr('data-section-id'); var sections = Library.SectionedBundlesProductsSelected.get(bundleKey); if (typeof sections[sectionId] !== 'undefined' && typeof sections[sectionId][lineItemKey] !== 'undefined') { delete sections[sectionId][lineItemKey]; } Library.SectionedBundlesProductsSelected.set(bundleKey, sections); widgetView.Sectioned.drawSelectedProducts(bundleKey, sections); this.sectionedRefreshDisplay(bundleKey); }, sectionedGetRemainingMaxProductsNum: function(bundleKey, sectionId) { // check if any product can still be added to the mix and match bundle var bundleId = $('[data-bndlr-key="'+bundleKey+'"]').closest('[data-bundle]').attr('data-bundle'); bundleId = parseInt(bundleId); var bundle = bndlr.getBundleById(bundleId); if (typeof bundle.sections[sectionId] === 'undefined') { return 0; } var numberOfSelectedProducts = this.sectionedGetNumOfSelectedProducts(bundleKey, sectionId); if (bundle.sections[sectionId].max_items === null || bundle.sections[sectionId].max_items === '') { return null; } if (bundle.sections[sectionId].max_items > numberOfSelectedProducts) { return bundle.sections[sectionId].max_items*1 - numberOfSelectedProducts*1; } return 0; }, sectionedGetMinimumProductsNum: function(bundleKey, sectionId) { // check if any product can still be added to the mix and match bundle var bundleId = $('[data-bndlr-key="'+bundleKey+'"]').closest('[data-bundle]').attr('data-bundle'); bundleId = parseInt(bundleId); var bundle = bndlr.getBundleById(bundleId); if (typeof bundle.sections[sectionId] === 'undefined') { return 0; } if (bundle.sections[sectionId].min_items === null) { return null; } return bundle.sections[sectionId].min_items; }, sectionedGetNumOfSelectedProducts: function(bundleKey, sectionId) { var sections = Library.SectionedBundlesProductsSelected.get(bundleKey); var productsCount = 0; if (typeof sections[sectionId] !== 'undefined') { var products = sections[sectionId]; for (var key in products) { if (products.hasOwnProperty(key)) { productsCount += products[key].quantity; } } } return productsCount; }, sectionedGetSelectedProducts: function(bundleKey, sectionId) { var sections = Library.SectionedBundlesProductsSelected.get(bundleKey); if (typeof sections[sectionId] !== 'undefined') { var products = sections[sectionId]; } return products; }, allRequirementsFulfilled(bundleKey, bundle) { var allRequirementsFulfilled = true; for (var i = 0; i 0) { return true; } else { return false; } }, sectionedCanAddMoreProducts: function(bundleKey, sectionId) { var remainingProductsCount = this.sectionedGetRemainingMaxProductsNum(bundleKey, sectionId); if (remainingProductsCount === null) { return true; } if (remainingProductsCount > 0) { return true; } return false; }, // This function checks the required products with the current section // And returns true or false if required products are selected in to continue to next section sectionedCheckRequiredProducts: function (bundleKey, sectionId) { // Get all currently selected products var getSelectedProducts = this.sectionedGetSelectedProducts(bundleKey, sectionId); var bundleId = $('[data-bndlr-key="'+bundleKey+'"]').closest('[data-bundle]').attr('data-bundle'); bundleId = parseInt(bundleId); var bundle = bndlr.getBundleById(bundleId); // This block of code makes sure that we only render bundle sections once they are 100% available. // This function called multiple times even before bundle is loaded. if(typeof bundle === 'undefined' || bundle === false) { this.sectionedRequiredSetRequirementsFulfilled(bundleKey, sectionId, false) return false; } for (let productId in bundle.sections[sectionId].products) { let product = bundle.sections[sectionId].products[productId]; if (product.required === 1) { let isSelected = false; // Check if the required product is in the selected products for (let selectedProductId in getSelectedProducts) { let selectedProduct = getSelectedProducts[selectedProductId]; if (selectedProduct.product_id === product.id) { isSelected = true; break; } } // If any required product is not selected, return false if (isSelected === false) { this.sectionedRequiredSetRequirementsFulfilled(bundleKey, sectionId, false) return false; } } } // If all required products are selected, return true this.sectionedRequiredSetRequirementsFulfilled(bundleKey, sectionId, true) return true; }, sectionedRequirementsFulfilled: function(bundleKey, sectionId) { var minimumProductsCount = this.sectionedGetMinimumProductsNum(bundleKey, sectionId); var selectedProductsCount = this.sectionedGetNumOfSelectedProducts(bundleKey, sectionId); // These 2 conditions must be true in order to continue var requiredItemsSelected = this.sectionedCheckRequiredProducts(bundleKey, sectionId); var productsCountConditionFulfilled = false; if (minimumProductsCount === null) { return false; } if (minimumProductsCount <= selectedProductsCount) { productsCountConditionFulfilled = true; } // Both of these conditions must be fullfilled in order to continue if (productsCountConditionFulfilled === true && requiredItemsSelected === true) { return true; } return false; }, sectionedAddBundleToCart: function($this) { var bundleKey = $this.closest('[data-bndlr-key]').attr('data-bndlr-key'); var $bundleContainer = $this.closest('[data-bndlr-key]'); var sections = Library.SectionedBundlesProductsSelected.get(bundleKey); $this.addClass('bndlr-loading'); var canContinue = true; if (nav.isShopPage() === false) { // This is a third party page. // Redirect the user to the quick checkout with a list of selected products $this.addClass('bndlr-loading'); var id = $this.closest('.bundler-target-element').attr('data-bundle'); var name = $this.closest('[data-bundle-name]').attr('data-bundle-name'); var allProducts = []; for (var sectionId in sections) { var products = sections[sectionId]; for (var key in products) { if (products.hasOwnProperty(key)) { (function() { // Get all line item properties (mostly subscription props). var prodProperties = products[key].properties; var props = JSON.parse(JSON.stringify(prodProperties)); props['_bundle_section_'+sectionId] = ''; props['_bundle_section_id'] = sectionId; allProducts.push({ product_id : products[key].product_id, variant_id : products[key].variant_id, quantity : products[key].quantity, required : false, properties : props }); })(); } } } if (typeof window.bndlrPOSShowBundles === 'undefined') { // This is a third party page (not a POS page) // Redirect the user to the quick checkout var quickCheckout = nav.getQuickCheckoutUrl(name, id); quickCheckout += '?mixnmatch=1&'+this.productsToString(allProducts); window.location.href = quickCheckout; } else if(window.bndlrPOSShowBundles === true) { // We are in the POS page // Trigger event to add products to the cart // ----------- SECTIONED MIX AND MATCH --------- document.dispatchEvent(new CustomEvent('bundlerPOS:add_products_to_cart', { bubbles: true, detail: { products: allProducts } })); } return true; } if (canContinue) { var queueKey = 'sectionedaddtocart'; var items = []; for (var sectionId in sections) { var products = sections[sectionId]; for (var key in products) { if (products.hasOwnProperty(key)) { (function() { var variantId = products[key].variant_id; var quantity = products[key].quantity; var $el = $bundleContainer.find('.bndlr-sections-status-container .bndlr-sectioned-section-status[data-bundler-section-status="'+sectionId+'"] .bndlr-sectioned-status-box-product[data-line-item-key="'+key+'"]').first(); // Get all line item properties (mostly subscription props). var prodProperties = products[key].properties; var props = JSON.parse(JSON.stringify(prodProperties)); props['_bundle_section_'+sectionId] = ''; props['_bundle_section_id'] = sectionId; // Get all line item properties (mostly subscription props). var sellingPlan = bndlr.getSellingPlan($el); // Add item to the array so we can add them to the cart with one ajax call items.push({ id : variantId, quantity : quantity, properties : props, selling_plan: sellingPlan }); })(); } } } //console.log('items', items); bndlr.addItemsToCart(items, queueKey, bundleKey, $this); queue.process(queueKey); } }, sectionedRefreshInstructionsText: function(bundleKey, bundle) { var content = this.sectionedGetInstructionsText(bundleKey, bundle); $('[data-bndlr-key="'+bundleKey+'"] .bndlr-sections-status-container .bndlr-sectioned-instructions-text').html(content); }, sectionedGetInstructionsText: function(bundleKey, bundle) { if (typeof bundleKey !== 'undefined' && typeof bundle !== 'undefined') { var allRequirementsFulfilled = this.allRequirementsFulfilled(bundleKey, bundle); if (allRequirementsFulfilled) { return ''; } } var instructionsText = 'Add products from each section to enable the add to cart button.'; return instructionsText; }, sectionedRefreshRequiredInstructionsText: function(bundleKey, bundle) { var content = this.sectionedGetRequiredInstructionsText(bundleKey, bundle); $('[data-bndlr-key="'+bundleKey+'"] .bndlr-sections-status-container .bndlr-sectioned-instructions-text').html(content); }, sectionedGetRequiredInstructionsText: function(bundleKey, sectionId) { var requiredItemsSelected = this.sectionedCheckRequiredProducts(bundleKey, sectionId); var content = ''; if (requiredItemsSelected === false) { content = 'Your bundle is missing the required product(s).'; } return content; }, getLineItemProperties: function($productEl) { var properties = {}; try { $productEl.find('input[name^="properties"], select[name^="properties"]').each(function(i, prop) { var val = $(prop).val(); var name = $(prop).attr('name').replace('properties[', '').replace(']', ''); properties[name] = val; }); } catch(e) { bundlerConsole.log(e); } var productId = $productEl.attr('data-product-id'); $bundleContainer = $productEl.closest('[data-bndlr-key]'); try { // Get line item properties from the whole bundle var $subsEl = $bundleContainer.find('.sealsubs-target-element-bundle').first(); $subsEl.find('input[name^="properties"]').each(function(i, prop) { var val = $(prop).val(); var name = $(prop).attr('name').replace('properties[', '').replace(']', ''); properties[name] = val; }); if (typeof productId !== 'undefined') { // Handle special case for seal subscriptions, where each product has it's own discount hash $subsEl.find('input[name^="'+productId+'_properties"]').each(function(i, prop) { var val = $(prop).val(); var name = $(prop).attr('name').replace(productId+'_properties[', '').replace(']', ''); properties[name] = val; }); } } catch(e) { bundlerConsole.log(e); } return properties; }, getSellingPlan: function($productEl) { var sellingPlan = ''; try { sellingPlan = $productEl.find('input[name^="selling_plan"]').val(); } catch(e) { bundlerConsole.log(e); } return sellingPlan; }, productsToString: function(products) { // Transforms products object to a string r-p-product_id-variant_id=quantity&... var productsString = ''; for(var key in products) { if (products.hasOwnProperty(key)) { var prefix = ''; if (products[key].required) { prefix = 'r-'; } productsString += prefix+'p-'+products[key].product_id+'-'+products[key].variant_id+'='+products[key].quantity+'&'; } } return productsString; }, addToCart: function($this) { // Adds bundle products to the cart if (typeof clientSpecifics['add_to_cart_control'] !== 'undefined') { var canContinue = clientSpecifics['add_to_cart_control'].trigger($this.closest('.bundler-target-element')); } else { var canContinue = true; } if (nav.isShopPage() === false) { $this.addClass('bndlr-loading'); // Get name and id var id = $this.closest('.bundler-target-element').attr('data-bundle'); var name = $this.closest('[data-bundle-name]').attr('data-bundle-name'); // Get selected products var products = []; $this.closest('.bndlr-container').find('.bndlr-product').each(function(key, el) { var $el = $(el); var required = false; if ($(el).attr('data-required') === 'true') { required = true; } var productId = $el.attr('data-product-id'); var variantId = $el.find('select.bndlr-select-variant[name="variant_id"] option:selected').val(); var quantity = $el.attr('data-quantity'); products.push({ product_id : productId, variant_id : variantId, quantity : quantity, required : required//, //properties : prodProperties }); }); if (typeof window.bndlrPOSShowBundles === 'undefined') { // This is a third party page (not a POS page) // Redirect the user to the quick checkout var quickCheckout = nav.getQuickCheckoutUrl(name, id); quickCheckout += '?'+this.productsToString(products); // We should put this function in a separate utility window.location.href = quickCheckout; } else if(window.bndlrPOSShowBundles === true) { // We are in the POS page // Trigger event to add products to the cart document.dispatchEvent(new CustomEvent('bundlerPOS:add_products_to_cart', { bubbles: true, detail: { products: products } })); } canContinue = false; } if (!canContinue) { // Stop here and return, as the client specific logic already handled it return false; } if ($this.attr('data-active') === 'false') { bundlerConsole.log('One or more products in the bundle are unavailable.'); return true; } var bundleKey = $this.closest('[data-bndlr-key]').attr('data-bndlr-key'); $this.addClass('bndlr-loading'); var queueKey = 'addtocart'; var properties = {}; var allProductsAreAvailable = true; var items = []; // Get preselected required products from the promotion popup var cartItems = []; try { if ($this.closest('[data-cart-items]').length > 0) { cartItems = JSON.parse($this.closest('[data-cart-items]').attr('data-cart-items')); } } catch(e) { console.error(e); } // Get preselected rpoducts from the promotion popup var preselectedProducts = []; try { if ($this.closest('[data-bdnlr-preselected-products]').length > 0) { preselectedProducts = JSON.parse($this.closest('[data-bdnlr-preselected-products]').attr('data-bdnlr-preselected-products')); } } catch(e) { console.error(e); } // Get preselected required products from the promotion popup var preselectedProductsRequired = []; try { if ($this.closest('[data-bdnlr-preselected-products-required]').length > 0) { preselectedProductsRequired = JSON.parse($this.closest('[data-bdnlr-preselected-products-required]').attr('data-bdnlr-preselected-products-required')); } } catch(e) { console.error(e); } var itemsToUpdateProperty = []; // This contains an array of items which have to be updated if we only apply discounts on items which were added to the cart from the bundle $this.closest('.bndlr-container').find('.bndlr-product').each(function(key, el) { var $el = $(el); // Get all line item properties (mostly subscription props). var prodProperties = bndlr.getLineItemProperties($el); // Add other predefined properties for(var k in properties) { if (properties.hasOwnProperty(k)) { prodProperties[k] = properties[k]; } } // Get all line item properties (mostly subscription props). var sellingPlan = bndlr.getSellingPlan($el); var variantId = $(el).find('select.bndlr-select-variant[name="variant_id"] option:selected').val(); var quantity = $(el).attr('data-quantity'); // Check if this product is already in the cart and we don't have to add it again if ($(el).attr('data-required') === 'false') { //var productId = $(el).attr('data-product-id'); if (preselectedProducts.length > 0) { for (var j = 0; j 0) { for (var j = 0; j 0 && cartItems[k].quantity < quantity && cartItems[k].variant_id == variantId) { quantity = quantity - cartItems[k].quantity; cartItems[k].quantity = 0; if (Object.keys(prodProperties).length === 0 && cartItems[k].properties !== null && Object.keys(cartItems[k].properties).length > 0) { // If the item from the bundle doesn't have any properties and the one in the cart has, add properties to the new item from the item which is already in the cart prodProperties = JSON.parse(JSON.stringify(cartItems[k].properties)); } } } if (typeof variantId === 'undefined') { // It looks like the variant selector is without any options. Display error message. var productTitle = $(el).find('.bndlr-product-title').first().text(); // Show warning/error message. It has to be sent in the correct format (HTTP response). bndlr.showWarningMessage({ responseJSON: { description: 'Product: '+productTitle+' is not available.' } }, bundleKey); allProductsAreAvailable = false; } else { var props = JSON.parse(JSON.stringify(prodProperties)); // Add item to the array so we can add them to the cart with one ajax call items.push({ id : variantId, quantity : quantity, properties : props, selling_plan: sellingPlan }); } }); // Update line item properties of existing items so that we will still apply bundle discounts even if the merchant is restricting them only to the // products which were added to the cart from the bundle widget. bndlr.addItemsToCart(items, queueKey, bundleKey, $this); if (allProductsAreAvailable) { // Process queue only if all products were available (not even 1 was missing a variant selector. queue.process(queueKey); } else { // Cancel the queue as one or more products were unavailable queue.cancel(queueKey); } }, updateLineItemProperties: function(items, queueKey, bundleKey, $this) { for(var g = 0; g 0) { $('.bndlr-add-to-cart').removeClass('bndlr-loading'); widgetView.addToCartButton.showCheckmark($this); //bndlr.afterAddToCartAction(); // Trigger event which lets the promo part of the app know that the bundle was added to the cart $(document).trigger('bndlr:bundle_added_to_cart'); // Trigger bndlr:bundle_added_to_cart so any other scripts can listen on it document.dispatchEvent(new CustomEvent('bndlr:bundle_added_to_cart')); $('body').trigger('added.ajaxProduct'); cart.updateCart(); } else { try { setTimeout(function () { // Set a timeout to remove the loading spinner in case the customer comes back in Chrome $this.removeClass('bndlr-loading'); if (typeof $outOfWidgetButton !== 'undefined') { $outOfWidgetButton.removeClass('bndlr-loading'); } }, 5000); } catch(e) {} var urlLocale = nav.getUrlLocale(); if (urlLocale !== '') { window.location.href = '/'+urlLocale+'/cart'; } else { window.location.href = '/cart'; } } } queue.add(queueKey, function() { cart.addMultipleItemsToCart(nav.getRootUrl(true), items).done(function(response) { queue.tick(queueKey); for (var n = 0; n < items.length; n++) { try { var productId = 0; var variantId = items[n].id; // Get product id from the response, as we can't get it otherwise for(var m = 0; m 0 || $('#slidecarthq').length > 0 || $('form.cart-drawer').length > 0 || $('#cart-popup').length > 0 || $('#mini-cart').length > 0) { // This theme has a sidebar cart // Delay price update so the drawer can get updated setTimeout(function() { DiscountEstimator.showPopup(); }, 1000); } else { DiscountEstimator.showPopup(); } }, closeMessage: function() { $('#bndlr-discount-message').animate({bottom: '-100%'}, 1000); }, setCookie: function(cname, cvalue, exdays) { var d = new Date(); if (exdays > 0) { d.setTime(d.getTime() + (exdays*24*60*60*1000)); var expires = "expires="+ d.toUTCString(); document.cookie = cname + "=" + cvalue + ";" + expires + ";path=/"; } else { document.cookie = cname + "=" + cvalue + ";path=/"; } }, getCookie: function(cname) { var name = cname + "="; var decodedCookie = decodeURIComponent(document.cookie); var ca = decodedCookie.split(';'); for(var i = 0; i '; var warningHtmlDisplay = '
' + c + '
'; $.each($('[data-bndlr-key="'+bundleKey+'"] .bndlr-warning'), function (d, e) { $(e).remove() }); var timeout = 4000; if (c.length > 50) { timeout = Math.floor(c.length/50)*4000; // Will show the error message for 4 seconds for every 50 letters in the message. } var $sectionedTargetElement = $('[data-bndlr-key="'+bundleKey+'"] .bndlr-sections-status-container .bndlr-warning-container'); if ($sectionedTargetElement.length === 1) { $sectionedTargetElement.html(warningHtmlDisplay); $sectionedTargetElement.fadeIn(500, function () { setTimeout(function () { $sectionedTargetElement.fadeOut(500); }, timeout) }) } else { // Fallback to the default functionality $('[data-bndlr-key="'+bundleKey+'"] .bndlr-products-container').first().append($(warningHtml)), $('[data-bndlr-key="'+bundleKey+'"] .bndlr-warning').fadeIn(500, function () { setTimeout(function () { $('[data-bndlr-key="'+bundleKey+'"] .bndlr-products-container').children('.bndlr-warning').first().fadeOut(500) }, timeout) }) } }, stopAddtcAnimation: function(bundleKey) { $('[data-bndlr-key="'+bundleKey+'"] .bndlr-add-to-cart').removeClass('bndlr-loading'); } }; var DiscountEstimator = { showPopup: function() { if (nav.isShopPage()) { this.calculateDiscounts(); } }, updateCartDiscountsTimeout: false, updateCartDiscounts: function() { if (this.updateCartDiscountsTimeout !== false) { clearTimeout(this.updateCartDiscountsTimeout); } this.updateCartDiscountsTimeout = setTimeout(function() { DiscountEstimator.calculateDiscounts(false); }, 410); }, isEligibleForDiscount: '', runIfCanGetDiscount: function(successCallback, failCallback) { // Not sure why we use this flag. Probably to avoid too many requests to the cart. if (this.isEligibleForDiscount === '') { var self = this; var cartEndpoint = 'default'; cart.get(cartEndpoint).done(function(cartData) { //cartData = bndlr.fixCartPrices(cartData); var discountValue = self.calculateDiscount(cartData); if (discountValue > 0) { self.isEligibleForDiscount = true; successCallback(); } else { self.isEligibleForDiscount = false; if (typeof failCallback === 'function') { failCallback(); } setTimeout(function() { // Reset this flag self.isEligibleForDiscount = ''; }, 400); } }); } else { if (this.isEligibleForDiscount === true) { successCallback(); } else { if (typeof failCallback === 'function') { failCallback(); } } } }, automaticDiscountIsBiggerThanBundlerDiscount: function(cartData) { if (typeof cartData.total_discount !== 'undefined' && cartData.total_discount*1 > 0) { var discountAmount = DiscountEstimator.calculateDiscount(cartData); if (discountAmount < cartData.total_discount*1) { return true; } } return false; }, calculateDiscounts: function(showPopup) { if (typeof showPopup === 'undefined') { showPopup = true; } var self = this; var cartEndpoint = 'default'; cart.get(cartEndpoint).done(function(cartData) { var updatedCart = self.updateCartWithDiscounts(cartData); // Trigger event // vittoriacoffee try { var event = new CustomEvent("bundler:total_cart_values", { detail: updatedCart }); document.dispatchEvent(event); } catch(e) { console.log(e); //bundlerConsole.log(e); } var totalCompareAtValue = updatedCart.total_amount_original; var discountedTotal = updatedCart.total_amount_discounted; var cartDiscounted = updatedCart.discounted_cart_object; var discountValue = updatedCart.discount_value; var canGetFreeShippingDiscount = updatedCart.can_get_free_shipping_discount; if (showPopup === true) { } self.displayDiscountInCart(discountValue, cartData); if (typeof window.SLIDECART_SET_CART === 'function') { if (discountValue > 0) { var localCartData = JSON.parse(JSON.stringify(cartData)); localCartData.total_price = localCartData.original_total_price-discountValue; // Changed from total_price to original_total_price because setu-nutrition.myshopify.com had the discount code already applied on the cart. localCartData.total_discount = discountValue; window.SLIDECART_SET_CART(localCartData); } } }); }, updateCartWithDiscounts: function(cartData) { if (this.containsSellingPlan(cartData)) { } if (typeof cartData.items !== 'undefined' && cartData.items.length > 0) { // Used in themaatchaland to display discounts in each line for (var d = 0; d 0 && this.containsSellingPlan(cartData)) { // You can't get the free shipping discount if we are applying the discount with discount codes and the other discount value is bigger than 0 // and the cart contains selling plan canGetFreeShippingDiscount = false; } if (discountValue > 0) { // You can't get the free shipping discount if we are applying the discount with discount codes and the other discount value is bigger than 0 canGetFreeShippingDiscount = false; } // vittoriacoffee if (discountValue <= 0) { discountValue = 0; } var discountValueForEvent = discountValue; var discountedTotal = cartData.original_total_price - discountValue; var totalCompareAtValue = cartData.original_total_price; cartDiscounted.total_discount = discountValue; cartDiscounted.total_price = discountedTotal; // Check if cdo.php has to apply a discount via draft orders. This should only happen if we have at least one legacy bundle or if we have a selling plan var hasToApply = this.checkForLegacyBundlesAndSellingPlan(cartData, applicableBundles, applicableCombos); var updatedCart = { discount_value : discountValue, total_amount_original : totalCompareAtValue, total_amount_discounted : discountedTotal, discount_amount : (discountValueForEvent > 0 ? discountValueForEvent : 0), original_cart_object : JSON.parse(JSON.stringify(cartData)), discounted_cart_object : JSON.parse(JSON.stringify(cartDiscounted)), // thematchaland is using this can_get_free_shipping_discount : canGetFreeShippingDiscount, has_to_apply_legacy_discounts : hasToApply }; return updatedCart; }, containsSellingPlan: function(cartData) { if (typeof cartData.items !== 'undefined') { for(var i = 0; i 1) { var price = cartData.items[i].price; price = price/multiplier; cartData.items[i].price = price; } } } } return cartData; }, addMultipliers: function(applicableCombos, cartData) { for(var i = 0; i (1*$bundle.fixed_amount_value)) { itemDiscountAmount = (1*$bundle.fixed_amount_value) - totalBundleDiscountAmount; } totalBundleDiscountAmount += itemDiscountAmount; } else if (discountType === 'fixed_price') { var ratio = 1 - (1*$bundle.fixed_price_value)/originalAmount; itemDiscountAmount = item.price/100 * item.quantity * ratio; var maxDiscount = originalAmount - (1*$bundle.fixed_price_value); if (itemDiscountAmount < 0) { itemDiscountAmount = 0; } if ((totalBundleDiscountAmount + itemDiscountAmount) > maxDiscount) { itemDiscountAmount = maxDiscount - totalBundleDiscountAmount; } totalBundleDiscountAmount += itemDiscountAmount; } else if (discountType === 'percentage') { /* if (typeof this.containsSellingPlan === 'function' && this.containsSellingPlan(cartData)) { // Don't round on item level, as we will apply the discount with discount codes, where the discount doesn't get rounded on item level, but on the cart line level. // itemDiscountAmount = (($bundle.percentage_value/100) * item.price * item.quantity) / 100; itemDiscountAmount = (Math.round(($bundle.percentage_value/100) * item.price) * item.quantity) / 100; // Fix for discount code discount application // It appears tha applying discount with discount codes is quite inconsistent //totalDiscountedAmount += item.price * item.quantity; //discountPercent = $bundle.percentage_value/100; //itemDiscountAmount = 0; } else { */ // 2020-07-20 round on product level and then multiply by quantity, otherwise the discount might be different from the actually applied discount // e.g. 4 mugs ($12.5 each), 50.1% discount. discount per mug is $6.2625, which gets rounded to $6.26x4 = 25.04. But if you multiply by 4 first, then the total // discount will be $25.05 <- 1 cent difference itemDiscountAmount = (Math.round(($bundle.percentage_value/100) * item.price) * item.quantity) / 100; /*}*/ } else if (discountType === 'products_discounts') { var productId = item.product_id; var variantId = item.variant_id; if ($bundle.minimum_requirements === 'sectioned_n_products') { if (typeof $bundle.sections[item.section_id].products[productId].variants[variantId].discount_amount !== 'undefined') { var discountAmount = $bundle.sections[item.section_id].products[productId].variants[variantId].discount_amount*1; var itemPrice = item.price*item.quantity/100; discountAmount = discountAmount*item.quantity; if (itemPrice - discountAmount >= 0) { itemDiscountAmount = discountAmount; } else { // Item price is lower than the discount itemDiscountAmount = itemPrice; } } } else { if (typeof $bundle.products[productId].variants[variantId].discount_amount !== 'undefined') { var discountAmount = $bundle.products[productId].variants[variantId].discount_amount*1; var itemPrice = item.price*item.quantity/100; if ($bundle.minimum_requirements == 'n_products') { discountAmount = discountAmount*item.quantity; } if (itemPrice - discountAmount >= 0) { itemDiscountAmount = discountAmount; } else { // Item price is lower than the discount itemDiscountAmount = itemPrice; } } } } } // The multiplier is used for the pre-paid subscriptions totalDiscountValue += itemDiscountAmount*this.getMultiplier(item); // Calculate the applied discount amount var appliedDiscountAmount = totalDiscountValue - initialDiscountAmount; // Add applied discount amount to the line item in the cart this.reduceCartItemPrice(cartDataReference, appliedDiscountAmount, item); } } } // Not used anymore if (totalDiscountedAmount>0 && discountPercent>0) { // som-cordial. // Round discount percent to 2 descimals only discountPercent = Math.floor(discountPercent * 100)/100; // Get total discount amount and floor it totalDiscountValue += Math.floor(totalDiscountedAmount*discountPercent)/100; } } // This shop combines discount codes // IF our discount value is 0, take the one from Shopify's automatic discounts // Added for vaucluse-cellars as they use our app to display discounts and don't display them without our app. if (typeof cartDataReference !== 'undefined' && totalDiscountValue >= 0) { for(var p = 0; p < cartDataReference.items.length; p++) { var itemTmp = cartDataReference.items[p]; if (typeof cartDataWithReducedQuantities.items[p] !== 'undefined' && cartDataWithReducedQuantities.items[p].quantity > 0) { if (typeof itemTmp.line_level_discount_allocations !== 'undefined' && itemTmp.line_level_discount_allocations.length > 0) { for (var r = 0; r < itemTmp.line_level_discount_allocations.length; r++) { var discountAllocationTmp = itemTmp.line_level_discount_allocations[r]; if (typeof discountAllocationTmp.discount_application !== 'undefined') { var discAllocation = discountAllocationTmp.discount_application; if (discAllocation.allocation_method === 'each' && discAllocation.target_type === 'line_item' && itemTmp.line_price !== itemTmp.final_line_price) { // This item has a bundle discount applied AND the automatic discount. // Add the automatic discount to the total discount value var value = discAllocation.value*1; var valueType = discAllocation.value_type; if (valueType === 'percentage') { // var discountAmountTmp = itemTmp.line_price - Math.round(itemTmp.line_price * (1 - value/100)); // This doesn't make any difference var discountAmountTmp = Math.round(itemTmp.line_price * (value/100)); itemTmp.line_price -= discountAmountTmp; totalDiscountValue += discountAmountTmp/100; // Calculate the applied discount amount //var appliedDiscountAmount = totalDiscountValue - initialDiscountAmount; // Add applied discount amount to the line item in the cart //this.reduceCartItemPrice(cartDataReference, appliedDiscountAmount, item); } } else if (typeof discountAllocationTmp.amount !== 'undefined') { // This item doesn't have a bundle discount applied, but still has the automatic discount applied // Add it to the total value totalDiscountValue += discountAllocationTmp.amount/100; } } } } } } } totalDiscountValue = Math.round(totalDiscountValue * 100) / 100; // Round to 2 decimal points totalDiscountValue = Math.round(totalDiscountValue * 100); // Increase total number to remove decimals and round to remove the fractional numbers (because it can be like 1898.9999998 //this.displayCartValue(totalDiscountValue, cartData); return totalDiscountValue; }, // Merges the cart cata and groups the items based on line item properties. This is used in calculateDiscountMergedCart so that we work with the same cart as // product-discount function mergeCartData: function(cartData) { const mergedItemsMap = new Map(); //for (const item of cartData.items) { for (var k in cartData.items) { if (cartData.items.hasOwnProperty(k)) { var item = cartData.items[k]; // Create a unique key for merging based on variant_id and properties const uniqueKey = `${item.variant_id}:${JSON.stringify(item.properties || {})}`; if (mergedItemsMap.has(uniqueKey)) { // Merge item data with an existing entry const existingItem = mergedItemsMap.get(uniqueKey); existingItem.quantity += item.quantity; existingItem.line_price += item.line_price; existingItem.final_line_price += item.final_line_price; existingItem.total_discount += item.total_discount; // Merge discounts for (const discount of item.discounts || []) { const existingDiscount = existingItem.discounts.find(d => d.title === discount.title); if (existingDiscount) { existingDiscount.amount += discount.amount; } else { existingItem.discounts.push(discount); } } // Update line-level discount allocations for (const allocation of item.line_level_discount_allocations || []) { const existingAllocation = existingItem.line_level_discount_allocations.find( a => a.discount_application.key === allocation.discount_application.key ); if (existingAllocation) { existingAllocation.amount += allocation.amount; } else { existingItem.line_level_discount_allocations.push(allocation); } } } else { // Add the item to the map mergedItemsMap.set(uniqueKey, { ...item }); } existingItem = mergedItemsMap.get(uniqueKey); if (typeof existingItem.orig_line_item_id === 'undefined') { existingItem.orig_line_item_id = (k*1)+1; } } } // Convert the merged items map back to an array cartData.items = Array.from(mergedItemsMap.values()); /* var lineItemId = 1; for (var k in cartData.items) { if (cartData.items.hasOwnProperty(k)) { cartData.items[k].orig_line_item_id = lineItemId; lineItemId++; } }*/ return cartData; }, calculateDiscount: function(cartDataVar, cartDataReference) { // The cartDataReference can contain the original cart and the function will reduce item prices (line_price) to the discounted line price // Deep copy the cart data var cartData = JSON.parse(JSON.stringify(cartDataVar)); cartData.items = cartData.items.sort(function(a, b) { return a.quantity - b.quantity; }); if (typeof cartDataReference !== 'undefined' && typeof cartDataReference.items !== 'undefined') { cartDataReference.items = cartDataReference.items.sort(function(a, b) { return a.quantity - b.quantity; }); } // Change the price of the item if there is a pre-paid selling plan cartData = this.setSellingPlanMultipliers(cartData); cartData = this.reducePricesAccordingToMultiplier(cartData); var $applicableBundles = this.getApplicableBundles(cartData); var applicableCombosObject = this.getApplicableCombosAll(cartData, $applicableBundles, true); var applicableCombos = applicableCombosObject.applicableCombos; var cartDataWithReducedQuantities = applicableCombosObject.cartWithReducedQuantities; //var applicableCombos = this.getApplicableCombosAll(cartData, $applicableBundles, true); // Add multipliers for pre-paid subscriptions applicableCombos = this.addMultipliers(applicableCombos, cartData); // Check if we have active legacy bundles. We get the applciable combos and find if a corresponding bundle ID from the combos matches any of the bundles in // applicable bundles and if it has version 2. We need to check this due to the setting 'allow_automatic_discounts_on_draft_orders', since the discount estimator shows // wrong price in the cart var nonlegacyBundlesActive = this.checkForBundleVersion($applicableBundles, applicableCombos, 2); // bundlerConsole.log(JSON.parse(JSON.stringify($applicableBundles))); // bundlerConsole.log(JSON.parse(JSON.stringify(applicableCombos))); // Calculate discounts for each applicable item var totalDiscountValue = 0; var appliedCombos = {}; for (var i = 0; i < applicableCombos.length; i++) { var $bundle = null; var originalAmount = 0; var totalBundleDiscountAmount = 0; // Fix for discount code discount application var totalDiscountedAmount = 0; var discountPercent = 0; for (var productId in applicableCombos[i]) { if (typeof appliedCombos[i] == 'undefined') { if (applicableCombos[i].hasOwnProperty(productId)) { var initialDiscountAmount = totalDiscountValue; var item = applicableCombos[i][productId]; if ($bundle === null) { for (var k = 0; k < $applicableBundles.length; k++) { if ($applicableBundles[k].id == item.bundle_id) { $bundle = $applicableBundles[k]; // break loop k = $applicableBundles.length; } } originalAmount = this.getTotalOriginalAmount(applicableCombos[i])/100; } var discountType = $bundle.discount_type; var volumeDiscount = []; if (typeof item.volume_discount !== 'undefined') { discountType = item.volume_discount.discount_type; volumeDiscount = item.volume_discount; // Simulate the bundle discount for this volume discount $bundle.discount_type = item.volume_discount.discount_type; $bundle.percentage_value = item.volume_discount.discount_value; $bundle.fixed_amount_value = item.volume_discount.discount_value; $bundle.fixed_price_value = item.volume_discount.discount_value; } var itemDiscountAmount = 0; if (item.type === 'discounted') { if (discountType === 'fixed_amount') { // Apply max bundle price or normal discount amount var maxAmount = originalAmount; var ratio = (item.price/100 * item.quantity)/originalAmount; itemDiscountAmount = ratio*(1*$bundle.fixed_amount_value); var discountPerItem = Math.round(itemDiscountAmount/item.quantity*100)/100; itemDiscountAmount = discountPerItem*item.quantity; if (itemDiscountAmount < 0) { itemDiscountAmount = 0; } // Check if we have to reduce the discount amount because of rounding if ((totalBundleDiscountAmount + itemDiscountAmount) > (1*$bundle.fixed_amount_value)) { itemDiscountAmount = (1*$bundle.fixed_amount_value) - totalBundleDiscountAmount; } totalBundleDiscountAmount += itemDiscountAmount; } else if (discountType === 'fixed_price') { var ratio = 1 - (1*$bundle.fixed_price_value)/originalAmount; itemDiscountAmount = item.price/100 * item.quantity * ratio; var maxDiscount = originalAmount - (1*$bundle.fixed_price_value); if (itemDiscountAmount < 0) { itemDiscountAmount = 0; } if ((totalBundleDiscountAmount + itemDiscountAmount) > maxDiscount) { itemDiscountAmount = maxDiscount - totalBundleDiscountAmount; } totalBundleDiscountAmount += itemDiscountAmount; } else if (discountType === 'percentage') { /* if (typeof this.containsSellingPlan === 'function' && this.containsSellingPlan(cartData)) { // Don't round on item level, as we will apply the discount with discount codes, where the discount doesn't get rounded on item level, but on the cart line level. // itemDiscountAmount = (($bundle.percentage_value/100) * item.price * item.quantity) / 100; itemDiscountAmount = (Math.round(($bundle.percentage_value/100) * item.price) * item.quantity) / 100; // Fix for discount code discount application // It appears tha applying discount with discount codes is quite inconsistent //totalDiscountedAmount += item.price * item.quantity; //discountPercent = $bundle.percentage_value/100; //itemDiscountAmount = 0; } else { */ // 2020-07-20 round on product level and then multiply by quantity, otherwise the discount might be different from the actually applied discount // e.g. 4 mugs ($12.5 each), 50.1% discount. discount per mug is $6.2625, which gets rounded to $6.26x4 = 25.04. But if you multiply by 4 first, then the total // discount will be $25.05 <- 1 cent difference itemDiscountAmount = (Math.round(($bundle.percentage_value/100) * item.price) * item.quantity) / 100; /*}*/ } else if (discountType === 'products_discounts') { var productId = item.product_id; var variantId = item.variant_id; if ($bundle.minimum_requirements === 'sectioned_n_products') { if (typeof $bundle.sections[item.section_id].products[productId].variants[variantId].discount_amount !== 'undefined') { var discountAmount = $bundle.sections[item.section_id].products[productId].variants[variantId].discount_amount*1; var itemPrice = item.price*item.quantity/100; discountAmount = discountAmount*item.quantity; if (itemPrice - discountAmount >= 0) { itemDiscountAmount = discountAmount; } else { // Item price is lower than the discount itemDiscountAmount = itemPrice; } } } else { if (typeof $bundle.products[productId].variants[variantId].discount_amount !== 'undefined') { var discountAmount = $bundle.products[productId].variants[variantId].discount_amount*1; var itemPrice = item.price*item.quantity/100; if ($bundle.minimum_requirements == 'n_products') { discountAmount = discountAmount*item.quantity; } if (itemPrice - discountAmount >= 0) { itemDiscountAmount = discountAmount; } else { // Item price is lower than the discount itemDiscountAmount = itemPrice; } } } } } // The multiplier is used for the pre-paid subscriptions totalDiscountValue += itemDiscountAmount*this.getMultiplier(item); // Calculate the applied discount amount var appliedDiscountAmount = totalDiscountValue - initialDiscountAmount; // Add applied discount amount to the line item in the cart this.reduceCartItemPrice(cartDataReference, appliedDiscountAmount, item); } } } // Not used anymore if (totalDiscountedAmount>0 && discountPercent>0) { // som-cordial. // Round discount percent to 2 descimals only discountPercent = Math.floor(discountPercent * 100)/100; // Get total discount amount and floor it totalDiscountValue += Math.floor(totalDiscountedAmount*discountPercent)/100; } } // Only apply this setting in the cart if we currently have only legacy bundles active. This setting messes up and calculates wrongly, if we have any non-legacy bundle in the cart // This shop combines discount codes // IF our discount value is 0, take the one from Shopify's automatic discounts // Added for vaucluse-cellars as they use our app to display discounts and don't display them without our app. if (typeof cartDataReference !== 'undefined' && totalDiscountValue >= 0) { for(var p = 0; p < cartDataReference.items.length; p++) { var itemTmp = cartDataReference.items[p]; if (typeof cartDataWithReducedQuantities.items[p] !== 'undefined' && cartDataWithReducedQuantities.items[p].quantity > 0) { if (typeof itemTmp.line_level_discount_allocations !== 'undefined' && itemTmp.line_level_discount_allocations.length > 0) { for (var r = 0; r < itemTmp.line_level_discount_allocations.length; r++) { var discountAllocationTmp = itemTmp.line_level_discount_allocations[r]; if (typeof discountAllocationTmp.discount_application !== 'undefined') { var discAllocation = discountAllocationTmp.discount_application; if (discAllocation.allocation_method === 'each' && discAllocation.target_type === 'line_item' && itemTmp.line_price !== itemTmp.final_line_price) { // This item has a bundle discount applied AND the automatic discount. // Add the automatic discount to the total discount value var value = discAllocation.value*1; var valueType = discAllocation.value_type; if (valueType === 'percentage') { // var discountAmountTmp = itemTmp.line_price - Math.round(itemTmp.line_price * (1 - value/100)); // This doesn't make any difference var discountAmountTmp = Math.round(itemTmp.line_price * (value/100)); itemTmp.line_price -= discountAmountTmp; totalDiscountValue += discountAmountTmp/100; // Calculate the applied discount amount //var appliedDiscountAmount = totalDiscountValue - initialDiscountAmount; // Add applied discount amount to the line item in the cart //this.reduceCartItemPrice(cartDataReference, appliedDiscountAmount, item); } } else if (typeof discountAllocationTmp.amount !== 'undefined') { // This item doesn't have a bundle discount applied, but still has the automatic discount applied // Add it to the total value totalDiscountValue += discountAllocationTmp.amount/100; } } } } } } } totalDiscountValue = Math.round(totalDiscountValue * 100) / 100; // Round to 2 decimal points totalDiscountValue = Math.round(totalDiscountValue * 100); // Increase total number to remove decimals and round to remove the fractional numbers (because it can be like 1898.9999998 //this.displayCartValue(totalDiscountValue, cartData); var returnObject = { total_discount_value : totalDiscountValue, applicable_combos : applicableCombos, applicable_bundles : $applicableBundles }; return returnObject; }, // This function is used by cdo.php where we fallback to the use of draft orders if we have: // 1. At least one legacy bundle OR // 2. If any product has a selling plan checkForLegacyBundlesAndSellingPlan: function(cartData, applicableBundles, applicableCombos) { // -- 1. Check: We have at least one legacy bundle -- var legacyBundle = this.checkForBundleVersion(applicableBundles, applicableCombos, 1); if (legacyBundle === true) { return true; } // -- 2. Check: Any of the products has a selling plan -- var hasSellingPlan = this.containsSellingPlan(cartData); if (hasSellingPlan === true) { return true; } return false }, // Returns true, if any of the bundles in the cart has version that we are searching for checkForBundleVersion: function(applicableBundles, applicableCombos, version) { const bundleIds = new Set(); applicableCombos.forEach(combo => { Object.values(combo).forEach(item => { bundleIds.add(item.bundle_id); }); }); // Check if any of the corresponding bundles from applicable combos has version 2 (non-legacy bundle) return applicableBundles.some(bundle => bundleIds.has(bundle.id) && bundle.version === version); }, updateLineItemProperties: function(applicableCombos) { var cartEndpoint = 'default'; let bndlrString = ""; var encodedBundleId = ""; var encodedQuantity = ""; // -- UPDATE.JS -> Updating attributes on the cart (was one of the options, currently not needed) -- /* cart.get(cartEndpoint, false).done(function (cartData) { if (typeof cartData.attributes.bndlr === 'undefined' && applicableCombos.length === 0) { return; } if (applicableCombos.length === 0 && typeof cartData.attributes.bndlr != undefined) { bndlrString = ""; var formData = new FormData(); formData.append("attributes[bndlr]", bndlrString) fetch(window.Shopify.routes.root + 'cart/update.js', { method: 'POST', body: formData }) .then(response => response.json()) .then(data => console.log(data)); } else { let totalProducts = 0; let existingProductsCount = 0; if (cartData.attributes.bndlr) { existingProductsCount = cartData.attributes.bndlr.split(";").length; } console.log(cartData.attributes.bndlr); console.log("existing product count: ", existingProductsCount); applicableCombos.forEach(combo => { Object.keys(combo).forEach(comboProductKey => { const comboProduct = combo[comboProductKey]; totalProducts++; if (bndlrString) { bndlrString += ";"; } bndlrString += `${comboProduct.line_item_id}:${comboProduct.bundle_id}` //console.log("combo product: "); console.log(comboProduct); }) console.log("total products: ", totalProducts); }) if (totalProducts == existingProductsCount) { return; } var formData = new FormData(); formData.append("attributes[bndlr]", bndlrString) console.log("cart data: ", cartData.attributes.bndlr); fetch(window.Shopify.routes.root + 'cart/update.js', { method: 'POST', body: formData }) .then(response => response.json()) .then(data => console.log(data)); } }) */ // -- CHANGE.JS -> UPDATING LINE ITEM PROPERTIES -- var self = this; cart.get(cartEndpoint, false).done(function(cartData) { // When we receive the cart, we also need to merge it so that it will work the same as product-discount function var mergedCartData = JSON.parse(JSON.stringify(cartData)); mergedCartData = self.mergeCartData(mergedCartData); var correctQuantity = 0; var existingProperty = ""; // -- Loop through cart items and append line item property of the bundle to each of them that is in applicable bundle -- mergedCartData.items.forEach((item, index) => { if (typeof item.properties._bndlr !== 'undefined') { existingProperty = item.properties._bndlr; } // Reset the attributes for each item bndlrString = ""; // -- Loop through combos -- applicableCombos.forEach(combo => { // -- Loop through products in combo -- Object.keys(combo).forEach(comboProductKey => { let comboProduct = combo[comboProductKey]; if (comboProduct.orig_line_item_id === item.orig_line_item_id) { // Format: BundleID:Quantity;BundleID:Quantity // Encode the bundleID and the quantity encodedBundleId = utils.reverseEncodeId(comboProduct.bundle_id); encodedQuantity = utils.reverseEncodeId(comboProduct.quantity); bndlrString += encodedBundleId + ":" + encodedQuantity + ";"; } }) }); // -- If it already has the property _bndlr, then we don't have to do anything else. If it doesn't have a property, means that we need to add it if (bndlrString !== "") { if (existingProperty !== bndlrString) { properties = item.properties; properties._bndlr = bndlrString; properties.__ = utils.getRandomString(4); cartData.items.forEach((item_c, index) => { if (index+1 === item.orig_line_item_id) { correctQuantity = item_c.quantity; } }) self.addLineItemPropertiesToQueue(item.orig_line_item_id, properties, correctQuantity); } } else { // The product did have _bndlr property, but is not not applicable for a bundle anymore, so we need to remove the property from it if (existingProperty) { properties = item.properties; delete properties._bndlr; if (Object.keys(properties).length === 0) { properties.__ = null; } cartData.items.forEach((item, index) => { if (index+1 === item.orig_line_item_id) { correctQuantity = item.quantity; } }) self.addLineItemPropertiesToQueue(item.orig_line_item_id, properties, correctQuantity); } } // Property exists, however applicable combos are empty, so 0 products are applicable for any of the bundles. We should remove the _bndlr from all of the products if (applicableCombos.length === 0) { if (existingProperty !== "") { properties = item.properties; delete properties._bndlr; if (Object.keys(properties).length === 0) { properties.__ = null; } cartData.items.forEach((item, index) => { if (index+1 === item.orig_line_item_id) { correctQuantity = item.quantity; } }) self.addLineItemPropertiesToQueue(item.orig_line_item_id, properties, correctQuantity); } } }); promiseQueue.process("add_line_item_properties"); }); }, // Sends a change.js request to Shopify to change the line item properties of the items in the cart addLineItemPropertiesToQueue: function(line_id, properties, quantity) { if (quantity <= 0) { // Quantity is less than or equal to 0, skip this item return; } let updates = { //id: item.key, line : line_id, // Using line item index instead of key otherwise we got an error when the key was changed. properties : properties, quantity : quantity }; promiseQueue.add("add_line_item_properties", function() { return fetch(window.Shopify.routes.root + 'cart/change.js?bundler-cart-call', { method: 'POST', headers: { 'Content-Type': 'application/json' }, body: JSON.stringify(updates) }) }, function() { /* console.log("finished!") */ }); }, reduceCartItemPrice: function(cart, discountAmount, item) { var lineId = item.line_item_id; discountAmount = Math.round(discountAmount*100); // Round to 2 decimal points and remove decimals if (typeof cart !== 'undefined' && typeof cart.items !== 'undefined' && typeof cart.items[lineId] !== 'undefined') { //var linePrice = cart.items[lineId].line_price - discountAmount; // Should we change this to original_line_price so that we use the original price before the discount codes are applied? if (typeof cart.items[lineId].original_line_price_adjusted === 'undefined') { cart.items[lineId].original_line_price_adjusted = cart.items[lineId].original_line_price; } var linePrice = cart.items[lineId].original_line_price_adjusted - discountAmount; // Changed to change the original_line_price otherwise we were applying discount to the already discounted cart from the discount codes. cart.items[lineId].line_price = linePrice; cart.items[lineId].original_line_price_adjusted = linePrice; // Also change the original_line_price_adjusted so that we stack discounts from different bundles (added on 2024-04-23). } }, /** * Returns total original amount for all products in the combo */ getTotalOriginalAmount: function(combo) { var totalAmount = 0; for(var productId in combo) { if (combo.hasOwnProperty(productId)) { if (typeof combo[productId] !== 'undefined' && combo[productId].type === 'discounted') { totalAmount += bndlr.getPrice(combo[productId].price)*combo[productId].quantity; } } } return totalAmount; }, canApplyBundle: function(items, bundle) { var requiredProductsCounter = 0; if (bundle.limit_for_customer_tags.length > 0) { var customerTags = customer.getCustomerTags(); try { var customerIsTaggedWithCorrectTag = false; var requiredTags = bundle.limit_for_customer_tags; var customerTags = customer.getCustomerTags(); if (customerTags === null || customerTags.length === 0) { // Customer isn't logged in or isn't tagged if (typeof bundle.tags_additional_options === 'string' && bundle.tags_additional_options === 'or_without_tags') { // This bundle should also be available to not logged in customers return true; } else { return false; } } for (var l = 0; l < customerTags.length; l++) { for (var m = 0; m < requiredTags.length; m++) { if (requiredTags[m] === customerTags[l]) { customerIsTaggedWithCorrectTag = true; // Stop the loop l = customerTags.length; m = requiredTags.length; } } } if (customerIsTaggedWithCorrectTag === false) { return false; } } catch(e) { } } if (bundle.minimum_requirements === 'volume_discounts') { return true; } if (bundle.minimum_requirements === 'sectioned_n_products') { return true; } // For bundle products for (var productId in bundle.products) { if (bundle.products.hasOwnProperty(productId)) { var isInCart = false; var product = bundle.products[productId]; // for bundle product variants for (var variantId in product.variants) { if (product.variants.hasOwnProperty(variantId)) { // for cart items for (var i = 0; i < items.length; i++) { if (variantId == items[i].variant_id) { if (bundle.minimum_requirements === 'all_products' || bundle.minimum_requirements === 'specific_products') { isInCart = true; } else if (bundle.minimum_requirements === 'n_products') { isInCart = true; if (product.quantity < items[i].quantity) { // Actual quantity in cart is bigger than max allowed quantity requiredProductsCounter += product.quantity; } else { requiredProductsCounter += items[i].quantity; } } } } } } if (bundle.minimum_requirements === 'all_products' || bundle.minimum_requirements === 'specific_products') { if (isInCart === false) { return false; } } } } if (bundle.minimum_requirements === 'n_products') { if (requiredProductsCounter >= bundle.minimum_requirements_num) { return true; } else { return false; } } else { return true; } }, getApplicableBundles: function(cartData) { // Get bundles which can be applied to the cart items var $applicableBundles = []; for (var i = 0; i < bundles.length; i++) { // Why do we even have to check if we can apply the bundle? // We will check it in the next step if (this.canApplyBundle(cartData.items, bundles[i])) { $applicableBundles.push(bundles[i]); } } return $applicableBundles; }, /** * Substracts quantity from cart and creates list of combos (bundles) with their products and bundle id. */ getApplicableCombosAll: function(cartData, $applicableBundles, returnObject) { if (typeof returnObject === 'undefined') { var returnObject = false; } // Get applicable items from cart for the applicable bundles var $applicableItems = {}; var applicableCombos = []; var cartCopy = JSON.parse(JSON.stringify(cartData)); var cartItems = JSON.parse(JSON.stringify(cartData.items)); for (var b = 0; b < 2; b++) { // For applicable bundles for (var k = 0; k < $applicableBundles.length; k++) { var usePreferredBundle = true; if (b > 0) { usePreferredBundle = false } // Get applicable combos for this bundle var combos = this.getApplicableCombosForBundle(cartItems, $applicableBundles[k], usePreferredBundle); /* if (combos.length > 0) { console.log('usePreferredBundle', usePreferredBundle); console.log('combos', combos); }*/ for (var i = 0; i < combos.length; i++) { var canApplyCombo = true; if (typeof combos[i] === 'undefined') { // Skip empty slots continue; } // for combos // subsctract quantity from cart items for (var productId in combos[i]) { if (combos[i].hasOwnProperty(productId)) { var canApplyProduct = false; var product = combos[i][productId]; for (var j = 0; j < cartCopy.items.length; j++) { var lineItem = cartCopy.items[j]; if (lineItem.variant_id == product.variant_id) { if (lineItem.quantity >= product.quantity && j == product.line_item_id) { canApplyProduct = true; lineItem.quantity -= product.quantity; } } } if (canApplyProduct === false) { canApplyCombo = false; } } } if (canApplyCombo) { // Why do we even have to check again if we can apply the combo? It was already checked in the previous method. applicableCombos.push(combos[i]); } else { // TODO return quantity back to cart copy? } } } } if (returnObject === true) { return { applicableCombos : applicableCombos, cartWithReducedQuantities : cartCopy }; } else { return applicableCombos; } }, // This function rechecks the combos to see if bundle can really be applied because of the required products checkRequiredProductsForTieredBundle: function(combos, bundle) { // Store the required tiered products from the bundle var numOfRequiredTieredProductsArray = {}; // Store the applied products (currently inside cart) var numOfRequiredTieredProductsAppliedArray = {}; // We currently do not handle the quantity for required products // In tiered so we will leave this to be = 1 so we can upgrade once for (var productId in bundle.products) { if (bundle.products.hasOwnProperty(productId)) { if (bundle.products[productId].required === 1) { //numOfRequiredMixNMatchProducts++; numOfRequiredTieredProductsArray[productId] = 1; } if (typeof combos !== 'undefined' && combos.length > 0) { for (var id in combos) { if (combos.hasOwnProperty(id) && combos[id].length !== 0) { var combo = combos[id]; for (var comboProductId in combo) { if (combo.hasOwnProperty(comboProductId)) { var comboProduct = combo[comboProductId]; if (comboProduct.product_id == productId) { if (bundle.products[productId].required === 1) { numOfRequiredTieredProductsAppliedArray[productId] = 1; } } } } } } } } } var requiredKeys = Object.keys(numOfRequiredTieredProductsArray); var appliedKeys = Object.keys(numOfRequiredTieredProductsAppliedArray); // We clear the combo if the required and applied products are not matching if ((requiredKeys.length === appliedKeys.length && requiredKeys.sort().join() === appliedKeys.sort().join()) === false) { Object.keys(combos).forEach(comboId => { combos[comboId] = {}; }); } return combos; }, getApplicableCombosForBundle: function(cartItems, bundle, usePreferredBundle) { if (typeof usePreferredBundle === 'undefined') { usePreferredBundle = true; } // Quantity in cartItems object is reduced by reference so each item gets applied only the number of times it is in the cart if (cartItems.length === 0) { return []; } var combos = []; var comboId = 0; var loop = true; // product quantity count is used for making sure that we don't apply more than maximum allowed number of products to the combo var productQuantityCount = 0; if (bundle.volume_discounts !== 'undefined' && bundle.volume_discounts.length > 0) { } else { while(loop) { if (comboId > 10000) { loop=false; bundlerConsole.log('-- Terminating loop -- 2'); } if (bundle.minimum_requirements === 'specific_products') { // for required bundle products for (var productId in bundle.required_products) { if (bundle.required_products.hasOwnProperty(productId)) { var product = bundle.required_products[productId]; var productVariants = bundle.required_products[productId].variants; cartItemsLoop: // for cart items for (var i = 0; i < cartItems.length; i++) { // for required bundle product variants for (var variantId in productVariants) { if (productVariants.hasOwnProperty(variantId)) { var quantity = product.quantity; if (variantId == cartItems[i].variant_id && this.bundleMatchesPreferredBundle(cartItems[i], bundle, usePreferredBundle)) { var applyCombo = false; var apQuantity = cartItems[i].quantity; if (cartItems[i].quantity >= quantity) { apQuantity = quantity; applyCombo = true; } if (applyCombo) { if (typeof combos[comboId] === 'undefined') { combos[comboId] = {}; } var key = i; var origLineItem = i; if (typeof cartItems[i].orig_line_item_id !== 'undefined') { // Shopify POS integration needs original line item id so it knows on which item to set the discount // The items are sorted by ascending quantity origLineItem = cartItems[i].orig_line_item_id; } combos[comboId]['required_'+key] = { product_id : productId, variant_id : cartItems[i].variant_id, line_item_id : i, orig_line_item_id : origLineItem, bundle_id : bundle.id, price : cartItems[i].price, quantity : apQuantity, discount_type : bundle.discount_type, type : 'required' }; cartItems[i].quantity -= apQuantity; break cartItemsLoop; } } } } } } } } productQuantityCount = 0; // Object which contains quantity counter for each product for mix&match bundle. // This way, we can limit the total variants from the product according to the actual specification. var remainingEachProductQuantity = {}; // Add required products from Mix & Match bundle to the combo. This allows us to set a few products in the mix & match bundles as required. // For example, get a discount on product A if you buy it together with any other product. if (bundle.minimum_requirements === 'n_products') { // For bundle products for (var productId in bundle.products) { if (bundle.products.hasOwnProperty(productId)) { var product = bundle.products[productId]; var productVariants = bundle.products[productId].variants; if (typeof remainingEachProductQuantity[productId] === 'undefined') { remainingEachProductQuantity[productId] = product.quantity; } // For bundle product variants for (var variantId in productVariants) { if (productVariants.hasOwnProperty(variantId)) { // Only do this for REQUIRED products if (productVariants[variantId].required === 1) { var quantity = product.quantity; // For cart items for (var i = 0; i < cartItems.length; i++) { if (variantId == cartItems[i].variant_id && this.bundleMatchesPreferredBundle(cartItems[i], bundle, usePreferredBundle)) { var applyCombo = false; var apQuantity = cartItems[i].quantity; if (cartItems[i].quantity > 0) { var remainingQuantity = remainingEachProductQuantity[productId]; if (cartItems[i].quantity > remainingQuantity) { // Reduce the variant quantity to the maximum remaining allowed quantity // The max quantity limit has to be applied across all variants of this product apQuantity = remainingQuantity; } // Check if merchant set max allowed products for the bundle // Check if total quantity will be more than maximum allowed one if (bundle.minimum_requirements_n_max_products !== null && bundle.minimum_requirements_n_max_products !== '' && (productQuantityCount + apQuantity) > bundle.minimum_requirements_n_max_products) { // Reduce the applied quantity to maximum allowed one apQuantity = bundle.minimum_requirements_n_max_products - productQuantityCount; } // If quantity is still more than 0, apply it to the bundle if (apQuantity > 0) { // Subtract the applied quantity from the max allowed quantity quantity -= apQuantity; // Subtract the applied quantity from the total allowed quantity for this product remainingEachProductQuantity[productId] -= apQuantity; productQuantityCount += apQuantity; applyCombo = true; } if (applyCombo) { if (typeof combos[comboId] === 'undefined') { combos[comboId] = {}; } // Use item id, as the same product can be in the order multiple times (with different properties) var key = i; var origLineItem = i; if (typeof cartItems[i].orig_line_item_id !== 'undefined') { // Shopify POS integration needs original line item id so it knows on which item to set the discount // The items are sorted by ascending quantity origLineItem = cartItems[i].orig_line_item_id; } combos[comboId][key] = { product_id : productId, variant_id : cartItems[i].variant_id, line_item_id : i, orig_line_item_id : origLineItem, bundle_id : bundle.id, price : cartItems[i].price, quantity : apQuantity, discount_type : bundle.discount_type, type : 'discounted' }; cartItems[i].quantity -= apQuantity; } } } } } } } } } } // Sectioned bundles if (bundle.minimum_requirements === 'sectioned_n_products') { // We will use this variable to reduce the max allowed quantity of each product in the section var sections = JSON.parse(JSON.stringify(bundle.sections)); // Loop through sections for (var sectionId = 0; sectionId < bundle.sections.length; sectionId++) { var products = bundle.sections[sectionId].products; var productSectionTotalQuantityCount = 0; var copiedSection = sections[sectionId]; // Loop through products in the section for (var productId in products) { if (products.hasOwnProperty(productId)) { var product = products[productId]; var productVariants = products[productId].variants; // For bundle product variants for (var variantId in productVariants) { if (productVariants.hasOwnProperty(variantId)) { // For cart items for (var i = 0; i < cartItems.length; i++) { if (variantId == cartItems[i].variant_id && this.bundleMatchesPreferredBundle(cartItems[i], bundle, usePreferredBundle) && this.itemMatchesPreferredSection(cartItems[i], sectionId)) { var applyCombo = false; var apQuantity = cartItems[i].quantity; // Applicable quantity if (cartItems[i].quantity > 0) { var remainingQuantity = copiedSection.products[productId].quantity; if (cartItems[i].quantity > remainingQuantity) { // Reduce the variant quantity to the maximum remaining allowed quantity // The max quantity limit has to be applied across all variants of this product apQuantity = remainingQuantity; } // Check if merchant set max allowed products for this section // Check if total quantity will be more than maximum allowed one if (copiedSection.max_items !== null && copiedSection.max_items !== '' && (productSectionTotalQuantityCount + apQuantity) > copiedSection.max_items) { // Reduce the applied quantity to maximum allowed one apQuantity = copiedSection.max_items - productSectionTotalQuantityCount; } // If quantity is still more than 0, apply it to the bundle if (apQuantity > 0) { // Subtract the applied quantity from the max allowed quantity //quantity -= apQuantity; // Subtract the applied quantity from the total allowed quantity for this product copiedSection.products[productId].quantity -= apQuantity; productSectionTotalQuantityCount += apQuantity; applyCombo = true; } if (applyCombo) { if (typeof combos[comboId] === 'undefined') { combos[comboId] = {}; } // Use item id, as the same product can be in the order multiple times (with different properties) var key = i; var origLineItem = i; if (typeof cartItems[i].orig_line_item_id !== 'undefined') { // Shopify POS integration needs original line item id so it knows on which item to set the discount // The items are sorted by ascending quantity origLineItem = cartItems[i].orig_line_item_id; // We know that we are in Shopify POS, so change the i to also include the section ID, as Shopify POS doesn't separate items based on their properties. key = i+'_'+sectionId; } var totalItemQuantity = apQuantity; if (typeof combos[comboId] !== 'undefined' && typeof combos[comboId][key] !== 'undefined') { totalItemQuantity += combos[comboId][key].quantity; // Add quantity from the previous section to this product } combos[comboId][key] = { product_id : productId, variant_id : cartItems[i].variant_id, line_item_id : i, orig_line_item_id : origLineItem, bundle_id : bundle.id, price : cartItems[i].price, quantity : totalItemQuantity, discount_type : bundle.discount_type, type : 'discounted', section_id : sectionId }; cartItems[i].quantity -= apQuantity; // Subtract only the applicable quanttiy for this item and not the totalItemQuantity } } } } } } } } } } // for bundle products for (var productId in bundle.products) { if (bundle.products.hasOwnProperty(productId)) { var product = bundle.products[productId]; var productVariants = bundle.products[productId].variants; if (typeof remainingEachProductQuantity[productId] === 'undefined') { remainingEachProductQuantity[productId] = product.quantity; } productsLoop: // for bundle product variants for (var variantId in productVariants) { if (productVariants.hasOwnProperty(variantId)) { var quantity = product.quantity; variantsLoop: // for cart items for (var i = 0; i < cartItems.length; i++) { if (variantId == cartItems[i].variant_id && this.bundleMatchesPreferredBundle(cartItems[i], bundle, usePreferredBundle)) { var applyCombo = false; var apQuantity = cartItems[i].quantity; if ((bundle.minimum_requirements === 'all_products' || bundle.minimum_requirements === 'specific_products') && cartItems[i].quantity >= quantity) { apQuantity = quantity; applyCombo = true; } else if(bundle.minimum_requirements === 'n_products' && cartItems[i].quantity > 0) { var remainingQuantity = remainingEachProductQuantity[productId]; if (cartItems[i].quantity >= remainingQuantity) { // Reduce the variant quantity to the maximum remaining allowed quantity // The max quantity limit has to be applied across all variants of this product apQuantity = remainingQuantity; } // Check if merchant set max allowed products for the bundle // Check if total quantity will be more than maximum allowed one if (bundle.minimum_requirements_n_max_products !== null && bundle.minimum_requirements_n_max_products !== '' && (productQuantityCount + apQuantity) > bundle.minimum_requirements_n_max_products) { // Reduce the applied quantity to maximum allowed one apQuantity = bundle.minimum_requirements_n_max_products - productQuantityCount; } // If quantity is still more than 0, apply it to the bundle if (apQuantity > 0) { // Subtract the applied quantity from the max allowed quantity quantity -= apQuantity; // Subtract the applied quantity from the total allowed quantity for this product remainingEachProductQuantity[productId] -= apQuantity; productQuantityCount += apQuantity; applyCombo = true; } } // If the product is set to have a required selling plan, then we need to check if the product has a selling plan, otherwise, don't apply a combo if (cartItems[i].hasOwnProperty('selling_plan_allocation') === false && product.selling_plan_id === 'require_selling_plan') { applyCombo = false; } if (applyCombo) { if (typeof combos[comboId] === 'undefined') { combos[comboId] = {}; } if (bundle.minimum_requirements === 'n_products' || bundle.minimum_requirements === 'specific_products') { // var key = variantId; // Use item id, as the same product can be in the order multiple times (with different properties) var key = i; } else { var key = productId; } var origLineItem = i; if (typeof cartItems[i].orig_line_item_id !== 'undefined') { // Shopify POS integration needs original line item id so it knows on which item to set the discount // The items are sorted by ascending quantity origLineItem = cartItems[i].orig_line_item_id; } combos[comboId][key] = { product_id : productId, variant_id : cartItems[i].variant_id, line_item_id : i, orig_line_item_id : origLineItem, bundle_id : bundle.id, price : cartItems[i].price, quantity : apQuantity, discount_type : bundle.discount_type, type : 'discounted' }; cartItems[i].quantity -= apQuantity; if (bundle.minimum_requirements === 'n_products') { // break variantsLoop; } else { break productsLoop; } } } } } } } } // Check if all products were found for the last combo var appliedProducts = 0; var appliedRequiredProducts = 0; var appliedQuantity = 0; // We use these two variables to make sure that all of the required products from the Mix & Match bundle are included in the combo //var numOfRequiredMixNMatchProductsApplied = 0; //var numOfRequiredMixNMatchProducts = 0; // These two objects must have the same number of elements in them, so we know that all of the required products from the Mix & Match bundle are included in the combo var numOfRequiredMixNMatchProductsArray = {}; var numOfRequiredMixNMatchProductsAppliedArray = {}; if (bundle.minimum_requirements === 'all_products') { // for bundle products for (var productId in bundle.products) { if (bundle.products.hasOwnProperty(productId)) { if (typeof combos[comboId] !== 'undefined' && typeof combos[comboId][productId] !== 'undefined') { appliedProducts++; } } } } else if (bundle.minimum_requirements === 'n_products') { // for bundle products (mix and match) for (var productId in bundle.products) { if (bundle.products.hasOwnProperty(productId)) { if (bundle.products[productId].required === 1) { //numOfRequiredMixNMatchProducts++; numOfRequiredMixNMatchProductsArray[productId] = 1; } if (typeof combos[comboId] !== 'undefined') { // for combo products for (var id in combos[comboId]) { if (combos[comboId].hasOwnProperty(id)) { if (combos[comboId][id].product_id == productId) { appliedQuantity += combos[comboId][id]['quantity']; if (bundle.products[productId].required === 1) { //numOfRequiredMixNMatchProductsApplied++; numOfRequiredMixNMatchProductsAppliedArray[productId] = 1; } } } } } } } } else if (bundle.minimum_requirements === 'specific_products') { // for bundle products for (var productId in bundle.products) { if (bundle.products.hasOwnProperty(productId)) { if (typeof combos[comboId] !== 'undefined') { // for combo products for (var id in combos[comboId]) { if (combos[comboId].hasOwnProperty(id)) { if (combos[comboId][id].type === 'discounted' && combos[comboId][id].product_id == productId) { appliedProducts++; } } } } } } // for bundle products for (var productId in bundle.required_products) { if (bundle.required_products.hasOwnProperty(productId)) { if (typeof combos[comboId] !== 'undefined') { // for combo products for (var id in combos[comboId]) { if (combos[comboId].hasOwnProperty(id)) { if (combos[comboId][id].type === 'required' && combos[comboId][id].product_id == productId) { appliedRequiredProducts++; } } } } } } } else if (bundle.minimum_requirements === 'sectioned_n_products') { var sections = JSON.parse(JSON.stringify(bundle.sections)); for (var sectionId in sections) { if (sections.hasOwnProperty(sectionId)) { var sectionProducts = sections[sectionId].products for (var productId in sectionProducts) { if (sectionProducts.hasOwnProperty(productId)) { var sectionProduct = sectionProducts[productId] if (sectionProduct.required === 1) { numOfRequiredMixNMatchProductsArray[productId] = 1; } if (typeof combos[comboId] !== 'undefined') { // for combo products for (var id in combos[comboId]) { if (combos[comboId].hasOwnProperty(id)) { if (combos[comboId][id].product_id == productId) { // appliedQuantity += combos[comboId][id]['quantity']; if (sectionProduct.required === 1) { //numOfRequiredMixNMatchProductsApplied++; numOfRequiredMixNMatchProductsAppliedArray[productId] = 1; } } } } } } } } } } // Remove any incomplete combos and return quantities to the cart if (bundle.minimum_requirements === 'all_products') { if (appliedProducts !== Object.keys(bundle.products).length) { loop = false; if (typeof combos[comboId] !== 'undefined' && Object.keys(combos[comboId]).length) { // Return quantity back to cart this.returnQuantityToCartItem(cartItems, combos[comboId]); } // Last combo is not complete, remove it delete combos[comboId]; } } else if (bundle.minimum_requirements === 'n_products') { // Check if applied quantity is within bounds if (appliedQuantity < bundle.minimum_requirements_num || (bundle.minimum_requirements_n_max_products !== null && bundle.minimum_requirements_n_max_products !== '' && appliedQuantity > bundle.minimum_requirements_n_max_products) || Object.keys(numOfRequiredMixNMatchProductsAppliedArray).length < Object.keys(numOfRequiredMixNMatchProductsArray).length //numOfRequiredMixNMatchProductsApplied < numOfRequiredMixNMatchProducts ) { loop = false; if (typeof combos[comboId] !== 'undefined' && Object.keys(combos[comboId]).length) { // Return quantity back to cart this.returnQuantityToCartItem(cartItems, combos[comboId]); } // Last combo is not complete, remove it delete combos[comboId]; } } else if (bundle.minimum_requirements === 'sectioned_n_products') { // We will use this variable to reduce the max allowed quantity of each product in the section var sections = JSON.parse(JSON.stringify(bundle.sections)); /* console.log('bundle', bundle.name); console.log('sections', JSON.parse(JSON.stringify(sections))); if (typeof combos[comboId] !== 'undefined') { console.log('combos[comboId]', JSON.parse(JSON.stringify(combos[comboId]))); } else { console.log('combo is undefined'); } */ // Loop through sections for (var sectionId = 0; sectionId < sections.length; sectionId++) { var sectionRequires0Items = false; if (copiedSection.min_items*1 <= 0) { sectionRequires0Items = true; // If the minimum requirement was set to 0, simply set it to 1, as 0 doesn't make any sense. copiedSection.min_items = 0; //console.log('bundle', bundle); } var products = sections[sectionId].products; var copiedSection = sections[sectionId]; if (copiedSection.min_items !== null && copiedSection.min_items !== '' && copiedSection.min_items >= 0) { // The requirement for minimum number of items is set up and wasn't yet reached // Loop through products int he combo and use their quantities to subtract the min required value in the copied section // Then, if the min required quantity is still more than 0, then we didn't reach it. // Otherwise, the requirement was reached :) if (typeof combos[comboId] !== 'undefined') { // for combo products for (var id in combos[comboId]) { if (combos[comboId].hasOwnProperty(id)) { if (combos[comboId][id].section_id === sectionId) { // Subtract the item quantity from the minimum requirement for this section copiedSection.min_items -= combos[comboId][id].quantity; } } } if ((Object.keys(combos[comboId]).length === 0 && sectionRequires0Items === true) || (Object.keys(numOfRequiredMixNMatchProductsAppliedArray).length !== Object.keys(numOfRequiredMixNMatchProductsArray).length)) { // This combo was empty // If there is no min requirement set, then we will have an infinite loop. // So stop the loop here. // Stop the loop sectionId = sections.length; // Last combo is not complete, remove it delete combos[comboId]; // Stop the main loop loop = false; } } else if(sectionRequires0Items === true) { // This combo was empty // If there is no min requirement set, then we will have an infinite loop. // So stop the loop here. // Stop the loop sectionId = sections.length; // Last combo is not complete, remove it delete combos[comboId]; // Stop the main loop loop = false; } // If the minimum required num of items is still more than 0, then we didn't reach this requirement. // Stop the loop and return the combo back to the cart if (copiedSection.min_items > 0) { // Stop the loop sectionId = sections.length; // return quantity back to the cart this.returnQuantityToCartItem(cartItems, combos[comboId]); // Last combo is not complete, remove it delete combos[comboId]; // Stop the main loop loop = false; } } /* if (copiedSection.min_items === null || copiedSection.min_items === '') { // Only go in this if the original minimum requirements aren't set. Without this, if you added the same sectioned bundle to the cart twice, // the cart only calculated it once. if (copiedSection.min_items*1 <= 0) { // The merchant set the requirements for this sectioned bundle to 0 // Stop the loop otherwise we will get an infinite loop console.log('stopping the loop'); loop = false; } }*/ } } else if (bundle.minimum_requirements === 'specific_products') { if (appliedProducts !== Object.keys(bundle.products).length || appliedRequiredProducts !== Object.keys(bundle.required_products).length) { loop = false; if (typeof combos[comboId] !== 'undefined' && Object.keys(combos[comboId]).length) { // Return quantity back to cart this.returnQuantityToCartItem(cartItems, combos[comboId]); } // Last combo is not complete, remove it delete combos[comboId]; } } else { return false; } // Fixed price: Check if fixed price is actually smaller than the total value of items in combo if (bundle.discount_type === 'fixed_price' && typeof combos[comboId] !== 'undefined' && Object.keys(combos[comboId]).length) { var totalValue = this.getTotalOriginalAmount(combos[comboId]) if (typeof window.bndlrPOS !== 'undefined') { // Multiply by 100 only in Shopify POS totalValue = totalValue*100; } if (bundle.fixed_price_value*100 >= totalValue) { // The bundle's fixed price value is set to a higher value than the total value of items // Remove the combo, as it is uselessif (!empty($combos[$comboId])) { loop = false; // Return quantity back to cart this.returnQuantityToCartItem(cartItems, combos[comboId]); delete combos[comboId]; } } if (typeof combos[comboId] !== 'undefined' && Object.keys(combos[comboId]).length > 0) { // If the combo isn't empty, then we have applied this bundle to the order. // Stop the loop, so we won't apply the same bundle on any other items in this order. loop = false; } comboId++; } } return combos; }, returnQuantityToCartItem: function(cartItems, combo) { for (var variantId in combo) { if (combo.hasOwnProperty(variantId)) { var product = combo[variantId]; var lineItemId = product['line_item_id']; if (typeof cartItems[lineItemId] !== 'undefined') { cartItems[lineItemId].quantity += product.quantity; } } } }, // Check if the bundle can be applied on thisproduct based on the id in the properties bundleMatchesPreferredBundle: function(cartItem, bundle, usePreferredBundle) { if (typeof usePreferredBundle === 'undefined') { usePreferredBundle = true; } if (usePreferredBundle === false) { return true; // Special case so that we always return true, so that we ignore the line item properties } if (typeof window.bndlrPOS !== 'undefined') { // This rule doesn't apply in Shopify POS return true; // Can't use the line tiem logic in POS, because we can't add separate line item properties to each item added to the cart. They would be grouped, which is not okay. } // We are now using this option as default as we had to change this to be able to use the new version of Bundler. // TODO: If possible, limit this based on the bundle version. var preferredBundleId = this.getBundleIdFromProperties(cartItem); if (preferredBundleId === 0) { return true; } else if(preferredBundleId === bundle.id) { return true; } return false; }, itemMatchesPreferredSection: function(cartItem, sectionId) { if (typeof window.bndlrPOS !== 'undefined') { // This rule doesn't apply in Shopify POS return true; // Can't use the line item logic in POS, because we can't add separate line item properties to each item added to the cart. They would be grouped, which is not okay. } var preferredSectionId = this.getSectionIdFromProperties(cartItem); if (preferredSectionId === 0) { return true; } else if(preferredSectionId === sectionId) { return true; } return false; }, // Get the bundle if from line item properties getBundleIdFromProperties: function(cartItem) { if (typeof cartItem.properties !== 'undefined' && cartItem.properties !== null && Object.keys(cartItem.properties).length > 0) { for(var key in cartItem.properties) { if (cartItem.properties.hasOwnProperty(key)) { if (key.indexOf('_bundler_id') !== -1) { var value = cartItem.properties[key]; if (value*1 == value) { return value*1; } } else if (key.indexOf('_bundler_') !== -1) { var value = key.replace('_bundler_', ''); if (value*1 == value) { return value*1; } } } } } return 0; }, // Get the section ID if from line item properties getSectionIdFromProperties : function(cartItem) { if (typeof cartItem.properties !== 'undefined' && cartItem.properties !== null && Object.keys(cartItem.properties).length > 0) { for(var key in cartItem.properties) { if (cartItem.properties.hasOwnProperty(key)) { if (key.indexOf('_bundle_section_id') !== -1) { var value = cartItem.properties[key]; if (value*1 == value) { return value*1; } } else if (key.indexOf('_bundle_section_') !== -1) { var value = key.replace('_bundle_section_', ''); if (value*1 == value) { return value*1; } } } } } return 0; }, displayCartValue: function(value, cartData, canGetFreeShipping) { if (typeof canGetFreeShipping === 'undefined') { canGetFreeShipping = false; } var currency = cartData.currency; if (value > 0 || canGetFreeShipping === true) { var totalCompareAtValue = cartData.total_price; if ($('#bndlr-discount-message').length === 0) { $('body').append('
'); } var customText = ''; var popupTitle = 'You got'; var popupSubtitle = '{{savings}} OFF your order'; var popupAndText = '&'; var popupFreeShipping = 'FREE SHIPPING'; var popupQuestion = 'Apply discount and go to checkout?'; var popupYes = 'Yes, please'; var popupNo = 'No'; // var priceHtml = '' + bndlr.formatPrice(value, currency) + ''; var priceHtml = htmlUtils.moneySpan(bndlr.formatPrice(value, currency), currency, 'bndlr-cart-price'); popupTitle = popupTitle.replace('{{savings}}', priceHtml); popupSubtitle = popupSubtitle.replace('{{savings}}', priceHtml); popupQuestion = popupQuestion.replace('{{savings}}', priceHtml); popupYes = popupYes.replace('{{savings}}', priceHtml); popupNo = popupNo.replace('{{savings}}', priceHtml); var discountHtml = ''; if (value > 0 && canGetFreeShipping) { discountHtml = '
' + popupSubtitle + '
' + popupAndText + '
' + popupFreeShipping + '
'; } else if (value > 0) { discountHtml = '
' + popupSubtitle + '
'; } else if (canGetFreeShipping) { discountHtml = '
' + popupFreeShipping + '
'; } $('#bndlr-discount-message').html(''+ '
' + discountHtml + customText + '
' + '
' + '
' + '
' + '
' + '
' + ''); $('#bndlr-discount-message').animate({bottom: '10px'}, 1000); bndlr.convertCurrency('.bndlr-cart-price'); try { var event = new CustomEvent("bundler:checkout_prompt_shown"); document.dispatchEvent(event); } catch(e) { bundlerConsole.log(e); } } }, displayDiscountInCart: function(value, cartData) { var currency = cartData.currency; // TODO figure out what to do with this one var cartDiscountSelector = '.order-discount-card-wrapper, .Cart__Discount, .subtotal .cart_savings.sale'; if (value>0 && $('#bundler-hide-discounts').length === 0) { $('body').append(''); } else if(value <= 0) { $('#bundler-hide-discounts').remove(); } // Array of query selectors for elements which should be displayed when the cart is eligible for a bundle discount var displayOnDiscount = [ '.bundler-cart-show-on-discount' ]; var displayWhenNoDiscount = [ '.bundler-cart-show-on-0-discount' ]; var showDiscountsRegardless = false; if (value > 0 || showDiscountsRegardless) { /* // Have elements with correct calsses to place the value in correct targets. // Block container with initial total, discounts and discounted price // .bundler-cart-price-info-container // .bundler-cart-price-info-container-inline // Inline target elements // .bundler-cart-total-original // .bundler-cart-total-discounted // .bundler-cart-discount-value // .bundler-cart-discount-value-no-minus // .bundler-cart-discount-percent */ var selectorsConfig = { 'bundler-cart-price-info-container' : [ // Fills with original, discount and discounted value vertically (with
) '.bundler-cart-price-info-container', '.cart-quickview__footer .cart-subtotal__price[data-cart-subtotal]', '#cart_form .cart-breakdown .subtotal_amount strong', //'.cart__subtotal:not(.js-cart-subtotal) span.subtotal + span', '.cart__footer .cart__item-sub [data-subtotal]', '.cart__item-sub [data-subtotal]', '.cart__footer .grid .grid__item .grid.grid--full .grid__item.one-half.small--text-right', '.cart__subtotal .subtotal ~ span.total-price[data-total-price]', '.cart-subtotal__price, .cart__subtotal-price, .template-cart .cart-subtotal--price, .template-cart .cart-subtotal--price small:first-child, .cart-footer__subtotal, .cart-drawer__subtotal-price, .cart-recap__price-line-price', '.cart__subtotal:not(.js-cart-subtotal)', '#bk-cart-subtotal-price', '.jas_cart_page .frm_cart_page .order-total .wh-original-cart-total', '#revy-cart-subtotal-price', '.wh-original-cart-total .wh-original-price .cart__subtotal', '.wh-original-cart-total .wh-original-price', '.Cart .Cart__Total span:not(.bndlr-cart-values):not(.wh-cart-total):not(.saso-cart-original-total):not(.saso-cart-total)', '.cart form[action="/cart"] .cart__total__value', 'form[action="/cart"] div.cart .cart__row:last-of-type .grid .grid__item:last-of-type .table-cell:last-of-type p', 'div.cart-checkout .subtotal .price', 'form.cart .checkout .total span.price', '.cart_totals tr.order-total .shopify-Price-amount.amount', '.mini_cart_header .wrap-btcart .summary .total .price', 'form.cart-form .subtotal-block .subtotal .price', 'form.cart .cart__footer .grid .grid__item div span:nth-child(2)', // Debut theme 'form.cart-form .cart-totals .cart-price', '#cart-summary .cart-original-total', /*'#cartform .wholesale-original-cart-total[style="display: none;"] + .wholesale-cart-total',*/ '#cartform .wholesale-original-cart-total', '.off-canvas--viewport .off-canvas--main-content .layout--main-content .cart--root .cart--form .cart--footer .cart--total .cart--total--price:visible:first', '.cart_totals tr.order-total td', '#shopify-section-cart-template .total .price', '.cart__footer .cart_tot_price', '#shopping-cart #basket-right h4 span.money', '.cart-totals .cart-price-info .cart-price span[data-cart-subtotal]', '.ajaxcart__footer-total span.money:not(.bndlr-cart-values)', 'form.cart[action="/cart"] div.cart__row--table', 'div[data-section-id="cart-template"] #main-checkout-form .bottom-cart-total .cart__subtotal', '#shopify-section-template--cart .cart-totals--wrapper #cart-total-final-price', '#shopify-section-cart-template .cart-subtotal span.theme-money', '.cart__container .cart__footer .cart__footer-right p.ff-heading.fs-heading-base', 'table.total-checkout .cart-amount', '.cart .row.cart-info .cart-subtotal', '.subtotal-row .subtotal .amount', '.cart--total #xtotalPrice', 'form.cart .cart-tools .totals .price', '#cartform .subtotal span.theme-money', '#cartform .subtotal-row .subtotal-amount', 'form[action="/cart"] .grid .grid__item .cart__price', '.main form.cart-form .cart__footer .cart__footer-total span.money:not(.bndlr-cart-values)', '.ajaxcart-draw form.cart-form .cart__footer .cart__footer-total span.money:not(.bndlr-cart-values)', '.cart__footer .totals .totals__subtotal-value', '.ajax-cart__final-details .total .cart-original-total.cart-price', '.cart-form .checkout-buttons .cart-totals-table .cart-total-price', '.cart-total #subtotal td.subtotal-price', '.cart__footer .cart__footer-right .ff-heading.fs-heading-4-base', '.cart__recap-block .cart__total-container span.heading.h6 ~ span.heading.h6', //'.cart-popup__wrapper .product__price__box.product-price-lg', '.cart-popup__wrapper .product__price__box div.mb-0', '#cart_form p.subtotal_amount', '.woocommerce-Price-amount.amount', '[class="#cart-checkout-subtotal-value"]', '.cart-totals .limoniapps-discountninja-cart-subtotal-price', '.subtotal-row .total__title + .total__amount', '.cart-total-wrapper tr.cart-total-line--total td ~ td', '.cart-template__checkout .cart-template__cart-total', '.cart__row .grid .grid__item.one-half ~ .grid__item.one-half .h4.cart__subtotal', '.sp-cart-original-total', '.cart-drawer__footer .totals__subtotal-value', '.cart__blocks .totals .totals__total-value', '#cart-total-final-price', '.totals__total-value', '.totals__subtotal-valuecsapps-cart-original-total', '.cart-footer .subtotal', '.cart-drawer__total-price', '.mini-cart__footer .cart-subtotal #subtotalPrice' //'.cart-subtotal [data-cart-total]' ], 'bundler-cart-price-info-container-inline': [ // Fills with original and discounted value inline '.bundler-cart-price-info-container-inline', '.bundler-cart-price-info-container-inline-cart-page', '.Drawer .Cart__Checkout.Button span[data-money-convertible]:not(.bndlr-cart-values), .cart_container form.js-cart_content__form li.cart_subtotal span.right', '#ajaxifyDrawer form.cart-form .cart-subtotal--price small:first-child', 'header.cart-title .cart-title-total span.money', 'section.cartitems--container .cart-final-total .cart-subtotal span.money', 'form#cart_form .cart_subtotal span.right', 'form.main-cart-form .cart-total-wrapper .cart-total span.sign + span', '#nav-shopping-cart-dialog .cart-total .nav-cart-dialog-total-amount', '#total-cart-bottom', '#total-cart-top', '#site-cart #CartTotal span:first', '#site-cart #CartTotal span:first, .site-box-content #CartTotal span:first', '.js-cart_content__form .js-cart_subtotal span.right:first', '#CartDrawer .cart__detail-info span[data-cart-subtotal]', '#CartContainer .cart.ajaxcart .ajaxcart__subtotal p', '.cart__header-content .cart-price-grid .js-cart-subtotal', '.cart-checkout-field .cart-price-grid .js-cart-subtotal', '#cartPopup .cart-popup__subtotal .cart-popup__subtotal-price', '.footer-row .slidecart-subtotal', '.drawer__footer .ajaxcart__price', '#cart_form .subtotal-price', '.jas-mini-cart .total .shopify-Price-amount .wh-original-cart-total', '#CartDrawer .ajaxcart__footer .ajaxcart__subtotal', '.bc-atc-slide-subtotal .bc-atc-slide-subtotal-price', '#ajaxifyCart .cart-subtotal .cart-subtotal--price', '.cart_subtotal.js-cart_subtotal > span.right', '.mini-products-list .cart-subtotal-row .product-price', '#qikify-stickycart-app .qsc-wrapper .qsc-cart__price-value', 'form.ajaxcart #common-subtotal .custom-ajaxcart__subtotal.text-right', '.sp-cart .sp-dropdown-inner .sp-cart-total-price', 'form[action="/cart"] span.total-price.money', '#CartDrawer #CartContainer .ajaxcart__footer .total span.cart-original-total', 'form#mini-cart .mini-cart__recap .mini-cart__recap-price-line > span:nth-child(2)', '#header-cart-canvas .hc__total__price', '#cartSlideoutWrapper #cart-price', '#header .ajax-cart__subtotal.ajax-cart__details-row span[class=""]', '.cart--total .cart--total--price', '.tt-shopcart-col #grandtotal td', '#dropdown-cart .has-items .summary .total .price', // mitcha-store '.minicart .minicart__footer .cart__total:nth-of-type(2)', // ausreo-pty-ltd '#template-cart .cart .cart__summary .cart__total:nth-of-type(2)', // ausreo-pty-ltd //'.cart__totals .cart__subtotal:not(.js-cart-subtotal) span.subtotal + span', '.custom_checkout_right .custom_checkout_right_inner .sub_right', // gurhanjewelry '#header-cart .mini-products-list .total .product-price', // gurhanjewelry '#cartSidebarContainer .cart__subtotal .text-right.cart__subtotal-price > p', '.cart-summary .cart-detail-info .tt-price', '.cart-total-col .cart-tt-price:visible', '.go-cart-drawer__subtotal-price', '.cart-form .cart-total-price .cart-total-price__value', '.cart-mini-subtotal .cart-mini-subtotal-value', '#slidedown-cart .summary .total .price', '#header .ajax-cart__form .ajax-cart__subtotal span.money', '#mobile-header .ajax-cart__form .ajax-cart__subtotal span.money', '#cart-summary .wholesale-cart-total', '.Drawer__Footer .Cart__Subtotal h4', 'form[action="/cart"] .cart-list .cart-list__footer-width-container span[style="float: right"]', '#CartPageForm .cart__item-sub.cart__item-row [data-subtotal]', '.satcb-cs-footer-subtotal .satcb-cs-total', '.cart__footer.text-center .cart__footer-page div.cart__item-row span[data-subtotal]', '#cart-subtotal', '.cart-window-body .cart-total .cart-subtotal .cart-total-price', '#cart-content .cart-item-total-price', 'span[rv-html="cart.total_price | money"]', '.widget_shopping_cart .widget_shopping_cart_content .total .shopify-Price-amount.amount', '.rebuy-cart__flyout-subtotal-amount', '.drawer__inner .drawer__inner-section .cart__subtotal', '.quick-cart__total span ~ span[data-subtotal]', '.addcart-modal-subtotal span.money', '.ajaxcart__footer-total [data-cart-subtotal]', '#CartTotal strong', '.grouped-bottom .total .price', '.groued-info .total .price', '.cart-popup-action .total .price', '.mini_cart_footer .cart_tot_price', 'form.cart-form .right-col .total .price', '[data-cart-subtotal-price]', '.title-price .cart_tot_price', '.main form.cart-form .cart__footer .cart__footer-total span.money:not(.bndlr-cart-values)', '.saw-cart-original-total [data-cart-subtotal-price]', '.mini-product-item .total_price .product-total-cart', '.gt_checkout_content .number_total', '.check_out_content .number_total', '.gt_box_checkout_content .gt_text_total', '.Drawer__Footer .Subtotal span[data-money-convertible]:not(.bndlr-cart-values)', '.subtotal-wrapper .limoniapps-discountninja-cart-subtotal-price', '#mini-cart-subtotal', '.cart__footer__value', '[x-html="formatMoney(state.total_price)"]', '.cart-totals .cart-price', '.cart-mini-total .mini-cart-total', '.mu-subtotal span:nth-of-type(2)', '.cart-summary__line [data-cart-total-price]', '.price-total-box .slider-cart-subtotal-wrapper .ot_ajax_cart__subtotal_new', '.cart .checkout__button [data-cart-final]', '#cart-subtotal-value', '.Drawer__Footer button.Cart__Checkout span + span.Button__SeparatorDot + span', '.drawer__footer .totals .totals__subtotal-value', '.mini-cart__inner .mini-cart__recap .mini-cart__recap-price-line1 > span ~ span:last-of-type', '.cart__aside .cart__total .cart__total__price', '.cart-subtotal .cart-subtotal-label ~ span.theme-money', '.cart-summary__subtotal .cart-summary__subtotal-label ~ .amount', '[data-cart-prices] .t4s-cart__totalPrice', '.Cart__Footer .Cart__Recap .Cart__Total > span:first-of-type', '.cart__grandtotal .jsPrice', '.icart-final-total .icart-cart-price', '.cart-drawer__details .cart-drawer__cart-total', '.mini-cart__total .mini-cart__label + span.amount', '.cart-collaterals .cart-subtotal td > span.price > span.amount', '.cart-totals .cart-total-grandtotal .cart-total-value', '.previewCartTotals.total .previewCartTotals-value', '.mini-cart-action .price-content .shopping-cart__total', '.cart__aside .cart__total .cart__total__money', '.cart-mini-subtotal .cart-mini-subtotal-value', 'header#header [data-cart-form="mini-cart"] .cart_items ~ ul .js-cart_subtotal span.right', '.cart-cells .cart__collaterals .cart__totals tr.cart__total > th ~ td.text-right .price.weight-600', '.cstm_total_drawer[data-total]', '.quick-cart__footer-subtotal h3.ff-body ~ span.ff-body', '.cart__footer-subtotal h3.ff-body ~ span.ff-body', '.drop-down-cart-footer .subtotal-price', '.cart-drawer-total .cart-drawer-total-value', '.cart__total .cart__total__price', '.totals-block.grand-total-block span.value', '.mini-cart__footer .subtotal .totals__subtotal-value', '.mini-cart__drawer-footer .totals ~ .priceflags > span', '#cart .js-cart-subtotal', '.tt-cart-total-row .tt-cart-total-price', 'form[action="/cart"] #grandtotal td', '.wsg-cart-subtotal', '.subtotalPrice', '.docapp-est-total [data-est-total]', '#CartPage .cart-formbox .cart-total', '#CartTotalPrice .transcy-money', 'loess-cart-drawer-checkout .transcy-money', '.tdf-cart-total-parent', '#mini__cart .bottom-cart-box .list-unstyled .totle-price strong.h4', '.cart-total-details .cart-total-item [data-cart-total-price]', '.page-wrap .total .total-price .cart-original-total.cart-price', '#mini-cart .total .total-price .cart-original-total.cart-price', '.cart-drawer__footer [data-merge="footer"] .subtotal .theme-money', '#cart-info form.ajaxcart .ajaxcart__footer label ~ span.money', '#cart__popup_total', '.boost-pfs-subtotal .boost-pfs-subtotal-price', '.shopping-car_total-tilte .total_price', '.cart-subtotal th ~ th span.price span.amount', '.saso-cart-original-total', '.cart-total .total-amount .amount.total-price', '.previewCartTotals .previewCartTotals-value', '#CartTotalPrice', 'form.cart__summary .justify-between.totals span ~ span:last-of-type strong', // resmed-au-uat2 '.cd-cart-subtotal-amount', '.cart-total-price__value', '.page__header--desktop .minicart__total .jsPrice', '.page__header--mobile .minicart__total .jsPrice', '#upezCart .pplr_subtotal_price', '#upezCart .upez--subtotal_price', '.upcart-checkout-button-container .UpcartDesignSettings__button.upcart-checkout-button > span.money', '.cart-recap .nvd_priceS', '.cart-form__totals .h-stack.gap-4 + .h-stack.gap-4.justify-between span.h5 + span.h5', '.icart-pg-subTotal-flex .icart-pg-discount-price', '.cart-mini-subtotal-value', '.cart-drawer-subtotal__price', '[name="checkout-route-1"] .cart-drawer__button-price', '.cart-drawer__button-price', '.wh-original-cart-total', '.subtotal #cart__total_price', '.totals .totals__subtotal-value', '.cart-footer-top [pplr_s_price]', '#corner-cowi-cart-summary-card-cta-button-price', '.docked-mobile-navigation-container .cart-summary__total-price-row .theme-money', '.docked-navigation-container .cart-summary__total-price-row .theme-money', '.inBtncartTotal', '.cart__buttons .cart__total__money', '.cart-items__footer-wrapper .cart-items__total span + span[data-price]', '#cart-notification-button .cart-footer .total_price', '.minicart__footer-titleSection .subtotal', '.fcsb-mini-cart-subtotal [data-money-convertible]', '.cart-drawer-footer form[action*="/cart"] button.giftbox-checkout-cloned', '.cart-drawer-footer form[action*="/cart"] button.giftbox-checkout:not(.giftbox-checkout-cloned)', '.saw-cart-original-total', '#CartTotal', '.minicart-drop-total-price', '[data-view="desktop"] .cart--total .cb-bundle-show-cart_page__cart_subtotal', '[data-view="mobile"] .cart--total .cb-bundle-show-cart_page__cart_subtotal', '.kaktusc-cart__total-right .kaktusc-cart__total-price', '#Cart-Drawer .cart-total .price .amount', '#Cart .cart-total .price .amount', 'cart-items #cart .cart__summary-total-price', 'cart-drawer #CartDrawer-Body .cart__summary-total-price', //'form.cart-form .cart__footer .cart__footer-total span.mon--ey:not(.bndlr-cart-values)' ], 'bundler-cart-total-original' : [ '.bundler-cart-total-original', '#basket-right .subtotal .subtotal-price', '#updateform .sp-shopcart-box tr#subtotal td', '[data-attribute="cartSubTotal"] .gt_label-sub-total ~ .gt_number_sub_total', '.hs-mount-sub-total .hs_subtotal_compare_at_price', '.wcp-original-cart-total' //'.wcp-cart-total' ], 'bundler-cart-total-discounted' : [ // Just fills the discounted value. Useful for header cart totals '.bundler-cart-total-discounted', '#toolbar .toolbar-cart .current-cart .beside-svg .theme-money, header #CartButton #CartCost', '.head_cart #CartCost', '.cart-count .cartTotalSelector', '.header--container .cart--external--total-price', '#ajaxifyCart .total .total-price', '#basket-right .total .total-price', '#updateform .sp-shopcart-box tr#grandtotal td', '.total_price #total_price', '.large--hide .cart-item-count-header.cart-item-count-header--total', '.medium--hide .cart-item-count-header.cart-item-count-header--total', '.cart-item-count-header.cart-item-count-header--total', '.cart-info .cart-summary__total span.product-price', '.summary-total .product-price .current-price', '.cart-cost[data-cart-total-value]', '#cart-subval .cartDrawer', '[data-attribute="cartTotalBox"] .gt_label-total ~ .number_total', '[data-attribute="cartTotal"] .gt_label-total ~ .number_total', '.hs-mount-sub-total .hs_subtotal_amount', '.wcp-cart-total', 'tr.order-total td .amount #bk-cart-subtotal-price', 'form[action="/cart"] strong[x-text*="cart.total_price"]', '.cart-summary-total [data-cart-total]', '.salemaximize__total-inr', '#site-header .header-actions [data-header-cart-total]' //, //'.wcp-original-cart-total' ], 'bundler-cart-discount-value' : [ '.bundler-cart-discount-value', '.discounts_normal #discounts_price', '.cart-info .cart-summary:nth-child(2) .product-price', '.mu-savings span:nth-of-type(2)', '.card-body .cart_savings-wrapper-text', 'form[action="/cart"] span[x-text*="cart.total_discount"]' //'.slidecart-discount-amount' //'#basket-right .discounts', ], 'bundler-cart-discount-value-no-minus' : [ '.bundler-cart-discount-value-no-minus', '.card__section .cart-recap__amount-saved span', '.cart-summary .summary-item + .summary-item .vnd-cart-discount', '#total_dis', '.Main__Cart .Cart__Checkout #cart-drawer-price', '[data-attribute="cartSave"] .gt_label-save ~ .gt_cart-save .gt_number-save', '.js-cart-discount [data-cart-discount]', '.salemaximize__coupon-price', '.cart_savings-wrapper-text' ], 'bundler-cart-discount-percent' : [ '.bundler-cart-discount-percent' ], 'bundler-cart-discount-percent-with-sign' : [ 'bundler-cart-discount-percent-with-sign', '[data-attribute="cartSave"] .gt_label-save ~ .gt_cart-save .gt_percent-save .gt_percent-number--save' ] }; var regexConfig = { '.cart-drawer-footer form[action*="/cart"] button.giftbox-checkout-cloned': { regex: '' }, '.cart-drawer-footer form[action*="/cart"] button.giftbox-checkout:not(.giftbox-checkout-cloned)': { regex: '' }, '.upcart-checkout-button-container .upcart-checkout-button': { regex: '' } }; //var shadowRootConfig = {}; // Disabled because of some issues at shebang-woman.myshopify.com var shadowRootConfig = { '#upCart': { 'bundler-cart-price-info-container-inline': [ '.UpcartDesignSettings__subtotalTextColor [class*="styles_Footer__cartSubtotalValue"]' ], 'bundler-cart-total-discounted': [ '.upcart-checkout-button-container .upcart-checkout-button' ] }, '#vanga-smartcart': { 'bundler-cart-price-info-container-inline': [ '.vanga-cart__summary-subtotal dd' ] } }; if (typeof clientSpecifics['cart_selectors'] !== 'undefined') { selectorsConfig = clientSpecifics['cart_selectors'].modify(selectorsConfig); } var selectorsValues = {}; var discountedTotal = cartData.original_total_price - value; var totalCompareAtValue = cartData.original_total_price; var discountedTotalFormatted = bndlr.formatPrice(discountedTotal, currency); var discount = bndlr.formatPrice(value, currency); var cartTotal = bndlr.formatPrice(totalCompareAtValue, currency); var currencyAttr = 'data-currency-'+currency.toLowerCase(); var plainDiscountHtml = htmlUtils.moneySpan(discount, currency.toLowerCase(), 'bndlr-minus bndlr-cart-values bndlr-cart-discount-value'); var discountHtml = '
'+plainDiscountHtml; var discountedTotalHtml = '
'+htmlUtils.moneySpan(discountedTotalFormatted, currency.toLowerCase(), 'bndlr-cart-values bndlr-cart-discounted-value'); var discountedInlineTotalHtml = htmlUtils.moneySpan(discountedTotalFormatted, currency.toLowerCase(), 'bndlr-cart-values'); var cartTotalHtml = htmlUtils.moneySpan(cartTotal, currency.toLowerCase(), 'bndlr-cart-values bndlr-cross-out bndlr-cart-orig-price'); var cartTotalNonCrossedOutHtml = htmlUtils.moneySpan(cartTotal, currency.toLowerCase(), 'bndlr-cart-values bndlr-cart-orig-price'); // Value for the price info container (displays values vertically) var priceInfoContainerValue = cartTotalHtml; priceInfoContainerValue += discountHtml; priceInfoContainerValue += discountedTotalHtml; selectorsValues['bundler-cart-price-info-container'] = priceInfoContainerValue; // Value for the inline price info container (displays values horizontally) var priceInfoContainerInlineValue = htmlUtils.moneySpan(cartTotal, currency.toLowerCase(), 'bndlr-cart-values bndlr-cart-values-old-price bndlr-cross-out')+' '; priceInfoContainerInlineValue += discountedInlineTotalHtml; selectorsValues['bundler-cart-price-info-container-inline'] = priceInfoContainerInlineValue; var priceInfoContainerInlineValueShadowRoot = htmlUtils.moneySpan(cartTotal, currency.toLowerCase(), 'bndlr-cart-values bndlr-cart-values-old-price bndlr-cross-out', 'style="text-decoration:line-through;"')+' '; priceInfoContainerInlineValueShadowRoot += discountedInlineTotalHtml; selectorsValues['bundler-cart-price-info-container-inline-shadowRoot'] = priceInfoContainerInlineValueShadowRoot; // Value for the inline price info. Useful for headers. var cartTotalDiscountedValue = htmlUtils.moneySpan(discountedTotalFormatted, currency.toLowerCase(), 'bndlr-cart-values'); selectorsValues['bundler-cart-total-discounted'] = cartTotalDiscountedValue; // Value for the in inline discount. selectorsValues['bundler-cart-discount-value'] = plainDiscountHtml; // Value for the inline discount without any minus symbol selectorsValues['bundler-cart-discount-value-no-minus'] = htmlUtils.moneySpan(discount, currency.toLowerCase(), 'bndlr-cart-values bndlr-cart-discount-value'); // Discount percentage selectorsValues['bundler-cart-discount-percent'] = Math.round((totalCompareAtValue - discountedTotal)/totalCompareAtValue*100, 2); // Discount percentage with percentage sign selectorsValues['bundler-cart-discount-percent-with-sign'] = Math.round((totalCompareAtValue - discountedTotal)/totalCompareAtValue*100, 2) + '%'; var discountValue = value; // Value for original cart total if (value <= 0) { selectorsValues['bundler-cart-total-original'] = cartTotalNonCrossedOutHtml; } else { selectorsValues['bundler-cart-total-original'] = cartTotalHtml; } if (typeof clientSpecifics['cart_discounts'] !== 'undefined') { clientSpecifics['cart_discounts'].beforeMutation(); } cartChangeDetector.beforeMutation(); var cartIframesSelectors = [ '#kaktusc-widget' ]; var rootElements = [ document ]; for(var g = 0; g < cartIframesSelectors.length; g++) { var iframes = document.querySelectorAll(cartIframesSelectors[g]); if (iframes !== null && iframes.length > 0) { for (var t = 0; t < iframes.length; t++) { var iframe = iframes[t]; var iframeDocument = iframe.contentDocument || iframe.contentWindow.document; rootElements.push(iframeDocument); } } } var previousSelectors = []; for (var s = 0; s < rootElements.length; s++) { previousSelectors = []; var rootElement = rootElements[s]; if (s > 0) { // Strange way to know that we are in an iframe and we have to inject the style for the crossed out price try { var id = 'bndlr-custom-style'; var existingElement = rootElement.querySelector('#'+id); if (existingElement === null) { var style = rootElement.createElement("style"); style.id = id; // Define your CSS styles style.textContent = ''+ '.bndlr-cross-out {'+ 'text-decoration: line-through;'+ '}'+ ''; // Append the '); var template = '
'+ '
'+ '
' + '
' + '
' + '
' + '
' + '
' + '
' + '{{ runtime.close_text }}' + '
' + '
' + '{{ runtime.to_checkout_text }}' + '
' + '
' + '
' + '
' + '
'; var data = { active_promotion: { id: '', bundle_id: '', preselected_products: '', // Already selected products from the default set of products preselected_products_required: '', // Already selected products from the required set of products cart_items: '', // Will contain cart items with a decreased quantity, so the Bundler can still use them when adding the products to the cart css_vars: '' }, runtime: { overlay_visibility_class: 'bundles-bundler-hop-hidden', buttons_visibility_class: 'bundles-bundler-hop-hidden', addtc_button_hide_class: '', buttons_checkout_loading_class: '', buttons_animation_class: '', close_text: 'Close', to_checkout_text: 'To checkout', promotion_id: '' } }; /* --------------------- TRANSLATOR --------------------- */ var Translator = (function() { function stripQuotes(string) { return string.replace("'", '').replace("'", ''); } return { stripQuotes: stripQuotes } })(); /* --------------------- MODEL --------------------- */ var Model = (function() { function setValue(path, value) { if (path.indexOf('.') !== -1) { path = path.split('.'); var tmpCopy = data; for (var i = 0; i < path.length; i++) { tmpCopy = setValueByPath(path[i], tmpCopy, value, (i === (path.length - 1))); } } else { data[path] = value; } return true; } function setValueByPath(key, object, value, isLast) { if (typeof object[key] === 'undefined') { object[key] = {}; } // property exists in this object if (isLast) { object[key] = value; return object[key]; } else { return object[key]; } return object; } function getValue(path) { if (typeof path !== 'undefined') { if (path.indexOf('.') !== -1) { path = path.split('.'); var tmpCopy = data; for (var i = 0; i < path.length; i++) { tmpCopy = tmpCopy[path[i]]; if (i === (path.length - 1)) { return tmpCopy; } } } else { return data[path]; } } else { return data; } } return { set: setValue, get: getValue } })(); /* --------------------- MEDIATOR --------------------- */ var Mediator = (function() { var actions = []; function addAction(key, action) { // Level will group actions by importance (number of dots in it) var level = key.split('.').length - 1; if (typeof actions[level] === 'undefined') { actions[level] = {}; } tmpActions = action; if (typeof actions[level][key] === 'function') { // Existing actions is a function tmpActions = [actions[level][key]]; tmpActions.push(action); } else if (typeof actions[level][key] !== 'undefined' && actions[level][key].length > 0) { // Existing actions are in an array tmpActions = actions[level][key] tmpActions.push(action); } actions[level][key] = tmpActions; } function runActions(key) { // dot level loop for (var i = 0; i < actions.length; i++) { // key loop for (var property in actions[i]) { if (actions[i].hasOwnProperty(property)) { if (key === property || property.indexOf(key) === 0 || key.indexOf(property) === 0) { // Execute action! if (typeof actions[i][property] === 'function') { // We only have one action actions[i][property](); } else if(typeof actions[i][property] !== 'undefined' && actions[i][property].length > 0) { // Loop through actions for(var z=0; z 0) { for(var i = 0; i 0) { // Locale is set in the current URL, add it to the root URL url += locale+'/'; } return url; } }, isShopPage: function() { if (typeof Shopify !== 'undefined' && Shopify.shop === 'tiendasishop-co.myshopify.com') { return true; } return false; }, getLocale: function() { if (typeof Shopify !== 'undefined' && typeof Shopify.locale === 'string') { return Shopify.locale } return ''; }, getUrlLocale: function() { var baseUrl = this.getRootUrl(); var locale = this.getLocale(); if (locale !== '') { // Check if the baseurl + locale is present in the url if (window.location.href.indexOf(baseUrl+locale+'/') === 0) { return locale; } } return ''; }, isCartPage: function() { if (/\/cart\/?/.test(window.location.href)) { return true; } return false; } }; var local = { //maxAge: 60*1000*60*10, // Timer for how long will the closed hop remain closed maxAge: 60*1000*60*1, // Timer for how long will the closed hop remain closed. Reduced to 1h on 2021-01-18. key : 'bndlr_hop', save: function(key, value) { try { var ld = {}; try { var localData = localStorage.getItem(this.getKey()); localData = JSON.parse(localData); } catch(e) { //console.log('no data yet'); } if (typeof localData === 'object' && localData !== null) { ld = localData; } ld[key] = { value: value, time: (new Date().getTime()) } ld = JSON.stringify(ld); localStorage.setItem(this.getKey(), ld); } catch(e) { console.log('Error when saving data', e); } }, get: function(key) { try { var ld = localStorage.getItem(this.getKey()); ld = JSON.parse(ld); if (typeof ld[key] === 'undefined' || ld[key].time === 'undefined') { return null; } if (ld[key].time < (new Date().getTime() - this.maxAge)) { // data is too old return null; } return ld[key].value; } catch(e) { return null; } return null; }, getAll: function() { var results = {}; try { var ld = localStorage.getItem(this.getKey()); ld = JSON.parse(ld); for (var key in ld) { if (ld[key].time >= (new Date().getTime() - this.maxAge)) { // Value is still relevant results[key] = ld[key].value; } } } catch(e) { console.log(e); } return results; }, getKey: function() { return this.key; } }; return { cart : cart, nav : nav, local : local } })(); /* --------------------- CONTROLLER --------------------- */ var Controller = (function() { function init() { // Hook to show and hide events so we can trigger client customizations Mediator.addAction('runtime.overlay_visibility_class', function() { var visiblityClass = Model.get('runtime.overlay_visibility_class'); if (visiblityClass === 'bundles-bundler-hop-visible') { afterShow(); } else { afterClose(); } }); Mediator.addAction('active_promotion', function() { // Remove content from .bundles-bundler-hop-content .bundler-target-element[data-bundle] element. $('.bundles-bundler-hop-content .bundler-target-element[data-bundle]').html(''); }); showPromotion(true); if (canShowAnyPromotion(false)) { // Add cart hooks only if we can actually show any promotion after the add to cart action // Hook to add to cart events hookToAddToCartEvent(); } setGlobalListeners(); } function hookToAddToCartEvent() { (function(open) { XMLHttpRequest.prototype.open = function() { var rurl = ''; if (typeof arguments[1] === 'string' && arguments[1].length > 0) { rurl = arguments[1]; this.addEventListener('load', function() { try { if (typeof rurl === 'string' && rurl.length > 0) { handleAddToCart(rurl, this.response); } } catch (t) { console && console.warn && console.warn('[Bundler event listener] Error in handleXhrDone: ' + t.message) } }) } return open.apply(this, arguments); } function handleAddToCart(url, product) { try { if (product.length > 0) { var product = JSON.parse(product); if (typeof product.variant_id === 'number') { var types = [ '/cart/add.js', '/cart/add.json', '/cart/add' ]; for(var i = 0; i 0) { var rurl = arguments[0]; promise.then(function(data) { try { if (typeof rurl === 'string' && rurl.length > 0) { handleAddToCart(rurl, data); } } catch (t) { console && console.warn && console.warn('[Bundler event listener] Error in fetch: ' + t.message) } }); } } catch(e) { console.error(e); } // Return the promise return promise; } } catch(e) { console.log(e); } } function handleAddToCart(url, data) { var types = [ '/cart/add.js', '/cart/add.json', '/cart/add' ]; for(var i = 0; i 0 && $activeEl.filter('#CartDrawer').find('.drawer__close-button').length > 0) { $activeEl.filter('#CartDrawer').find('.drawer__close-button').click(); } else if ($('#sidebar-cart[aria-hidden="false"]').length > 0 && $('#sidebar-cart[aria-hidden="false"]').find('button.Drawer__Close').length > 0) { $('#sidebar-cart[aria-hidden="false"]').find('button.Drawer__Close').click(); } } if (typeof clientSpecifics['after_promotion_show'] !== 'undefined') { clientSpecifics['after_promotion_show'].trigger(); } } function afterClose() { if (typeof clientSpecifics['after_promotion_close'] !== 'undefined') { clientSpecifics['after_promotion_close'].trigger(); } } var debouncers = []; function debounce(key, callback, delay) { if (typeof debouncers[key] !== 'undefined') { clearTimeout(debouncers[key]); } debouncers[key] = setTimeout(callback, delay); } // Object for accessing products from local storage var viewListenersAreSet = false; function setViewListeners() { if (viewListenersAreSet === false) { var clickWasInHopContentDiv = false; // Click on pop content $(document).on('click', '.bundles-bundler-hop-content', function(e) { clickWasInHopContentDiv = true; //e.stopPropagation(); //e.stopImmediatePropagation(); }); // Click anywhere outside of the popup $(document).on('click', '.bundles-bundler-hop-full-page-overlay', function(e) { if (clickWasInHopContentDiv === false) { Mediator.updateModel('runtime.overlay_visibility_class', 'bundles-bundler-hop-hidden'); } else { // Reset the variable, so it is ready for the next click clickWasInHopContentDiv = false; } //e.stopPropagation(); //e.stopImmediatePropagation(); }); // Click on X button (top right corner) $(document).on('click', '.bundles-bundler-hop-x-button', function(e) { //e.stopPropagation(); //e.stopImmediatePropagation(); Mediator.updateModel('runtime.overlay_visibility_class', 'bundles-bundler-hop-hidden'); if (typeof $(this).attr('data-hop-id') !== 'undefined' && $(this).attr('data-hop-id') !== '') { // Promotion was closed through the X button. Mark it as closed. Utility.local.save($(this).attr('data-hop-id'), 'closed'); } }); try { // Click on X button (top right corner) $('.bundles-bundler-hop-x-button').on('click', function() { Mediator.updateModel('runtime.overlay_visibility_class', 'bundles-bundler-hop-hidden'); if (typeof $(this).attr('data-hop-id') !== 'undefined' && $(this).attr('data-hop-id') !== '') { // Promotion was closed through the X button. Mark it as closed. Utility.local.save($(this).attr('data-hop-id'), 'closed'); } }); } catch(e) { } // Accessibility $(document).on('keydown', '.bundles-bundler-hop-x-button', function(e) { if (e.which == 13 || e.which == 32) { // 13 = Enter, 32 = Space Mediator.updateModel('runtime.overlay_visibility_class', 'bundles-bundler-hop-hidden'); if (typeof $(this).attr('data-hop-id') !== 'undefined' && $(this).attr('data-hop-id') !== '') { // Promotion was closed through the X button. Mark it as closed. Utility.local.save($(this).attr('data-hop-id'), 'closed'); } } }); // Click on Close button $(document).on('click', '.bundles-bundler-hop-close-offer', function() { Mediator.updateModel('runtime.overlay_visibility_class', 'bundles-bundler-hop-hidden'); }); try { // Click on Close button $('.bundles-bundler-hop-close-offer').on('click', function() { Mediator.updateModel('runtime.overlay_visibility_class', 'bundles-bundler-hop-hidden'); }); } catch(e) { } // Accessibility $(document).on('keydown', '.bundles-bundler-hop-close-offer', function(e) { if (e.which == 13 || e.which == 32) { // 13 = Enter, 32 = Space Mediator.updateModel('runtime.overlay_visibility_class', 'bundles-bundler-hop-hidden'); } }); // Click on to checkout button $(document).on('click', '.bundles-bundler-hop-button-to-checkout', function() { Mediator.updateModel('runtime.buttons_checkout_loading_class', 'bundles-bundler-hop-checkout-loading'); bndlr.checkout(); }); try { // Click on to checkout button $('.bundles-bundler-hop-button-to-checkout').on('click', function() { Mediator.updateModel('runtime.buttons_checkout_loading_class', 'bundles-bundler-hop-checkout-loading'); bndlr.checkout(); }); } catch(e) { } // Accessibility $(document).on('keydown', '.bundles-bundler-hop-button-to-checkout', function(e) { if (e.which == 13 || e.which == 32) { // 13 = Enter, 32 = Space Mediator.updateModel('runtime.buttons_checkout_loading_class', 'bundles-bundler-hop-checkout-loading'); bndlr.checkout(); } }); // After the bundle gets added to the cart $(document).on('bndlr:bundle_added_to_cart', function() { // Get cart URL and redirect the customer to the cart page var cartUrl = Utility.nav.getRootUrl(true)+'cart'; window.location.href = cartUrl; }); var autoSelectVariantsTimeout = 0; $(document).on('bundler_bundle_widget_created', function() { clearTimeout(autoSelectVariantsTimeout); autoSelectVariantsTimeout = setTimeout(selectProductVariantsInWidgets, 50); }); viewListenersAreSet = true; } } var globalListenersAreSet = false; function setGlobalListeners() { if (globalListenersAreSet === false) { // Event which can be used to trigger the script to display the popup document.addEventListener('bndlr:show_hops', function(e) { if (typeof e.detail !== 'undefined' && typeof e.detail.variant_id === 'number') { debounce('show_promotion', function() { showPromotion(false, e.detail.variant_id); }, 1000); } }); globalListenersAreSet = true; } } function selectProductVariantsInWidgets() { // Get preselected products and select the correct variants $('.bundles-bundler-hop-bundle-container [data-bdnlr-preselected-products]').each(function(i, el) { // Get the preselected products var preselectedProducts = []; try { if ($(el).attr('data-bdnlr-preselected-products').length > 0) { preselectedProducts = JSON.parse($(el).attr('data-bdnlr-preselected-products')); } } catch(e) { console.error(e); } for(var i = 0; i 0) { var option0 = variant.attr('data-option0'); var option1 = variant.attr('data-option1'); var option2 = variant.attr('data-option2'); if (typeof option0 !== 'undefined') { var optionSelector = '.bndlr-product[data-required="false"][data-product-id="'+productId+'"] .bndlr-select-variant.bndlr-select-option[name="option0"] option[value="'+option0+'"]'; var $option = $(el).find(optionSelector); if ($option.length > 0) { $option.parent('select').val($option.val()).change(); } } if (typeof option1 !== 'undefined') { var optionSelector = '.bndlr-product[data-required="false"][data-product-id="'+productId+'"] .bndlr-select-variant.bndlr-select-option[name="option1"] option[value="'+option1+'"]'; var $option = $(el).find(optionSelector); if ($option.length > 0) { $option.parent('select').val($option.val()).change(); } } if (typeof option2 !== 'undefined') { var optionSelector = '.bndlr-product[data-required="false"][data-product-id="'+productId+'"] .bndlr-select-variant.bndlr-select-option[name="option2"] option[value="'+option2+'"]'; var $option = $(el).find(optionSelector); if ($option.length > 0) { $option.parent('select').val($option.val()).change(); } } } } }); // Get preselected REQUIRED products and select the correct variants $('.bundles-bundler-hop-bundle-container [data-bdnlr-preselected-products-required]').each(function(i, el) { // Get preselected required products var preselectedProductsRequired = []; try { if ($(el).attr('data-bdnlr-preselected-products-required').length > 0) { preselectedProductsRequired = JSON.parse($(el).attr('data-bdnlr-preselected-products-required')); } } catch(e) { console.error(e); } for(var i = 0; i 0) { var option0 = variant.attr('data-option0'); var option1 = variant.attr('data-option1'); var option2 = variant.attr('data-option2'); if (typeof option0 !== 'undefined') { var optionSelector = '.bndlr-product[data-required="true"][data-product-id="'+productId+'"] .bndlr-select-variant.bndlr-select-option[name="option0"] option[value="'+option0+'"]'; var $option = $(el).find(optionSelector); if ($option.length > 0) { $option.parent('select').val($option.val()).change(); } } if (typeof option1 !== 'undefined') { var optionSelector = '.bndlr-product[data-required="true"][data-product-id="'+productId+'"] .bndlr-select-variant.bndlr-select-option[name="option1"] option[value="'+option1+'"]'; var $option = $(el).find(optionSelector); if ($option.length > 0) { $option.parent('select').val($option.val()).change(); } } if (typeof option2 !== 'undefined') { var optionSelector = '.bndlr-product[data-required="true"][data-product-id="'+productId+'"] .bndlr-select-variant.bndlr-select-option[name="option2"] option[value="'+option2+'"]'; var $option = $(el).find(optionSelector); if ($option.length > 0) { $option.parent('select').val($option.val()).change(); } } } } }); $('.bundles-bundler-hop-bundle-container [data-cart-items]').each(function(i, el) { // Get the preselected products var cartItems = []; try { if ($(el).attr('data-cart-items').length > 0) { cartItems = JSON.parse($(el).attr('data-cart-items')); } } catch(e) { console.error(e); } for(var i = 0; i 0) { var option0 = variant.attr('data-option0'); var option1 = variant.attr('data-option1'); var option2 = variant.attr('data-option2'); if (typeof option0 !== 'undefined') { var optionSelector = '.bndlr-product[data-required="false"][data-product-id="'+productId+'"] .bndlr-select-variant.bndlr-select-option[name="option0"] option[value="'+option0+'"]'; var $option = $(el).find(optionSelector); if ($option.length > 0) { $option.parent('select').val($option.val()).change(); } } if (typeof option1 !== 'undefined') { var optionSelector = '.bndlr-product[data-required="false"][data-product-id="'+productId+'"] .bndlr-select-variant.bndlr-select-option[name="option1"] option[value="'+option1+'"]'; var $option = $(el).find(optionSelector); if ($option.length > 0) { $option.parent('select').val($option.val()).change(); } } if (typeof option2 !== 'undefined') { var optionSelector = '.bndlr-product[data-required="false"][data-product-id="'+productId+'"] .bndlr-select-variant.bndlr-select-option[name="option2"] option[value="'+option2+'"]'; var $option = $(el).find(optionSelector); if ($option.length > 0) { $option.parent('select').val($option.val()).change(); } } } } }); } function getRelatedPromotion(cartItems, isOnInit, forVariantId) { if (typeof _internalFunctionCollection.removeBundledItemsFromCart !== 'undefined') { // Call the method which will reduce the quantity of items which are already in full bundles. // The quantity will be reduced by reference. _internalFunctionCollection.removeBundledItemsFromCart(cartItems); } // This is smart enough to display the offer only if a few products are missing from the bundle for(var i=0; i 0 && missing.length > 0) || missingAndContainerProducts.mix_n_match_is_incomplete) { if (one_product_is_at_least_partially_in_cart && missing.length > 0) { var promotion = JSON.parse(JSON.stringify(promotions[i])); promotion['preselected_products'] = JSON.stringify(missingAndContainerProducts.contained_variants); promotion['preselected_products_required'] = JSON.stringify(missingAndContainerProducts.contained_variants_required); var cart_items = []; for(var iitem=0; iitem 0) { // Shouldn't we add a cartItems[i].quantity > 0 check and set the oneProductIsAtLeastPartiallyInCart = true here? // The problem can be with any additional line item properties, which can differ if the product is added to the cart multiple times, and each item has different properties. oneProductIsAtLeastPartiallyInCart = true; if (cartItems[i].quantity >= product.variants[varKey].quantity) { //oneProductIsAtLeastPartiallyInCart = true; var quantity = 1; // Decrease the quantity for this cart item if (cartItems[i].quantity >= product.variants[varKey].quantity) { quantity = product.variants[varKey].quantity; } else { quantity = cartItems[i].quantity; } containedVariants.push({ product_id : product.id, variant_id : cartItems[i].variant_id, quantity : quantity, cart_key : cartItems[i].key, cart_line : i }); isContained = true; // Decrease the quantity for this cart item cartItems[i].quantity = cartItems[i].quantity - quantity; break variants_loop_classic; } } } } } if (isContained === false) { missingProducts.push({ product_id: product.id }); } } } } else if (bundle.minimum_requirements === 'specific_products') { // Required non-discounted products // For bundle products for (var productId in bundle.products) { if (bundle.products.hasOwnProperty(productId)) { var product = bundle.products[productId]; var isContained = false; // For bundle product variants variants_loop_specific: for (var varKey in product.variants) { if (product.variants.hasOwnProperty(varKey)) { // For cart items for (var i = 0; i < cartItems.length; i++) { if (product.variants[varKey].id == cartItems[i].variant_id && cartItems[i].quantity > 0) { oneProductIsAtLeastPartiallyInCart = true; if (cartItems[i].quantity >= product.variants[varKey].quantity) { var quantity = 1; // Decrease the quantity for this cart item if (cartItems[i].quantity >= product.variants[varKey].quantity) { quantity = product.variants[varKey].quantity; } else { quantity = cartItems[i].quantity; } containedVariants.push({ product_id: product.id, variant_id: cartItems[i].variant_id, quantity: quantity }); if (product.variants[varKey].quantity === quantity) { // Only if the full quantity matches, the product is in the bundle isContained = true; } // Decrease the quantity for this cart item cartItems[i].quantity = cartItems[i].quantity - quantity; break variants_loop_specific; } } } } } if (isContained === false) { missingProducts.push({ product_id: product.id }); } } } // For required products for (var productId in bundle.required_products) { if (bundle.required_products.hasOwnProperty(productId)) { var product = bundle.required_products[productId]; var isContained = false; // For bundle required product variants variants_loop_specific_required: for (var varKey in product.variants) { if (product.variants.hasOwnProperty(varKey)) { // For cart items for (var i = 0; i < cartItems.length; i++) { if (product.variants[varKey].id == cartItems[i].variant_id && cartItems[i].quantity > 0) { oneProductIsAtLeastPartiallyInCart = true; if (cartItems[i].quantity >= product.variants[varKey].quantity) { var quantity = 1; // Decrease the quantity for this cart item if (cartItems[i].quantity >= product.variants[varKey].quantity) { quantity = product.variants[varKey].quantity; } else { quantity = cartItems[i].quantity; } containedRequiredVariants.push({ product_id: product.id, variant_id: cartItems[i].variant_id, quantity: quantity }); if (product.variants[varKey].quantity === quantity) { // Only if the full quantity matches, the product is in the bundle isContained = true; } // Decrease the quantity for this cart item cartItems[i].quantity = cartItems[i].quantity - quantity; break variants_loop_specific_required; } } } } } if (isContained === false) { missingRequiredProducts.push({ product_id: product.id }); } } } } return { one_product_is_at_least_partially_in_cart : oneProductIsAtLeastPartiallyInCart, missing_products : missingProducts, contained_variants : containedVariants, contained_variants_required : containedRequiredVariants, missing_products_required : missingRequiredProducts, mix_n_match_is_incomplete : mixnmatchIsIncomplete, cart_items : cartItems }; } function checkFontSize() { try { var el = document.querySelector('.bundles-bundler-hop-full-page-overlay'); var style = window.getComputedStyle(el, null).getPropertyValue('font-size'); var fontSize = parseFloat(style); if (fontSize < 14) { $('.bundles-bundler-hop-full-page-overlay').css({'font-size': '14px'}); } } catch(e) {} } return { init: init } })(); if (typeof clientSpecifics === 'undefined') { // This will contain a list of all client specific functions var clientSpecifics = {}; } // completelyDisableBundlerApp allows merchants to disable the app based on a custom logic (e.g. wholesale customers, etc.) if (typeof window.completelyDisableBundlerApp === 'undefined' || window.completelyDisableBundlerApp === false) { Controller.init(); } else { console.log('Bundler funnels were disabled via JavaScript variable completelyDisableBundlerApp'); } } var forcejQuery = false; forcejQuery = true; // Force out jQuery as it turns out that some newer jqueries don't work var versionMatches = true; if (typeof jQuery === 'undefined' || typeof jQuery.fn === 'undefined' || (parseFloat(jQuery.fn.jquery) < 3) || parseFloat(jQuery.fn.jquery) === 3.3 || (parseFloat(jQuery.fn.jquery) >= 3.4)) { versionMatches = false; } if (forcejQuery || (typeof jQuery === 'undefined') || (typeof jQuery.fn === 'undefined') || versionMatches === false || typeof jQuery.ajax === 'undefined') { var jqueryUrl = '//ajax.googleapis.com/ajax/libs/jquery/3.4.1/jquery.min.js'; loadScript(jqueryUrl, function(){ jQuery341 = jQuery.noConflict(true); bundler(jQuery341); if (typeof BundlerPromotions === 'function') { BundlerPromotions(jQuery341); } }); } else { bundler(jQuery); if (typeof BundlerPromotions === 'function') { BundlerPromotions(jQuery); } } // Mark bundler as loaded window.bundlerLoaded2 = true; } catch(e) { console.log(e.message); } })(); }